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They are serious duties;'1' I admit。 But still; what strikes me is; if
half these grave responsibilities do lend themselves undoubtedly to
hatred;'2' the remaining half are altogether gratifying。 Thus; to
teach others'3' arts of highest virtue; and to praise and honour each
most fair performance of the same; that is a type of duty not to be
discharged save graciously。 Whilst; on the other hand; to scold at
people guilty of remissness; to drive and fine and chasten; these are
proceedings doubtless which go hand in hand with hate and bitterness。
'1' Cf。 〃Econ。〃 vii。 41。
'2' Or; 〃tend indisputably to enmity。〃
'3' Or; 〃people;〃 〃the learner。〃
What I would say then to the hero…ruler is: Wherever force is needed;
the duty of inflicting chastisement should be assigned to others; but
the distribution of rewards and prizes must be kept in his own
'4' Cf。 〃Cyrop。〃 VIII。 ii。 27; ib。 i。 18; 〃Hipparch;〃 i。 26。
Common experience attests the excellence of such a system。'5' Thus
when we'6' wish to set on foot a competition between choruses;'7' it
is the function of the archon'8' to offer prizes; whilst to the
choregoi'9' is assigned the duty of assembling the members of the
band;'10' and to others'11' that of teaching and applying force to
those who come behindhand in their duties。 There; then; you have the
principle at once: The gracious and agreeable devolves on him who
rules; the archon; the repellent counterpart'12' on others。 What is
there to prevent the application of the principle to matters politic
in general?'13'
'5' Or; 〃current incidents bear witness to the beauty of the
'6' {emin}。 The author makes Simonides talk as an Athenian。
'7' Lit。 〃when we wish our sacred choirs to compete。〃
'8' Or; 〃magistrate〃; at Athens the Archon Eponymos。 See Boeckh; 〃P。
E。 A。〃 p。 454 foll。 Al。 the {athlethetai}。 See Pollux; viii。 93;
cf。 Aeschin。 〃c。 Ctes。〃 13。
'9' Or more correctly at Athens the choragoi = leaders of the chorus。
'10' i。e。 the choreutai。
'11' Sc。 the choro…didaskaloi; or chorus…masters。
'12' {ta antitupa}; 〃the repellent obverse;〃 〃the seamy side。〃 Cf。
Theogn。 1244; {ethos ekhon solion pistios antitupon}。 〃Hell。〃 VI。
iii。 11。
'13' Or; 〃Well then; what reason is there why other matters of
political concernall other branches of our civic life; in fact
should not be carried out on this same principle?〃
All states as units are divided into tribes ({thulas}); or regiments
({moras}); or companies ({lokhous}); and there are officers
({arkhontes}) appointed in command of each division。'14'
'14' e。g。 Attica into ten phylae; Lacedaemon into six morae; Thebes
and Argos into lochi。 See Aristot。 〃Pol。〃 v。 8 (Jowett; i。 166);
〃Hell。〃 VI。 iv。 13; VII。 ii。 4。
Well then; suppose that some one were to offer prizes'15' to these
political departments on the pattern of the choric prizes just
described; prizes for excellence of arms; or skill in tactics; or for
discipline and so forth; or for skill in horsemanship; prizes for
prowess'16' in the field of battle; bravery in war; prizes for
uprightness'17' in fulfilment of engagements; contracts; covenants。 If
so; I say it is to be expected that these several matters; thanks to
emulous ambition; will one and all be vigorously cultivated。
Vigorously! why; yes; upon my soul; and what a rush there would be!
How in the pursuit of honour they would tear along where duty called:
with what promptitude pour in their money contributions'18' at a time
of crisis。
'15' See 〃Revenues;〃 iii。 3; A。 Zurborg; 〃de。 Xen。 Lib。 qui {Poroi}
inscribitur;〃 p。 42。
'16' Cf。 〃Hell。〃 III。 iv。 16; IV。 ii。 5 foll。
'17' 〃In reward for justice in; etc。〃 See 〃Revenues;〃 l。c。; and for
the evil in question; Thuc。 i。 77; Plat。 〃Rep。〃 556。
'18' {eispheroien}; techn。 of the war…tax at Athens。 See 〃Revenues;〃
iii。 7 foll。; iv。 34 foll。; Thuc。 iii。 19; Boeckh; 〃P。 E。 A。〃 pp。
470; 539。 Cf。 Aristot。 〃Pol。〃 v。 11。 10; in illustration of the
tyrant's usual method of raising money。
And that which of all arts is the most remunerative; albeit the least
accustomed hitherto to be conducted on the principle of
competition'19'I mean agricultureitself would make enormous
strides; if some one were to offer prizes in the same way; 〃by farms
and villages;〃 to those who should perform the works of tillage in the
fairest fashion。 Whilst to those members of the state who should
devote themselves with might and main to this pursuit; a thousand
blessings would be the result。 The revenues would be increased; and
self…restraint be found far more than now; in close attendance on
industrious habits。'20' Nay further; crimes and villainies take root
and spring less freely among busy workers。
'19' Al。 〃and what will be the most repaying 。 。 。 being a department
of things least wont;〃 etc。
'20' Or; 〃soundness of soul much more be found allied with
Once more; if commerce'21' is of any value to the state; then let the
merchant who devotes himself to commerce on the grandest scale receive
some high distinction; and his honours will draw on other traders in
his wake。
'21' Cf。 〃Revenues;〃 l。c。
Or were it made apparent that the genius who discovers a new source of
revenue; which will not be vexatious; will be honoured; by the state;
a field of exploration will at once be opened; which will not long
continue unproductive。'22'
'22' Lit。 〃that too is an inquiry which will not long lie fallow。〃
And to speak compendiously; if it were obvious in each department that
the introducer of any salutary measure whatsoever will not remain
unhonoured; that in itself will stimulate a host of pople who will
make it their business to discover some good thing or other for the
state。 Wherever matters of advantage to the state excite deep
interest; of necessity discoveries are made more freely and more
promptly perfected。 But if you are afraid; O mighty prince; that
through the multitude of prizes offered'23' under many heads; expenses
also must be much increased; consider that no articles of commerce can
be got more cheaply than those which people purchase in exchange for
prizes。 Note in the public contests (choral; equestrian; or
gymnastic)'24' how small the prizes are and yet what vast expenditure
of wealth and toil; and painful supervis