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of all the mighty forces of nature; animate and inanimate。 We may
confidently trust that we have over us a Being thoroughly robust and
grandly magnanimous; in distinction from the Infinite Invalid bred in
the studies of sickly monomaniacs; who corresponds to a very common
human type; but makes us blush for him when we contrast him with a
truly noble man; such as most of us have had the privilege of knowing
both in public and in private life。
I was not a little pleased to find that the Lady; in spite of her
letter; sat through the young man's reading of portions of his poem
with a good deal of complacency。 I think I can guess what is in her
mind。 She believes; as so many women do; in that great remedy for
discontent; and doubts about humanity; and questionings of
Providence; and all sorts of youthful vagaries;I mean the love…
cure。 And she thinks; not without some reason; that these
astronomical lessons; and these readings of poetry and daily
proximity at the table; and the need of two young hearts that have
been long feeling lonely; and youth and nature and 〃all impulses of
soul and sense;〃 as Coleridge has it; will bring these two young
people into closer relations than they perhaps have yet thought of;
and so that sweet lesson of loving the neighbor whom he has seen may
lead him into deeper and more trusting communion with the Friend and
Father whom he has not seen。
The Young Girl evidently did not intend that her accomplice should be
a loser by the summary act of the Member of the Haouse: I took
occasion to ask That Boy what had become of all the popguns。 He gave
me to understand that popguns were played out; but that he had got a
squirt and a whip; and considered himself better off than before。
This great world is full of mysteries。 I can comprehend the pleasure
to be got out of the hydraulic engine; but what can be the
fascination of a whip; when one has nothing to flagellate but the
calves of his own legs; I could never understand。 Yet a small
riding…whip is the most popular article with the miscellaneous New…
Englander at all great gatherings;cattle…shows and Fourth…of…July
celebrations。 If Democritus and Heraclitus could walk arm in arm
through one of these crowds; the first would be in a broad laugh to
see the multitude of young persons who were rejoicing in the
possession of one of these useless and worthless little commodities;
happy himself to see how easily others could purchase happiness。 But
the second would weep bitter tears to think what a rayless and barren
life that must be which could extract enjoyment from the miserable
flimsy wand that has such magic attraction for sauntering youths and
simpering maidens。 What a dynamometer of happiness are these paltry
toys; and what a rudimentary vertebrate must be the freckled
adolescent whose yearning for the infinite can be stayed even for a
single hour by so trifling a boon from the venal hands of the finite!
Pardon these polysyllabic reflections; Beloved; but I never
contemplate these dear fellow…creatures of ours without a delicious
sense of superiority to them and to all arrested embryos of
intelligence; in which I have no doubt you heartily sympathize with
me。 It is not merely when I look at the vacuous countenances of the
mastigophori; the whip…holders; that I enjoy this luxury (though I
would not miss that holiday spectacle for a pretty sum of money; and
advise you by all means to make sure of it next Fourth of July; if
you missed it this); but I get the same pleasure from many similar
I delight in Regalia; so called; of the kind not worn by kings; nor
obtaining their diamonds from the mines of Golconda。 I have a
passion for those resplendent titles which are not conferred by a
sovereign and would not be the open sesame to the courts of royalty;
yet which are as opulent in impressive adjectives as any Knight of
the Garter's list of dignities。 When I have recognized in the every…
day name of His Very Worthy High Eminence of some cabalistic
association; the inconspicuous individual whose trifling indebtedness
to me for value received remains in a quiescent state and is likely
long to continue so; I confess to having experienced a thrill of
pleasure。 I have smiled to think how grand his magnificent titular
appendages sounded in his own ears and what a feeble tintinnabulation
they made in mine。 The crimson sash; the broad diagonal belt of the
mounted marshal of a great procession; so cheap in themselves; yet so
entirely satisfactory to the wearer; tickle my heart's root。
Perhaps I should have enjoyed all these weaknesses of my infantile
fellow…creatures without an afterthought; except that on a certain
literary anniversary when I tie the narrow blue and pink ribbons in
my button…hole and show my decorated bosom to the admiring public; I
am conscious of a certain sense of distinction and superiority in
virtue of that trifling addition to my personal adornments which
reminds me that I too have some embryonic fibres in my tolerably
well…matured organism。
I hope I have not hurt your feelings; if you happen to be a High and
Mighty Grand Functionary in any illustrious Fraternity。 When I tell
you that a bit of ribbon in my button…hole sets my vanity prancing; I
think you cannot be grievously offended that I smile at the resonant
titles which make you something more than human in your own eyes。 I
would not for the world be mistaken for one of those literary roughs
whose brass knuckles leave their mark on the foreheads of so many
inoffensive people。
There is a human sub…species characterized by the coarseness of its
fibre and the acrid nature of its intellectual secretions。 It is to
a certain extent penetrative; as all creatures are which are provided
with stings。 It has an instinct which guides it to the vulnerable
parts of the victim on which it fastens。 These two qualities give it
a certain degree of power which is not to be despised。 It might
perhaps be less mischievous; but for the fact that the wound where it
leaves its poison opens the fountain from which it draws its
Beings of this kind can be useful if they will only find their
appropriate sphere; which is not literature; but that circle of
rough…and…tumble political life where the fine…fibred men are at a
discount; where epithets find their subjects poison…proof; and the
sting which would be fatal to a literary debutant only wakes the
eloquence of the pachydermatous ward…room politician to a fiercer
shriek of declamation。
The Master got talking the other day about the difference between
races and families。 I am reminded of what he said by what I have
just been saying myself about coarse…fibred and fine…fibred people。
We talk about a Yankee; a New…Englander;…he said;…as if all of
'em were just the same kind of animal。 〃There is knowledge and
knowledge;〃 said John Bunyan。 There are Yankees and Yankees。 Do you
know two native trees called pitch pine and white pine respectively?
Of course you know 'em。 Well; there are pitch…pine Yankees and
white…pine Yankees。 We don't talk about the inherited differences of
men quite as freely; perhap