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tyrannicide from sacred shrines;'10' as is the case with murderers of

private citizens; they set up statues of the doers of such deeds'11'

in temples。

'9' 〃Matters are once more reversed precisely;〃 〃it is all 'topsy…


'10' 〃And sacrifices。〃 Cf。 Dem。 〃c。 Lept。〃 137; {en toinun tois peri

    touton nomois o Drakon 。 。 。 katharon diorisen einai}。 〃Now in the

    laws upon this subject; Draco; although he strove to make it

    fearful and dreadful for a man to slay another; and ordained that

    the homicide should be excluded from lustrations; cups; and drink…

    offerings; from the temples and the market…place; specifying

    everything by which he thought most effectually to restrain people

    from such a practice; still did not abolish the rule of justice;

    but laid down the cases in which it should be lawful to kill; and

    declared that the killer under such circumstances should be deemed

    pure〃 (C。 R。 Kennedy)。

'11' e。g。 Harmodius and Aristogeiton。 See Dem。 loc。 cit。 138: 〃The

    same rewards that you gave to Harmodius and Aristogiton;〃

    concerning whom Simonides himself wrote a votive couplet:

        {'E meg' 'Athenaioisi phoos geneth' enik' 'Aristogeiton

        'Ipparkhon kteine kai 'Armodios。}

But if you imagine that the tyrant; because he has more possessions

than the private person; does for that reason derive greater pleasure

from them; this is not so either; Simonides; but it is with tyrants as

with athletes。 Just as the athlete feels no glow of satisfaction in

asserting his superiority over amateurs;'12' but annoyance rather when

he sustains defeat at the hands of any real antagonist; so; too; the

tyrant finds little consolation in the fact'13' that he is evidently

richer than the private citizen。 What he feels is pain; when he

reflects that he has less himself than other monarchs。 These he holds

to be his true antagonists; these are his rivals in the race for


'12' Or; 〃It gives no pleasure to the athlete to win victories over

    amateurs。〃 See 〃Mem。〃 III。 viii。 7。

'13' Or; 〃each time it is brought home to him that;〃 etc。

Nor does the tyrant attain the object of his heart's desire more

quickly than do humbler mortals theirs。 For consider; what are their

objects of ambition? The private citizen has set his heart; it may be;

on a house; a farm; a servant。 The tyrant hankers after cities; or

wide territory; or harbours; or formidable citadels; things far more

troublesome and more perilous to achieve than are the pettier

ambitions of lesser men。

And hence it is; moreover; that you will find but few'14' private

persons paupers by comparison with the large number of tyrants who

deserve the title;'15' since the criterion of enough; or too much; is

not fixed by mere arithmetic; but relatively to the needs of the

individual。'16' In other words; whatever exceeds sufficiency is much;

and what falls short of that is little。'17'

'14' Reading as vulg。 {alla mentoi kai penetas opsei oukh outos

    oligous ton idioton os pollous ton turannon}。 Lit。 〃however that

    may be; you will see not so few private persons in a state of

    penury as many despots。〃 Breitenbach del。 {oukh}; and transl。;

    〃Daher weist du auch in dem Masse wenige Arme unter den Privat…

    leuten finden; als viele unter den Tyrannen。〃 Stob。; {penetas

    opsei oligous ton idioton; pollous de ton turannon}。 Stob。 MS。

    Par。; {alla mentoi kai plousious opsei oukh outos oligous ton

    idioton os penetas pollous ton turannon}。 See Holden ad loc。 and

    crit。 n。

'15' Cf。 〃Mem。〃 IV。 ii。 37。

'16' Or; 〃not by the number of things we have; but in reference to the

    use we make of them。〃 Cf。 〃Anab。〃 VII。 vii。 36。

'17' Dr。 Holden aptly cf。 Addison; 〃The Spectator;〃 No。 574; on the

    text 〃Non possidentem multa vocaveris recte beatum 。 。 。〃

And on this principle the tyrant; with his multiplicity of goods; is

less well provided to meet necessary expenses than the private person;

since the latter can always cut down his expenditure to suit his daily

needs in any way he chooses; but the tyrant cannot do so; seeing that

the largest expenses of a monarch are also the most necessary; being

devoted to various methods of safeguarding his life; and to cut down

any of them would be little less than suicidal。'18'

'18' Or; 〃and to curtail these would seem to be self…slaughter。〃

Or; to put it differently; why should any one expend compassion on a

man; as if he were a beggar; who has it in his power to satisfy by

just and honest means his every need?'19' Surely it would be more

appropriate to call that man a wretched starveling beggar rather; who

through lack of means is driven to live by ugly shifts and base


'19' i。e。 〃to expend compassion on a man who; etc。; were surely a

    pathetic fallacy。〃 Al。 〃Is not the man who has it in his power;

    etc。; far above being pitied?〃

Now it is your tyrant who is perpetually driven to iniquitous

spoilation of temples and human beings; through chronic need of money

wherewith to meet inevitable expenses; since he is forced to feed and

support an army (even in times of peace) no less than if there were

actual war; or else he signs his own death…warrant。'20'

'20' 〃A daily; hourly constraint is laid upon him to support an army

    as in war time; orwrite his epitaph!〃


But there is yet another sore affliction to which the tyrant is

liable; Sinmonides; which I will name to you。 It is this。 Tyrants no

less than ordinary mortals can distinguish merit。 The orderly;'1' the

wise; the just and upright; they freely recognise; but instead of

admiring them; they are afraid of themthe courageous; lest they

should venture something for the sake of freedom; the wise; lest they

invent some subtle mischief;'2' the just and upright; lest the

multitude should take a fancy to be led by them。

'1' The same epithets occur in Aristoph。 〃Plut。〃 89:

        {ego gar on meirakion epeiles' oti

        os tous dikaious kai sophous kai kosmious

        monous badioimen。}

    Stob。 gives for {kasmious} {alkimous}。

'2' Or; 〃for fear of machinations。〃 But the word is suggestive of

    mechanical inventions also; like those of Archimedes in connection

    with a later Hiero (see Plut。 〃Marcel。〃 xv。 foll。); or of

    Lionardo; or of Michael Angelo (Symonds; 〃Renaissance in Italy;〃

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