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the poet at the breakfast table-第80章

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the professions; during a long and distinguished public career。  I
paused for his answer with no little curiosity。  Would it be one of
the great Ex…Presidents whose names were known to; all the world?
Would it be the silver…tongued orator of Kentucky or the 〃God…like〃
champion of the Constitution; our New…England Jupiter Capitolinus?
Who would it be?

〃Take it altogether;〃 he answered; very deliberately; 〃I should say
Colonel Elisha Williams was the most notable personage that I have
met with。〃

Colonel Elisha Williams!  And who might he be; forsooth?  A
gentleman of singular distinction; you may be well assured; even
though you are not familiar with his name; but as I am not writing a
biographical dictionary; I shall leave it to my reader to find out
who and what he was。

One would like to live long enough to witness certain things which
will no doubt come to pass by and by。  I remember that when one of
our good kindhearted old millionnaires was growing very infirm; his
limbs failing him; and his trunk getting packed with the infirmities
which mean that one is bound on a long journey; he said very simply
and sweetly; 〃I don't care about living a great deal longer; but I
should like to live long enough to find out how much old (a many…
millioned fellow…citizen) is worth。〃  And without committing myself
on the longevity…question; I confess I should like to live long
enough to see a few things happen that are like to come; sooner or

I want to hold the skull of Abraham in my hand。  They will go through
the cave of Machpelah at Hebron; I feel sure; in the course of a few
generations at the furthest; and as Dr。 Robinson knows of nothing
which should lead us to question the correctness of the tradition
which regards this as the place of sepulture of Abraham and the other
patriarchs; there is no reason why we may not find his mummied body
in perfect preservation; if he was embalmed after the Egyptian
fashion。  I suppose the tomb of David will be explored by a
commission in due time; and I should like to see the phrenological
developments of that great king and divine singer and warm…blooded
man。  If; as seems probable; the anthropological section of society
manages to get round the curse that protects the bones of
Shakespeare; I should like to see the dome which rounded itself over
his imperial brain。  Not that I am what is called a phrenologist; but
I am curious as to the physical developments of these fellow…mortals
of mine; and a little in want of a sensation。

I should like to live long enough to see the course of the Tiber
turned; and the bottom of the river thoroughly dredged。  I wonder if
they would find the seven…branched golden candlestick brought from
Jerusalem by Titus; and said to have been dropped from the Milvian
bridge。  I have often thought of going fishing for it some year when
I wanted a vacation; as some of my friends used to go to Ireland to
fish for salmon。  There was an attempt of that kind; I think; a few
years ago。

We all know how it looks well enough; from the figure of it on the
Arch of Titus; but I should like to 〃heft 〃 it in my own hand; and
carry it home and shine it up (excuse my colloquialisms); and sit
down and look at it; and think and think and think until the Temple
of Solomon built up its walls of hewn stone and its roofs of cedar
around me as noiselessly as when it rose; and 〃there was neither
hammer nor axe nor any tool of iron heard in the house while it was
in building。〃

All this; you will remember; Beloved; is a digression on my own
account; and I return to the old Master whom I left smiling at his
own alteration of Shenstone's celebrated inscription。  He now begin
reading again:

I want it to be understood that I consider that a certain number of
persons are at liberty to dislike me peremptorily; without showing
cause; and that they give no offence whatever in so doing。

If I did not cheerfully acquiesce in this sentiment towards myself on
the part of others; I should not feel at liberty to indulge my own
aversions。  I try to cultivate a Christian feeling to all my fellow…
creatures; but inasmuch as I must also respect truth and honesty; I
confess to myself a certain number of inalienable dislikes and
prejudices; some of which may possibly be shared by others。  Some of
these are purely instinctive; for others I can assign a reason。  Our
likes and dislikes play so important a part in the Order of Things
that it is well to see on what they are founded。

There are persons I meet occasionally who are too intelligent by half
for my liking。  They know my thoughts beforehand; and tell me what I
was going to say。  Of course they are masters of all my knowledge;
and a good deal besides; have read all the books I have read; and in
later editions; have had all the experiences I have been through; and
more…too。  In my private opinion every mother's son of them will lie
at any time rather than confess ignorance。

I have a kind of dread; rather than hatred; of persons with a large
excess of vitality; great feeders; great laughers; great story…
tellers; who come sweeping over their company with a huge tidal wave
of animal spirits and boisterous merriment。  I have pretty good
spirits myself; and enjoy a little mild pleasantry; but I am
oppressed and extinguished by these great lusty; noisy creatures;
and feel as if I were a mute at a funeral when they get into full

I cannot get along much better with those drooping; languid people;
whose vitality falls short as much as that of the others is in
excess。  I have not life enough for two; I wish I had。  It is not
very enlivening to meet a fellow…creature whose expression and
accents say; 〃You are the hair that breaks the camel's back of my
endurance; you are the last drop that makes my cup of woe run over〃;
persons whose heads drop on one side like those of toothless infants;
whose voices recall the tones in which our old snuffling choir used
to wail out the verses of:

     〃Life is the time to serve the Lord。〃

There is another style which does not captivate me。  I recognize an
attempt at the grand manner now and then; in persons who are well
enough in their way; but of no particular importance; socially or
otherwise。  Some family tradition of wealth or distinction is apt to
be at the bottom of it; and it survives all the advantages that used
to set it off。  I like family pride as well as my neighbors; and
respect the high…born fellow…citizen whose progenitors have not
worked in their shirt…sleeves for the last two generations full as
much as I ought to。  But grand pere oblige; a person with a known
grandfather is too distinguished to find it necessary to put on airs。
The few Royal Princes I have happened to know were very easy people
to get along with; and had not half the social knee…action I have
often seen in the collapsed dowagers who lifted their eyebrows at me
in my earlier years。

My heart does not warm as it should do towards the persons; not
intimates; who are always too glad to see me when we meet by
accident; and discover all at once that they have a vast deal to
unbosom themselves of to me。

There is one
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