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overmuch in the larder with which to do it。 Smith with George Percy and
Francis West and others went again to the Indians for corn。 Christmas found
them weather…bound at Kecoughtan。 〃Wherever an Englishman may be; and in
whatever part of the world; he must keep Christmas with feasting and
merriment! And; indeed; we were never more merrie; nor fedde on more
plentie of good oysters; fish; flesh; wild fowle and good bread; nor never
had better fires in England than in the drie; smokie houses of Kecoughtan!〃
But despite this Christmas fare; there soon began quarrels; many and
intricate; with Powhatan and his brother Opechancanough。
Experience is a great teacher。 That London Company with Virginia to
colonize had now come to see how inadequate to the attempt were its means
and strength。 Evidently it might be long before either gold mines or the
South Sea could be found。 The company's ships were too slight and few;
colonists were going by the single handful when they should go by the
double。 Something was at fault in the management of the enterprise。 The
quarrels in Virginia were too constant; the disasters too frequent。 More
money; more persons interested with purse and mind; a great company instead
of a small; a national cast to the enterprise these were imperative needs。
In the press of such demands the London Company passed away。 In 1609 under
new letters patent was born the Virginia Company。
The members and shareholders in this corporation touch through and through
the body of England at that day。 First names upon the roll come Robert
Cecil; Thomas Howard; Henry Wriothesley; William Herbert; Henry Clinton;
Richard Sackville; Thomas Cecil; Philip HerbertEarls of Salisbury;
Suffolk; Southampton; Pembroke; Lincoln; Dorset; Exeter; and Montgomery。
Then follow a dozen peers; the Lord Bishop of Bath and Wells; a hundred
knights; many gentlemen; one hundred and ten merchants; certain physicians
and clergymen; old soldiers of the Continental wars; sea…captains and
mariners; and a small host of the unclassified。 In addition shares were
taken by fifty…six London guilds or industrial companies。 Here are the
Companies of the Tallow and Wax Chandlers; the Armorers and Girdlers;
Cordwayners and Carpenters; Masons; Plumbers; Founders; Poulterers; Cooks;
Coopers; Tylers and Brick Layers; Bowyers and Vinters; Merchant Taylors;
Blacksmiths and Weavers; Mercers; Grocers; Turners; Gardeners; Dyers;
Scriveners; Fruiterers; Plaisterers; Brown Bakers; Imbroiderers; Musicians;
and many more。
The first Council appointed by the new charter had fifty…two members;
fourteen of whom sat in the English House of Lords; and twice that number
in the Commons。 Thus was Virginia well linked to Crown and Parliament。
This great commercial company had sovereign powers within Virginia。 The
King should have his fifth part of all ore of gold and silver; the laws and
religion of England should be upheld; and no man let go to Virginia who had
not first taken the oath of supremacy。 But in the wide field beside all
this the Presidentcalled the Treasurer …and the Council; henceforth to be
chosen out of and by the whole body of subscribers; had full sway。 No
longer should there be a second Council sitting in Virginia; but a Governor
with power; answerable only to the Company at home。 That Company might tax
and legislate within the Virginian field; punish the ill…doer or 〃rebel;〃
and wage war; if need be; against Indian or Spaniard:
〃One of the first actions of the newly constituted body was to seek remedy
for the customary passage by way of the West Indies …so long and so beset
by dangers。 They sent forth a small ship under Captain Samuel Argall; with
instructions 〃to attempt a direct and cleare passage; by leaving the
Canaries to the East; and from thence to run a straight westerne course 。 。
。 。 And so to make an experience of the Winds and Currents which have
affrighted all undertakers by the North。〃
This Argall; a young man with a stirring and adventurous life behind him
and before him; took his ship the indicated way。 He made the voyage in nine
weeks; of which two were spent becalmed; and upon his return reported that
it might be made in seven; 〃and no apparent inconvenience in the way。〃 He
brought to the great Council of the Company a story of necessity and
distress at Jamestown; and the Council lays much of the blame for that upon
〃the misgovernment of the Commanders; by dissention and ambition among
themselves;〃 and upon the idleness of the general run; 〃active in nothing
but adhearing to factions and parts。〃 The Council; sitting afar from a
savage land; is probably much too severe。 But the 〃factions and parts〃
cannot easily be denied。
Before Argall's return; the Company had commissioned as Governor of
Virginia Sir Thomas Gates; and had gathered a fleet of seven ships and two
pinnaces with Sir George Somers as Admiral; in the ship called the Sea
Adventure; and Christopher Newport as Vice…Admiral。 All weighed anchor from
Falmouth early in June and sailed by the newly tried course; south to the
Canaries and then across。 These seven ships carried five hundred colonists;
men; women; and children。
On St。 James's day there rose and broke a fearsome storm。 Two days and
nights it raged; and it scattered that fleet of seven。 Gates; Somers; and
Newport with others of 〃rancke and quality〃 were upon the Sea Adventure。
How fared this ship with one attendant pinnace we shall come to see
presently。 But the other ships; driven to and fro; at last found a
favorable wind; and in August they sighted Virginia。 On the eleventh of
that month they came; storm…beaten and without Governor or Admiral or Sea
Adventure; into 〃our Bay〃 and at last to 〃the King's River and Town。〃 Here
there swarmed from these ships nigh three hundred persons; meeting and met
by the hundred dwelling at Jamestown。 This was the third supply; but it
lacked the hundred or so upon the Sea Adventure and the pinnace; and it
lacked a head。 〃Being put ashore without their Governor or any order from
him (all the Commissioners and principal persons being aboard him) no man
would acknowledge a superior。〃
With this multitude appeared once more in Virginia the three ancient
councilorsRatcliffe; Archer; and Martin。 Apparently here came fresh fuel
for factions。 Who should rule; and who should be ruled? Here is an
extremely old and important question; settled in history only to be
unsettled again。 Everywhere it rises; dust on Time's road; and is laid only
to rise again。
Smith was still President。 Who was in the right and who in the wrong in
these ancient quarrels; the recital of which fills the pages of Smith and
of other men; is hard now to be determined。 But Jamestown became a place of
turbulence。 Francis West was sent with a considerable number to the Falls
of the Far West to make there some kind of settlement。 For a like purpose
Martin and Percy were dispatched to the Nansemond River。 All along the line
there was bitter falling out。 The Indians became markedly hostile。 Smith
was up the river; quarreling with West and his men。 At last he called them
〃wrongheaded asses;〃 flun