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the flying u ranch-第5章

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〃What gets me;〃 Andy mused; 〃is why you fellows come crying to me

for help。 I should think the bunch of you ought to be able to

handle one lone Native Son。〃

〃Aw; you're the biggest liar and faker in the bunch; is why;〃

Happy Jack blurted。

〃Oh; I see。〃 Andy hummed a little tune and pushed his hands deep

into his pockets; and at the corners of his lips there flickered

a smile。

The Native Son sat with his hat tilted slightly back upon his

head and a cigarette between his lips; and was reaching lazily

for the trick which made the fourth game his; when the group

invaded the bunk…house。 He looked up indifferently; swept Andy's

face and figure with a glance too impersonal to hold even a shade

of curiosity; and began rapidly shuffling his cards to count the

points he had made。

Andy stopped short; just inside the door; and stared hard at

Miguel; who gave no sign。 He turned his honest; gray eyes upon

Pink and Irish accusinglywhereat they wondered greatly。

〃Your dealif you want to play;〃 drawled Miguel; and shoved his

cards toward Big Medicine。 But the boys were already uptilting

chairs to grasp the quicker the outstretched hand of the

prodigal; so that Miguel gathered up the cards; evened their

edges mechanically; and deigned another glance at this stranger

who was being welcomed so vociferously。 Also he sighed a bit

for even a languid…eyed stoic of a Native Son may feel the twinge

of loneliness。 Andy shook hands all round; swore amiably at

Weary; and advanced finally upon Miguel。

〃You don't know me from Adam's off ox;〃 he began genially; 〃but I

know you; all right; all right。 I hollered my head off with the

rest of 'em when you played merry hell in that bull…ring; last

Christmas。 Also; I was part of your bodyguard when them greasers

were trying to tickle you in the ribs with their knives in that

dark alley。 Shake; old…timer! You done yourself proud; and I'm

glad to know yuh!〃

Miguel; for the first time in two weeks; permitted himself the

luxury of an expressive countenance。 He gave Andy Green one

quick; grateful lookand a smile; the like of which made the

Happy Family quiver inwardly with instinctive sympathy。

〃So you were there; too; eh?〃 Miguel exclaimed softly; and rose

to greet him。 〃And that scrap in the alleywe sure had a hell of

a time there for a few minutes; didn't we? Are you that tall

fellow who kicked that squint…eyed greaser in the stomach? Muchos

gracios; senor! They were piling on me three deep; right then;

and I always believed they'd have got me; only for a tall vaquero

I couldn't locate afterward。〃 He smiled again that wonderful

smile; which lighted the darkness of his eyes as with a flame;

and murmured a sentence or two in Spanish。

〃Did you get the spurs me and my friends sent you afterward?〃

asked Andy eagerly。 〃We heard about the Arizona boys giving you

the saddleand we raked high and low for them spurs。 And; by

gracious; they were beauts; toodid yuh get 'em?〃

〃I wear them every day I ride;〃 answered Miguel; a peculiar;

caressing note in his voice。

〃I didn't knowwe heard you had disappeared off the earth。


Miguel laughed outright。 〃To fight a bull with bare hands is one

thing; amigo;〃 he said。 〃To take a chance on getting a knife

stuck in your back is another。 Those Mexicansthey don't love

the man who crosses the river and makes of their bull…fights a


〃That's right; only I thought; you being a〃

〃Not a Mexican。〃 Miguel's voice sharpened a trifle。 〃My father

was Spanish; yes。 My mother〃his eyes flashed briefly at the

faces of the gaping Happy Family〃my mother was born in


〃And that sure makes a hard combination to beat;〃 cried Andy

heartily。 He looked at the othersat all; that is; save Pink and

Irish; who had disappeared。 〃Well; boys; I never thought I'd come

home and find〃

〃Miguel Rapponi;〃 supplied the Native Son quickly。 〃As well

forget that other name。 And;〃 he added with the shrug which the

Happy Family had come to hate; 〃as well forget the story; also。 I

am not hungry for the feel of a knife in my back。〃 He smiled

again engagingly at Andy Green。 It was astonishing how readily

that smile had sprung to life with the warmth of a little

friendship; and how pleasant it was; withal。

〃Just as you say;〃 Andy agreed; not trying to hide his

admiration。 〃I guess nobody's got a better right to holler for

silence。 Butsay; you sure delivered the goods; old boy! You

musta read about it; you fellows; about the American puncher that

went over the line and rode one of their crack bulls all round

the ring; and then〃 He stopped and looked apologetically at

Miguel; in whose dark eyes there flashed a warning light。 〃I

clean forgot;〃 he confessed impulsively。 〃This meeting you here

unexpectedly; like this; has kinda got me rattled; I guess。

ButI never saw yuh before in my life;〃 he declared

emphatically。 〃I don't know a darn thing aboutanything that

ever happened in an alley in the city ofoh; come on; old…timer;

let's talk about the weather; or something safe!〃

After that the boys of the Flying U behaved very much as do

children who have quarreled foolishly and are trying shamefacedly

to re…establish friendly relations without the preliminary

indignity of open repentance。 They avoided meeting the

velvet…eyed glances of Miguel; and at the same time they were

plainly anxious to include him in their talk as if that had been

their habit from the first。 A difficult situation to meet; even

with the fine aplomb of the Happy Family to ease the awkwardness。

Later Miguel went unobtrusively down to the creek after his

chaps; he did not get them; just then; but he stood for a long

time hidden behind the willow…fringe; watching Pink and Irish

feverishly combing out certain corkscrew ringlets; and dampening

their combs in the creek to facilitate the process of

straightening certain patches of rebellious frizzes。 Miguel did

not laugh aloud; as Big Medicine had done。 He stood until he

wearied of the sight; then lifted his shoulders in the gesture

which may mean anything; smiled and went his way。

Not until dusk did Andy get a private word with him。 When he did

find him alone; he pumped Miguel's hand up and down and afterward

clutched at the manger for support; and came near strangling。

Miguel leaned beside him and smiled to himself。

〃Good team work; old boy;〃 Andy gasped at length; in a whisper。

〃Best I ever saw in m'life; impromptu on the spot; like that。 I

saw you had the makings in you; soon as I caught your eye。 And

the whole; blame bunch fell for itwoo…oof!〃 He laid his face

down again upon his folded arms and shook in all the long length

of him。

〃They had it coming;〃 said Miguel softly; with a peculiar relish。

〃Two whole weeks; and never a friendly word from one of themoh;


〃I knowI heard it all; soon as I hit the ranch;〃 Andy replied

weakly; standing up and wiping his
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