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the tale of balen-第6章

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When war's wild harp in all its chords
Rang royal triumph; and the hordes
Of hurtling foemen rocked and reeled
As waves wind…thwarted on the sea;
Was told of all that there might be;
Till scarce might battle hear or see
The fortune of the field。

And many a knight won fame that day
When even the serpent soul of Kay
Was kindled toward the fiery play
As might a lion's be for prey;
And won him fame that might not die
With passing of his rancorous breath
But clung about his life and death
As fire that speaks in cloud; and saith
What strong men hear and fly。

And glorious works were Arthur's there;
That lit the battle…darkened air:
But when they saw before them fare
Like stars of storm the knight that bare
Two swords about him girt for fray;
Balen; and Balan with him; then
Strong wonder smote the souls of men
If heaven's own host or hell's deep den
Had sent them forth to slay。

So keen they rode across the fight;
So sharp they smote to left and right;
And made of hurtling darkness light
With lightning of their swords; till flight
And fear before them flew like flame;
That Arthur's self had never known;
He said; since first his blast was blown;
Such lords of war as these alone
That whence he knew not came。

But while the fire of war waxed hot
The wild king hearkened; hearing not;
Through storm of spears and arrow…shot;
For succour toward him from King Lot
And all his host of sea…born men;
Strong as the strong storm…baffling bird
Whose cry round Orkney's headlands heard
Is as the sea's own sovereign word
That mocks our mortal ken。

For Merlin's craft of prophecy;
Who wist that one of twain must die;
Put might in him to say thereby
Which head should lose its crown; and lie
Stricken; though loth he were to know
That either life should wane and fail;
Yet most might Arthur's love avail;
And still with subtly tempered tale
His wile held fast the foe。

With woven words of magic might
Wherein the subtle shadow and light
Changed hope and fear till fear took flight;
He stayed King Lot's fierce lust of fight
Till all the wild Welsh war was driven
As foam before the wind that wakes
With the all…awakening sun; and breaks
Strong ships that rue the mirth it makes
When grace to slay is given。

And ever hotter lit and higher;
As fire that meets encountering fire;
Waxed in King Lot his keen desire
To bid revenge within him tire
On Arthur's ravaged fame and life:
Across the waves of war between
Floated and flashed; unseen and seen;
The lustrous likeness of the queen
Whom shame had sealed his wife。

But when the woful word was brought
That while he tarried; doubting nought;
The hope was lost whose goal he sought
And all the fight he yearned for fought;
His heart was rent for grief and shame;
And half his hope was set on flight
Till word was given him of a knight
Who said:  〃They are weary and worn with fight;
And we more fresh than flame。〃

And bright and dark as night and day
Ere either find the unopening way
Clear; and forego the unaltering sway;
The sad king's face shone; frowning:  〃Yea;
I would that every knight of mine
Would do his part as I shall do;〃
He said; 〃till death or life anew
Shall judge between us as is due
With wiser doom than thine。〃

Then thundered all the awakening field
With crash of hosts that clashed and reeled;
Banner to banner; shield to shield;
And spear to splintering spear…shaft; steeled
As heart against high heart of man;
As hope against high hope of knight
To pluck the crest and crown of fight
From war's clenched hand by storm's wild light;
For blessing given or ban。

All hearts of hearkening men that heard
The ban twin…born with blessing; stirred
Like springtide waters; knew the word
Whereby the steeds of storm are spurred
With ravenous rapture to destroy;
And laughed for love of battle; pierced
With passion of tempestuous thirst
And hungering hope to assuage it first
With draughts of stormy joy。

But sheer ahead of the iron tide
That rocked and roared from side to side
Rode as the lightning's lord might ride
King Lot; whose heart was set to abide
All peril of the raging hour;
And all his host of warriors born
Where lands by warring seas are worn
Was only by his hands upborne
Who gave them pride and power。

But as the sea's hand smites the shore
And shatters all the strengths that bore
The ravage earth may bear no more;
So smote the hand of Pellinore
Charging; a knight of Arthur's chief;
And clove his strong steed's neck in twain;
And smote him sheer through brow and brain;
Falling:  and there King Lot lay slain;
And knew not wrath or grief。

And all the host of Orkney fled;
And many a mother's son lay dead:
But when they raised the stricken head
Whence pride and power and shame were fled
And rage and anguish now cast out;
And bore it toward a kingly tomb;
The wife whose love had wrought his doom
Came thither; fair as morning's bloom
And dark as twilight's doubt。

And there her four strong sons and his;
Gawain and Gareth; Gaherys
And Agravain; whose sword's sharp kiss
With sound of hell's own serpent's hiss
Should one day turn her life to death;
Stood mourning with her:  but by these
Seeing Mordred as a seer that sees;
Anguish of terror bent her knees
And caught her shuddering breath。

The splendour of her sovereign eyes
Flashed darkness deeper than the skies
Feel or fear when the sunset dies
On his that felt as midnight rise
Their doom upon them; there undone
By faith in fear ere thought could yield
A shadowy sense of days revealed;
The ravin of the final field;
The terror of their son。

For Arthur's; as they caught the light
That sought and durst not seek his sight;
Darkened; and all his spirit's might
Withered within him even as night
Withers when sunrise thrills the sea。
But Mordred's lightened as with fire
That smote his mother and his sire
With darkling doom and deep desire
That bade its darkness be。

And heavier on their hearts the weight
Sank of the fear that brings forth fate;
The bitter doubt whose womb is great
With all the grief and love and hate
That turn to fire men's days on earth。
And glorious was the funeral made;
And dark the deepening dread that swayed
Their darkening souls whose light grew shade
With sense of death in birth。


In autumn; when the wind and sea
Rejoice to live and laugh to be;
And scarce the blast that curbs the tree
And bids before it quail and flee
The fiery foliage; where its brand
Is radiant as the seal of spring;
Sounds less delight; and waves a wing
Less lustrous; life's loud thanksgiving
Puts life in sea and land。

High hope in Balen's heart alight
Laughed; as from all that clamorous fight
He passed and sought not Arthur's sight;
Who fain had found his kingliest knight
And made amend for Balen's wrong。
But Merlin gave his soul to see
Fate; rising as a shoreward sea;
And all the sorrow that should be
Ere hope or fear thought long。

〃O where are they whose hands upbore
My battle;〃 Arthur said; 〃before
The wild Welsh host's wide rage and roar?
Balen and Balan; Pellinore;
Where are they?〃  Merlin answered him:
〃Balen shall be not long away
From sight of you; but ni
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