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in the skies; we would make up a party and go to the Observatory。 I
asked the Scarabee whether he would not like to make one of us。
Out of the question; sir; out of the question。 I am altogether too
much occupied with an important scientific investigation to devote
any considerable part of an evening to star…gazing。
Oh; indeed;said I;and may I venture to ask on what particular
point you are engaged just at present?
…Certainly; sir; you may。 It is; I suppose; as difficult and
important a matter to be investigated as often comes before a student
of natural history。 I wish to settle the point once for all whether
the Pediculus Mellitae is or is not the larva of Meloe。
'Now is n't this the drollest world to live in that one could
imagine; short of being in a fit of delirium tremens? Here is a
fellow…creature of mine and yours who is asked to see all the glories
of the firmament brought close to him; and he is too busy with a
little unmentionable parasite that infests the bristly surface of a
bee to spare an hour or two of a single evening for the splendors of
the universe! I must get a peep through that microscope of his and
see the pediculus which occupies a larger space in his mental vision
than the midnight march of the solar systems。…The creature; the
human one; I mean; interests me。'
I am very curious;I said;about that pediculus melittae;(just
as if I knew a good deal about the little wretch and wanted to know
more; whereas I had never heard him spoken of before; to my
knowledge;)could you let me have a sight of him in your microscope?
You ought to have seen the way in which the poor dried…up little
Scarabee turned towards me。 His eyes took on a really human look;
and I almost thought those antennae…like arms of his would have
stretched themselves out and embraced me。 I don't believe any of the
boarders had ever shown any interest inhim; except the little
monkey of a Boy; since he had been in the house。 It is not strange;
he had not seemed to me much like a human being; until all at once I
touched the one point where his vitality had concentrated itself; and
he stood revealed a man and a brother。
Come in;said he;come in; right after breakfast; and you shall
see the animal that has convulsed the entomological world with
questions as to his nature and origin。
So I went into the Scarabee's parlor; lodging…room; study;
laboratory; and museum;asingle apartment applied to these various
uses; you understand。
I wish I had time to have you show me all your treasures;I said;
but I am afraid I shall hardly be able to do more than look at the
bee…parasite。 But what a superb butterfly you have in that case!
Oh; yes; yes; well enough;came from South America with the beetle
there; look at him! These Lepidoptera are for children to play with;
pretty to look at; so some think。 Give me the Coleoptera; and the
kings of the Coleoptera are the beetles! Lepidoptera and Neuroptera
for little folks; Coleopteras for men; sir!
The particular beetle he showed me in the case with the magnificent
butterfly was an odious black wretch that one would say; Ugh! at; and
kick out of his path; if he did not serve him worse than that。 But
he looked at it as a coin…collector would look at a Pescennius Niger;
if the coins of that Emperor are as scarce as they used to be when I
was collecting half…penny tokens and pine…tree shillings and battered
bits of Roman brass with the head of Gallienus or some such old
fellow on them。
A beauty!he exclaimed;and the only specimen of the kind in this
country; to the best of my belief。 A unique; sir; and there is a
pleasure in exclusive possession。 Not another beetle like that short
of South America; sir。
I was glad to hear that there were no more like it in this
neighborhood; the present supply of cockroaches answering every
purpose; so far as I am concerned; that such an animal as this would
be likely to serve。
Here are my bee…parasites;said the Scarabee; showing me a box
full of glass slides; each with a specimen ready mounted for the
microscope。 I was most struck with one little beast flattened out
like a turtle; semi…transparent; six…legged; as I remember him; and
every leg terminated by a single claw hooked like a lion's and as
formidable for the size of the creature as that of the royal beast。
Lives on a bumblebee; does he?I said。 That's the way I call it。
Bumblebee or bumblybee and huckleberry。 Humblebee and whortleberry
for people that say Woos…ses…ter and Nor…wich。
The Scarabee did not smile; he took no interest in trivial matters
like this。
Lives on a bumblebee。 When you come to think of it; he must lead a
pleasant kind of life。 Sails through the air without the trouble of
flying。 Free pass everywhere that the bee goes。 No fear of being
dislodged; look at those six grappling…hooks。 Helps himself to such
juices of the bee as he likes best; the bee feeds on the choicest
vegetable nectars; and he feeds on the bee。 Lives either in the air
or in the perfumed pavilion of the fairest and sweetest flowers。
Think what tents the hollyhocks and the great lilies spread for him!
And wherever he travels a band of music goes with him; for this hum
which wanders by us is doubtless to him a vast and inspiring strain
of melody。 I thought all this; while the Scarabee supposed I was
studying the minute characters of the enigmatical specimen。
I know what I consider your pediculus melittae; I said at length。
Do you think it really the larva of meloe?
Oh; I don't know much about that; but I think he is the best cared
for; on the whole; of any animal that I know of; and if I wasn't a
man I believe I had rather be that little sybarite than anything that
feasts at the board of nature。
The question is; whether he is the larva of meloe;the Scarabee
said; as if he had not heard a word of what I had just been saying。
If I live a few years longer it shall be settled; sir; and if my
epitaph can say honestly that I settled it; I shall be willing to
trust my posthumous fame to that achievement。
I said good morning to the specialist; and went off feeling not only
kindly; but respectfully towards him。 He is an enthusiast; at any
rate; as 〃earnest〃 a man as any philanthropic reformer who; having
passed his life in worrying people out of their misdoings into good
behavior; comes at last to a state in which he is never contented
except when he is making somebody uncomfortable。 He does certainly
know one thing well; very likely better than anybody in the world。
I find myself somewhat singularly placed at our table between a
minute philosopher who has concentrated all his faculties on a single
subject; and my friend who finds the present universe too restricted
for his intelligence。 I would not give much to hear what the
Scarabee says about the old Master; for he does not pretend to form a
judgment of anything but beetles; but I should like to hear what the
Master has to say about the Scarabee。 I waited after breakfast until
he had gone; and then asked the Master what he could make of our
dried…up friend。
Well;he said;I am hospitable enough in my feelings to him and
all his