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    Lionardo; or of Michael Angelo (Symonds; 〃Renaissance in Italy;〃

    〃The Fine Arts;〃 pp。 315; 393)。

And when he has secretly and silently made away with all such people

through terror; whom has he to fall back upon to be of use to him;

save only the unjust; the incontinent; and the slavish…natured?'3' Of

these; the unjust can be trusted as sharing the tyrant's terror lest

the cities should some day win their freedom and lay strong hands upon

them; the incontinent; as satisfied with momentary license; and the

slavish…natured; for the simple reason that they have not themselves

the slightest aspiration after freedom。'4'

'3' Or; 〃the dishonest; the lascivious; and the servile。〃

'4' 〃They have no aspiration even to be free;〃 〃they are content to

    wallow in the slough of despond。〃 The {adikoi} (unjust) correspond

    to the {dikaioi} (just); {akrateis} (incontinent) to the {sophoi}

    (wise) (Breit。 cf。 〃Mem。〃 III。 ix。 4; {sophian de kai sophrosunen

    ou diorizen}); {andrapododeis} (servile) to the {kasmioi};

    {andreioi} (orderly; courageous)。

This; then; I say; appears to me a sore affliction; that we should

look upon the one set as good men; and yet be forced to lean upon the


And further; even a tyrant cannot but be something of a patriota

lover of that state; without which he can neither hope for safety nor

prosperity。 On the other hand; his tyrrany; the exigencies of despotic

rule; compel him to incriminate his fatherland。'5' To train his

citizens to soldiery; to render them brave warriors; and well armed;

confers no pleasure on him; rather he will take delight to make his

foreigners more formidable than those to whom the state belongs; and

these foreigners he will depend on as his body…guard。

'5' Or; 〃depreciate the land which gave him birth。〃 Holden cf。

    〃Cyrop。〃 VII。 ii。 22。 See Sturz; s。v。

Nay more; not even in the years of plenty;'6' when abundance of all

blessings reigns; not even then may the tyrant's heart rejoice amid

the general joy; for the greater the indigence of the community the

humbler he will find them: that is his theory。

'6' 〃In good seasons;〃 〃seasons of prosperity。〃 Cf。 Aristot。 〃Pol。〃 v。

    6。 17。


He continued: I desire to make known to you; Simonides;'1' those

divers pleasures which were mine whilst I was still a private citizen;

but of which to…day; nay; from the moment I became a tyrant; I find

myself deprived。 In those days I consorted with my friends and

fellows; to our mutual delectation;'2' or; if I craved for

quietude;'3' I chose myself for my companion。 Gaily the hours flitted

at our drinking…parties; ofttimes till we had drowned such cares and

troubles as are common to the life of man in Lethe's bowl;'4' or

ofttimes till we had steeped our souls in song and dance'5' and

revelry; ofttimes till the flame of passion kindled in the breasts of

my companions and my own。'6' But now; welladay; I am deprived of those

who took delight in me; because I have slaves instead of friends as my

companions; I am robbed of my once delightful intercourse with them;

because I discern no vestige of goodwill towards me in their looks。

And as to the wine…cup and slumberthese I guard against; even as a

man might guard against an ambuscade。 Think only! to dread a crowd; to

dread solitude; to dread the absence of a guard; to dread the very

guards that guard; to shrink from having those about one's self

unarmed; and yet to hate the sight of armed attendants。 Can you

conceive a more troublesome circumstance?'7' But that is not all。 To

place more confidence in foreigners than in your fellow…citizens; nay;

in barbarians than in Hellenes; to be consumed with a desire to keep

freemen slaves and yet to be driven; will he nill he; to make slaves

free; are not all these the symptoms of a mind distracted and amazed

with terror?

'1' Or; 〃I wish I could disclose to you (he added) those heart…easing

    joys。〃 For {euphrosunas} cf。 〃Od。〃 vi。 156; Aesch。 〃P。 V。〃 540;

    Eur。 〃Bacch。〃 376。 A favourite word with our author; see 〃Ages。〃

    ix。 4; 〃Cyrop。〃 passim; 〃Mem。〃 III。 viii。 10; 〃Econ。〃 ix。 12。

'2' Lit。 〃delighting I in them and they in me。〃

'3' Or; 〃when I sought tranquility I was my own companion。〃

'4' Or; 〃in sheer forgetfulness。〃

'5' Or; 〃absorbed our souls in song and festal cheer and dance。〃 Cf。

    〃Od。〃 viii。 248; 249; {aiei d' emin dais te phile kitharis te

    khoroi te} | {eimata t' exemoiba loetra te therma kau eunai}; 〃and

    dear to us ever is the banquet and the harp and the dance; and

    changes of raiment; and the warm bath; and love and sleep〃

    (Butcher and Lang)。

'6' Reading as vulg。 {epithumias}。 Breit。 cf。 〃Mem。〃 III。 ix。 7; Plat。

    〃Phaed。〃 116 E; 〃he has eaten and drunk and enjoyed the society of

    his beloved〃 (Jowett)。 See 〃Symp。〃 the finale; or if; after Weiske

    and Cobet; {euthumias}; transl。 〃to the general hilarity of myself

    and the whole company〃 (cf。 〃Cyrop。〃 I。 iii。 12; IV。 v。 7); but

    this is surely a bathos rhetorically。

'7' Or; 〃a worse perplexity。〃 See 〃Hell。〃 VII。 iii。 8。

For terror; you know; not only is a source of pain indwelling in the

breast itself; but; ever in close attendance; shadowing the path;'8'

becomes the destroyer of all sweet joys。

'8' Reading {sumparakolouthon lumeon}。 Stob。 gives {sumparomarton

    lumanter}。 For the sentiment cf。 〃Cyrop。〃 III。 i。 25。

And if you know anything of war; Simonides; and war's alarms; if it

was your fortune ever to be posted close to the enemy's lines;'9' try

to recall to mind what sort of meals you made at those times; with

what sort of slumber you courted rest。 Be assured; there are no pains

you then experienced; no horrors to compare with those that crowd upon

the despot; who sees or seems to see fierce eyes of enemies glare at

him; not face to face alone; but from every side。

'9' Or; 〃in the van of battle; opposite the hostile lines。〃

He had spoken so far; when Simonides took up the thread of the

discourse; replying: Excellently put。 A part I must admit; of what you

say; since war is terrible。 Yet; Hiero; you forget。 When we; at any

rate; are out campaigning; we have a custom; we place sentinels at the

outposts; and when the watch is set; we take our suppers and turn in


And Hiero answered: Yes; I can well believe you; for the laws are the

true outposts;'10' who guard the sentinels; keeping
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