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every man who had come to Virginia before 1616was given a goodly number
of acres subject to a quit…rent。 Men of means and influence obtained great
holdings; ownership; rental; sale; and purchase of the land began in
Virginia much as in older times it had begun in England。 Only here; in
America; where it seemed that the land could never be exhausted; individual
holdings were often of great acreage。 Thus arose the Virginia Planter。
In Yeardley's time John Berkeley established at Falling Creek the first
iron works ever set up in English…America。 There were by this time in
Virginia; glass works; a windmill; iron works。 To till the soil remained
the chief industry; but the tobacco culture grew until it overshadowed the
maize and wheat; the pease and beans。 There were cattle and swine; not a
few horses; poultry; pigeons; and peacocks。
In 1621 Yeardley; desiring to be relieved; was succeeded by Sir Francis
Wyatt。 In October the new Governor came from England in the George; and
with him a goodly company。 Among others is found George Sandys; brother of
Sir Edwyn。 This gentleman and scholar; beneath Virginia skies and with
Virginia trees and blossoms about him; translated the 〃Metamorphoses〃 of
Ovid and the First Book of the 〃Aeneid〃; both of which were published in
London in 1626。 He stands as the first purely literary man of the English
New World。 But vigorous enough literature; though the writers thereof
regarded it as information only; had; from the first years; emanated from
Virginia。 Smith's 〃True Relation〃; George Percy's 〃Discourse〃; Strachey's
〃True Repertory of the Wracke and Redemption of Sir Thomas Gates〃; and
his 〃Historie of Travaile into Virginia Brittannia〃; Hamor's 〃True
Discourse〃; Whitaker's 〃Good News〃other letters and reportshad already
flowered; all with something of the strength and fragrance of Elizabethan
and early Jacobean work。
For some years there had seemed peace with the Indians。 Doubtless members
of the one race may have marauded; and members of the other showed
themselves highhanded; impatient; and unjust; but the majority on each side
appeared to have settled into a kind of amity。 Indians came singly or in
parties from their villages to the white men's settlements; where they
traded corn and venison and what not for the magic things the white man
owned。 A number had obtained the white man's firearms; unwisely sold or
given。 The red seemed reconciled to the white's presence in the land; the
Indian village and the Indian tribal economy rested beside the English
settlement; church; and laws。 Doubtless a fragment of the population of
England and a fragment of the English in Virginia saw in a pearly dream the
red man baptized; clothed; become Christian and English。 At the least; it
seemed that friendliness and peace might continue。
In the spring of 1622 a concerted Indian attack and massacre fell like a
bolt from the blue。 Up and down the James and upon the Chesapeake;
everywhere on the same day; Indians; bursting from the dark forest that was
so close behind every cluster of log houses; attacked the colonists。 Three
hundred and fortyseven English men; women; and children were slain。 But
Jamestown and the plantations in its neighborhood were warned in time。 The
English rallied; gathered force; turned upon and beat back to the forest
the Indian; who was now and for a long time to come their open foe。
There followed upon this horror not a day or a month but years of organized
retaliation and systematic harrying。 In the end the great majority of the
Indians either fell or were pushed back toward the upper Pamunkey; the
Rappahannock; the Potomac; and westward upon the great shelf or terrace of
the earth that climbed to the fabled mountains。 And with this westward move
there passed away that old vision of wholesale Christianizing。
In November; 1620; there sailed into a quiet harbor on the coast of what is
now Massachusetts a ship named the Mayflower; having on board one hundred
and two English Non…conformists; men and women and with them a few
children。 These latest colonists held a patent from the Virginia Company
and have left in writing a statement of their object: 〃We 。 。 。 having
undertaken; for the glory of God and advancement of the Christian faith;
and honor of our King and Country; a voyage to plant the first colony in
the northern parts of Virginia〃。 The mental reservation is; of course;
〃where perchance we may serve God as we will!〃 In England there obtained in
some quarters a suspicion that 〃they meant to make a free; popular State
there。〃 FreePopular…Public Good! These are words that began; in the
second quarter of the seventeenth century; to shine and ring。 King and
people had reached the verge of a great struggle。 The Virginia Company was
divided; as were other groups; into factions。 The court party and the
country party found themselves distinctly opposed。 The great; crowded
meetings of the Company Sessions rang with their divisions upon policies
small and large。 Words and phrases; comprehensive; sonorous; heavy with the
future; rose and rolled beneath the roof of their great hall。 There were
heard amid warm discussion: Kingdom and
ColonySpainNetherlandsFranceChurch and StatePapists and
SchismaticsDuties; Tithes; Excise Petitions of
GrievancesRepresentationRight of Assembly。 Several years earlier the
King had cried; 〃Choose the Devil; but not Sir Edwyn Sandys!〃 Now he
declared the Company 〃just a seminary to a seditious parliament!〃 All
London resounded with the clash of parties and opinions。* 〃Last week the
Earl of Warwick and the Lord Cavendish fell so foul at a Virginia 。 。 。
court that the lie passed and repassed 。 。 。 。 The factions 。 。 。 are grown
so violent that Guelfs and Ghibellines were not more animated one against
* In his work on 〃Joint…stock Companion〃; vol。II; pp。 266 ff。; W。
R。 Scott traces the history of these acute dissensions in the
Virginia Company and draws conclusions distinctly unfavorable to
the management of Sandys and his party。Editor。
Believing that the Company's sessions foreshadowed a 〃seditious
parliament;〃 James Stuart set himself with obstinacy and some cunning to
the Company's undoing。 The court party gave the King aid; and circumstances
favored the attempt。 Captain Nathaniel Butler; who had once been Governor
of; the Somers Islands and had now returned to England by way of Virginia;
published in London 〃The Unmasked Face of Our Colony in Virginia〃;
containing a savage attack upon every item of Virginian administration。
The King's Privy Council summoned the Company; or rather the 〃country〃
party; to answer these and other allegations。 Southampton; Sandys; and
Ferrar answered with strength and cogency。 But the tide was running against
them。 James appointed commissioners to search out what was wrong with
Virginia。 Certain men were shipped to Virginia to get evidence there; as
well as support from the Virginia Assembly。 In this attempt they signally
failed。 Then to England came a Virginia member of the Virginia Council;
with long letters to King and Privy Council: the Sandys…Southampton
administration had