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rest。 You see; we never saw him before in our lives。 All that
identification stunt of ours was just a bluff。 But the minute I
shoved my chips to the center; I knew we had him dead to rights。
You were there。 You saw him wilt。 By gracious〃
〃Yuh don't know anything against him?〃 gasped Irish。
〃Not a darned thingany more than what you all know;〃 testified
Andy complacently。
It took a minute or two for that to sink in。
〃Well; I'll be damned!〃 breathed Irish。
〃We did chain him to the anvil;〃 Andy went on。 〃On the way down;
we talked about being in a hurry to get back to you fellows; and
I told Migso Dunk could hearthat we wouldn't bother with the
horse。 We tied him to the corral。 And I hunted around for that
bum chain; and then we made out we couldn't find the padlock for
the door; so we decided; right out loud; that he'd be dead safe
for an hour or two; till the bunch of us got back。 Not knowing a
darn thing about him; except what you boys have told us; we sure
would have been in bad if he hadn't taken a sneak。 Fact is; we
were kinda worried for fear he wouldn't have nerve enough to try
it。 We waited; up on the hill; till we saw him sneak down to the
corral and jump on his horse and take off down the coulee like a
scared coyote。 It was;〃 quoth the young man; unmistakably pleased
with himself; 〃pretty smooth work; if you ask me。〃
〃I'd hate to ride as fast and far to…night as that hombre will;〃
supplemented Miguel with his brief smile; that was just a flash
of white; even teeth and a momentary lightening of his languorous
Slim stood for five minutes; a stolid; stocky figure in the midst
of a storm of congratulatory comment。 They forgot all about Happy
Jack; asleep inside the house; and so their voices were not
hushed。 Indeed; Big Medicine's bull…like remarks boomed full…
throated across the coulee and were flung back mockingly by the
barren hills。 Slim did not hear a word they were saying; he was
thinking it over; with that complete mental concentration which
is the chief recompense of a slow…working mind。 He was
methodically thinking it all outand; eventually; he saw the
〃Well; by golly!〃 he bawled suddenly; and brought his palm down
with a terrific smack upon his sore legwhereat his fellows
laughed uproariously。
〃We told you not to try to see through any more jokes till your
leg gets well; Slim;〃 Andy reminded condescendingly。
〃Say; by golly; that's a good one on Dunk; ain't it? Chasin'
himself clean outa the country; by gollyscared plumb to
death…and you fellers was only jest makin' b'lieve yuh knowed
him! By golly; that sure is a good one; all right!〃
〃You've got it; give you time enough and you could see through a
barbed…wire fence;〃 patronized Andy; from the hammock。 〃Yes;
since you mention it; I think myself it ain't so bad。〃
〃Aw…w shut up; out there; an' let a feller sleep!〃 came a
querulous voice from within。 〃I'd ruther bed down with a corral
full uh calves at weanin' time; than be anywheres within ten mile
uh you darned; mouthy〃 The rest was indistinguishable; but it
did not matter。 The Happy Family; save Slim; who stayed to look
after the patient; tiptoed penitently off the porch and took
themselves and their enthusiasm down to the bunk…house。
Pink rolled over in his bed so that he might lookhowever
sleepilyupon his fellows; dressing more or less quietly in the
cool dawn…hour。
〃Say; I got a letter for you; Weary;〃 he yawned; stretching both
arms above his head。 〃I opened it and read it; it was from Chip;
〃What did he have to say?〃
〃Old Man any better?〃
〃How they comm'; back here?〃
Several voices; speaking at once; necessitated a delayed reply。
〃They'll be here; to…day or to…morrow;〃 Pink replied without any
circumlocution whatever; while he fumbled in his coat pocket for
the letter。 〃He says the Old Man wants to come; and the doctors
think he might as well tackle it as stay there fussing over it。
They're coming in a special car; and we've got to rig up an
outfit to meet him。 The Little Doctor tells just how she wants
things fixed。 I thought maybe it was importantit come special
delivery;〃 Pink added naively; 〃so I just played it was mine and
read it。〃
〃That's all right; Cadwalloper;〃 Weary assured him while he read
hastily the letter。 〃Well; we'll fix up the spring wagon and take
it in right away; somebody's got to go back anyway; with
MacPherson。 Hello; Cal; how's Happy?〃
〃All right;〃 answered Cal; who had watched over him during the
night and came in at that moment after someone to take his place
in the sickroom。 〃Waked up on the fight because I just happened
to be setting with my eyes shut。 I wasn't asleep; but he said I
was; claimed I snored so loud I kept him awake all night。 Gee
whiz! I'd ruther nurse a she bear with the mumps!〃
〃Old Man's coming home; Cal。〃 Pink announced with more joy in his
tone and in his face than had appeared in either for many a weary
day。 Whereupon Cal gave an exultant whoop。 〃Go tell that to
Happy;〃 he shouted。 〃Maybe he'll forget a grouch or two。 Say;
luck seems to be kinda casting loving glances our way again
〃By golly; seems to me Pink oughta told us when he come in; las'
night;〃 grumbled Slim; when he could make himself heard。
〃You were all dead to the world;〃 Pink defended; 〃and I wanted to
be。 Two o'clock in the morning is a mighty poor time for elegant
conversation; if you want my opinion。〃
〃And the main point is; you knew all about it; and you didn't
give a darn whether we did or not;〃 Irish said bluntly。 〃And
Weary sneaked in; too; and never let a yip outa him about things
over in Denson coulee。〃
〃Oh; what was the use?〃 asked Weary blandly。 〃I got an option out
of Oleson for the ranch and outfit; and all his sheep; at a
mighty good figurefor the Flying U。 The Old Man can do what he
likes about it; but ten to one he'll buy him out。 That is;
Oleson's share; which was two…thirds。 I kinda counted on Dunk
letting go easy。 And;〃 he added; reaching for his hat; 〃once I
got the papers for it; there wasn't anything to hang around for;
was there? Especially;〃 he said with his old; sunny smile; 〃when
we weren't urged a whole lot to stay。〃
Remained therefore little; save the actual arrival of the Old
Mana pitifully weak Old Man; bandaged and odorous with
antiseptics; and quite pathetically glad to be back homeand his
recovery; which was rather slow; and the recovery of Happy Jack;
which was rapid。
For a brief space the Flying U outfit owned the Dots; very brief
it was; not a day longer than it took Chip to find a buyerat a
figure considerably above that named in the option; by the way。
So; after a season of worry and trouble and impending tragedy
such as no man may face unflinchingly; life dropped back to its
usual level; and the trail of the Flying U outfit once more le