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pioneers of the old south-第41章

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led and misled after a fashion peculiar to himself。〃 So with those mass
persons called countries。 Tension would come about; tension would relax;
tension would return and increase between Mother England and Daughter
America。 In all these colonies; in the year with which this narrative
closes; there were living children and young persons who would see the cord
between broken; would hear read the Declaration of Independence。 Sobut
the true bond could never be broken; for mother and daughter after all are


Three acts of Parliamentthe Navigation Act of 1660; the Staple Act of
1663; and the Act of 1673 imposingg Plantation Dutieslaid the foundation
of the old colonial system of Great Britain。 Contrary to the somewhat
passionate contentions of older historians; they were not designed in any
tyrannical spirit; though they embodied a theory of colonization and trade
which has long since been discarded。 In the seventeenth century colonies
were regarded as plantations existing solely for the benefit of the mother
country。 Therefore their trade and industry must be regulated so as to
contribute most to the sea power; the commerce; and the industry of the
home country which gave them protection。 Sir Josiah Child was only
expressing a commonplace observation of the mercantilists when he wrote
〃That all colonies or plantations do endamage their Mother…Kingdoms; whereof
the trades of such Plantations are not confined by severe Laws; and good
execution of those Laws; to the Mother…Kingdom。〃

The Navigation Act of 1660; following the policy laid down in the statute
of 1651 enacted under the Commonwealth; was a direct blow aimed at the
Dutch; who were fast monopolizing the carrying trade。 It forbade any goods
to be imported into or exported from His Majesty's plantations except in
English; Irish; or colonial vessels of which the master and three fourths
of the crew must be English; and it forbade the importation into England of
any goods produced in the plantations unless carried in English bottoms。
Contemporary Englishmen hailed this act as the Magna Charta of the Sea。
There was no attempt to disguise its purpose。 〃The Bent and Design;〃 wrote
Charles Davenant; 〃was to make those colonies as much dependant as possible
upon their Mother…Country;〃 by preventing them from trading independently
and so diverting their wealth。 The effect would be to give English; Irish;
and colonial shipping a monopoly of the carrying trade within the Empire。
The act also aided English merchants by the requirement that goods of
foreign origin should be imported directly from the place of production;
and that certain enumerated commodities of the plantations should be
carried only to English ports。 These enumerated commodities were products
of the southern and semitropical plantations: 〃Sugars; Tobacco;
Cotton…wool; Indicoes; Ginger; Fustick or other dyeing wood。〃

To benefit British merchants still more directly by making England the
staple not only of plantation products but also of all commodities of all
countries; the Act of 1663 was passed by Parliament。 〃No Commoditie of the
Growth Production or Manufacture of Europe shall be imported into any Land
Island Plantation Colony Territory or Place to His Majestie belonging 。。 。
but what shall be bona fide and without fraude laden and shipped in England
Wales 'and' the Towne of Berwicke upon Tweede and in English built
Shipping。〃 The preamble to this famous act breathed no hostile intent。 The
design was to maintain 〃a greater correspondence and kindnesse〃 between the
plantations and the mother country; to encourage shipping; to render
navigation cheaper and safer; to make 〃this Kingdome a Staple not only of
the Commodities of those Plantations but also of the Commodities of other
Countries and places for the supplying of them〃it〃 being the usage of
other nations to keepe their 'Plantations' Trade to themselves。〃

The Act of 1673 was passed to meet certain difficulties which arose in the
administration of the Act of 1660。 The earlier act permitted colonial
vessels to carry enumerated commodities from the place of production to
another plantation without paying duties。 Under cover of this provision; it
was assumed that enumerated commodities; after being taken to a plantation;
could then be sent directly to continental ports free of duty。 The new act
provided that; before vessels left a colonial port; bonds should be given
that the enumerated commodities would be carried only to England。 If bonds
were not given and the commodities were taken to another colonial port;
plantation duties were collected according to a prescribed schedule。

These acts were not rigorously enforced until after the passage of the
administrative act of 1696 and the establishment of admiralty courts。 Even
then it does not appear that they bore heavily on the colonies; or
occasioned serious protest。 The trade acts of 1764 and 1765 are described
in 〃The Eve of the Revolution〃。EDITOR。


The literature of the Colonial South is like the leaves of Vallombrosa for
multitude。 Here may be indicated some volumes useful in any general survey。


Hakluyt's 〃Principal Voyages。〃 12 vols。 (Hakluyt Society。 Extra Series;
1905…1907。) 〃The Prose Epic of the modern English nation。〃

〃Purchas; His Pilgrims。〃 20 vols。 (Hakluyt Society; Extra Series; 1905…1907。)

Hening's 〃Statutes at Large;〃 published in 1823; is an eminently valuable
collection of the laws of colonial Virginia; beginning with the Assembly of
1619。 Hening's own quotation from Priestley; 〃The Laws of a country are
necessarily connected with everything belonging to the people of it: so
that a thorough knowledge of them and of their progress would inform us of
everything that was most useful to be known;〃 indicates the range and
weight of his thirteen volumes。

William Stith's 〃The History of the Discovery and First Settlement of
Virginia〃 (1747) gives some valuable documents and a picture of the first
years at Jamestown。

Alexander Brown's 〃Genesis of the United States〃; 2 vols。 (1890); is a very
valuable work; giving historical manuscripts and tracts。 Less valuable is
his 〃First Republic in America〃 (1898); in which the author attempts to
weave his material into a historical narrative。

Philip A。 Bruce's 〃Economic History of Virginia in the Seventeenth
Century〃; 2 vols。 (1896); is a highly interesting and exhaustive survey。
The same author has written 〃Social Life of Virginia in the Seventeenth
Century〃 (1907) and 〃Institutional History of Virginia in the Seventeenth
Century〃; 2 vols。 (1910)。

John Fiske's 〃Virginia and Her Neighbors;〃 2 vols。 (1897); and John E。
Cooke's Virginia (American Commonwealth Series; 1883) are written in
lighter vein than the foregoing histories and possess much literary

On Captain John Smith there are writings innumerable。 Some writers give
credence to Smith's own narratives; while others do not。 John Fiske accepts
the narratives as history; and Edward Arber; who has edited them (2 vols。;
1884); holds that the 〃General History〃 (1624) is more reliable than the
〃True Relation〃 (1608)。 
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