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the poet at the breakfast table-第69章

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I respected the feeling which caused the interval of silence; and
found my own eyes moistened as I remembered how long it was since
that friend of ours was sitting in the chair where I now sit; and
what a tidal wave of change has swept over the world and more
especially over this great land of ours; since he opened his lips and
found so many kind listeners。

The Young Astronomer has read us another extract from his manuscript。
I ran my eye over it; and so far as I have noticed it is correct
enough in its versification。  I suppose we are getting gradually over
our hemispherical provincialism; which allowed a set of monks to pull
their hoods over our eyes and tell us there was no meaning in any
religious symbolism but our own。  If I am mistaken about this advance
I am very glad to print the young man's somewhat outspoken lines to
help us in that direction。



The time is racked with birth…pangs; every hour
Brings forth some gasping truth; and truth new…born
Looks a misshapen and untimely growth;
The terror of the household and its shame;
A monster coiling in its nurse's lap
That some would strangle; some would only starve;
But still it breathes; and passed from hand to hand;
And suckled at a hundred half…clad breasts;
Comes slowly to its stature and its form;
Calms the rough ridges of its dragon…scales;
Changes to shining locks its snaky hair;
And moves transfigured into angel guise;
Welcomed by all that cursed its hour of birth;
And folded in the same encircling arms
That cast it like a serpent from their hold!

If thou wouldst live in honor; die in peace;
Have the fine words the marble…workers learn
To carve so well; upon thy funeral…stone;
And earn a fair obituary; dressed
In all the many…colored robes of praise;
Be deafer than the adder to the cry
Of that same foundling truth; until it grows
To seemly favor; and at length has won
The smiles of hard…mouthed men and light…upped dames;
Then snatch it from its meagre nurse's breast;
Fold it in silk and give it food from gold;
So shalt thou share its glory when at last
It drops its mortal vesture; and revealed
In all the splendor of its heavenly form;
Spreads on the startled air its mighty wings!

Alas!  how much that seemed immortal truth
That heroes fought for; martyrs died to save;
Reveals its earth…born lineage; growing old
And limping in its march; its wings unplumed;
Its heavenly semblance faded like a dream!

Here in this painted casket; just unsealed;
Lies what was once a breathing shape like thine;
Once loved as thou art loved; there beamed the eyes
That looked on Memphis in its hour of pride;
That saw the walls of hundred…gated Thebes;
And all the mirrored glories of the Nile。
See how they toiled that all…consuming time
Might leave the frame immortal in its tomb;
Filled it with fragrant balms and odorous gums
That still diffuse their sweetness through the air;
And wound and wound with patient fold on fold
The flaxen bands thy hand has rudely torn!
Perchance thou yet canst see the faded stain
Of the sad mourner's tear。

                         But what is this?
The sacred beetle; bound upon the breast
Of the blind heathen!  Snatch the curious prize;
Give it a place among thy treasured spoils
Fossil and relic;corals; encrinites;
The fly in amber and the fish in stone;
The twisted circlet of Etruscan gold;
Medal; intaglio; poniard; poison…ring;
Place for the Memphian beetle with thine hoard!

Ah!  longer than thy creed has blest the world
This toy; thus ravished from thy brother's breast;
Was to the heart of Mizraim as divine;
As holy; as the symbol that we lay
On the still bosom of our white…robed dead;
And raise above their dust that all may know
Here sleeps an heir of glory。  Loving friends;
With tears of trembling faith and choking sobs;
And prayers to those who judge of mortal deeds;
Wrapped this poor image in the cerement's fold
That Isis and Osiris; friends of man;
Might know their own and claim the ransomed soul》

An idol?  Man was born to worship such!
An idol is an image of his thought;
Sometimes he carves it out of gleaming stone;
And sometimes moulds it out of glittering gold;
Or rounds it in a mighty frescoed dome;
Or lifts it heavenward in a lofty spire;
Or shapes it in a cunning frame of words;
Or pays his priest to make it day by day;
For sense must have its god as well as soul;
A new…born Dian calls for silver shrines;
And Egypt's holiest symbol is our own;
The sign we worship as did they of old
When Isis and Osiris ruled the world。

Let us be true to our most subtle selves;
We long to have our idols like the rest。
Think!  when the men of Israel had their God
Encamped among them; talking with their chief;
Leading them in the pillar of the cloud
And watching o'er them in the shaft of fire;
They still must have an image; still they longed
For somewhat of substantial; solid form
Whereon to hang their garlands; and to fix
Their wandering thoughts; and gain a stronger hold
For their uncertain faith; not yet assured
If those same meteors of the day and night
Were not mere exhalations of the soil。

Are we less earthly than the chosen race?
Are we more neighbors of the living God
Than they who gathered manna every morn;
Reaping where none had sown; and heard the voice
Of him who met the Highest in the mount;
And brought them tables; graven with His hand?
Yet these must have their idol; brought their gold;
That star…browed Apis might be god again;
Yea; from their ears the women brake the rings
That lent such splendors to the gypsy brown
Of sunburnt cheeks;what more could woman do
To show her pious zeal ?  They went astray;
But nature led them as it leads us all。

We too; who mock at Israel's golden calf
And scoff at Egypt's sacred scarabee;
Would have our amulets to clasp and kiss;
And flood with rapturous tears; and bear with us
To be our dear companions in the dust;
Such magic works an image in our souls!

Man is an embryo; see at twenty years
His bones; the columns that uphold his frame
Not yet cemented; shaft and capital;
Mere fragments of the temple incomplete。
At twoscore; threescore; is he then full grown?
Nay; still a child; and as the little maids
Dress and undress their puppets; so he tries
To dress a lifeless creed; as if it lived;
And change its raiment when the world cries shame!
We smile to see our little ones at play
So grave; so thoughtful; with maternal care
Nursing the wisps of rags they call their babes;
Does He not smile who sees us with the toys
We call by sacred names; and idly feign
To be what we have called them?
He is still The Father of this helpless nursery…brood;
Whose second childhood joins so close its first;
That in the crowding; hurrying years between
We scarce have trained our senses to their task
Before the gathering mist has dimmed our eyes;
And with our hollowed palm we help our ear;
And trace with trembling hand our wrinkled names;
And then begin to tell our stories o'er;
And seenot hear…the whispering lips that say;
〃You know?  Your father knew him。This is he;
Tottering and leaning on the hireling's
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