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the flying u ranch-第32章

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you make〃 Andy; in unconscious imitation of the Native Son;

shrugged a shoulder expressively and urged Weary by a glance to

take the leadership。

〃Irish; you come with me。 The rest of you fellows know about what

to do。 Andy; I guess you'll have to ride point till I get back。〃

Weary hesitated; looked from Happy Jack to Oleson and the

herders; and back to the sober faces of his fellows。 〃Do what you

can for him; boysand I wish one of you would ride over; after

Pink gets back; andlet me know how things stack up; will you?〃

Incredible as was the situation on the face of it; nevertheless

it was extremely matter…of…fact in the handling; which is the way

sometimes with incredible situations; as if; since we know

instinctively that we cannot rise unprepared to the bigness of

its possibilities; we keep our feet planted steadfastly on the

ground and refuse to rise at all。 And afterward; perhaps; we look

back and wonder how it all came about。

At the last moment Weary turned back and exchanged guns with Andy

Green; because his own was empty and he realized the possible

need of oneor at least the need of having the sheep…men

perfectly aware that he had one ready for use。 The Native Son;

without a word of comment; handed his own silver…trimmed weapon

over to Irish; and rolled a cigarette deftly with one hand while

he watched them ride away。

〃Does this strike anybody else as being pretty raw?〃 he inquired

calmly; dismounting among them。 〃I'd do a good deal for the

outfit; myself; but letting that man get offSay; you fellows up

this way don't think killing a man amounts to much; do you?〃 He

looked from one to the other with a queer; contemptuous hostility

in his eyes。

Andy Green took a forward step and laid a hand familiarly on his

rigid shoulder。 〃Quit it; Mig。 We would do a lot for the outfit;

that's the God's truth。 And I played the game right up to the

hilt; I admit。 But nobody's killed。 I told Happy to play dead。 By

gracious; I caught him just in the nick uh time; he'd been

setting up; in another minute。〃 To prove it; he bent and twitched

the handkerchief from the face of Happy Jack; and Happy opened

his eyes and made shift to growl。

〃Yuh purty near…smothered me t'death; darn yuh。〃

〃Dios!〃 breathed the Native Son; for once since they knew him

jolted out of his eternal calm。 〃God; but I'm glad!〃

〃I guess the rest of us ain't;〃 insinuated Andy softly; and

lifted his hat to wipe the sweat off his forehead。 〃I will say

that〃 After all; he did not。 Instead; he knelt beside Happy

Jack and painstakingly adjusted the crumpled hat a hair's breadth


〃How do yuh feel; old…timer?〃 be asked with a very thin disguise

of cheerfulness upon the anxiety of his tone。

〃Well; I could feel a lotbetter; without hurtin' nothin;〃 Happy

Jack responded somberly。 〃I hope you fellersfeel better; now。

Yuh got 'emtryin' to murderthe hull outfit; jes' like Itold

yuh they would〃 Gunshot wounds; contrary to the tales of

certain sentimentalists; do not appreciably sweeten; or even

change; a man's disposition。 Happy Jack with a bullet hole

through one side of him was still Happy Jack。

〃Aw; quit your beefin';〃 Big Medicine advised gruffly。 〃A feller

with a hole in his lung yuh could throw a calf through sideways

ain't got no business statin' his views on nothin'; by cripes!〃

〃Aw gwan。 I thought you saidit didn't amount t' nothin';〃 Happy

reminded him; anxiety stealing into his face。

〃Well; it don't。 May lay yuh up a day or two; wouldn't be

su'prised if yuh had to stay on the bed…ground two or three

meals。 But look at Slim; here。 Shot through the legshattered a

bone; by cripes!las' night; only; and here he's makin' a hand

and ridin' and cussin' same as any of us t'day。 We ain't goin' to

let yuh grouch around; that's all。 We claim we got a vacation

comm' to us; you're shot up; now; and that's fun enough for one

man; without throwin' it into the whole bunch。 Why; a little nick

like that ain't nothin'; nothin' a…tall。 Why; I've been shot

right through here; by cripes〃Big Medicine laid an impressive

finger…tip on the top button of his trousers〃and it come out

back here〃he whirled and showed his thumb against the small of

his back〃and I never laid off but that day and part uh the

next。 I was sore;〃 he admitted; goggling Happy Jack earnestly;

〃but I kep' a…goin'。 I was right in fall roundup; an' I had to。 A

man can't lay down an' cry; by cripes; jes' because he gets

pinked a little〃

〃Aw; that's jest becauseit ain't you。 I betche you'd lay 'em

downjest like other folks; if yuh got shotthrough the lungs。

That ain't nojoke; lemme tell yuh!〃 Happy Jack was beginning to

show considerable spirit for a wounded man。 So much spirit that

Andy Green; who had seen men stricken down with various ills;

read fever signs in the countenance and in the voice of Happy;

and led Big Medicine somewhat peremptorily out of ear…shot。

〃Ain't you got any sense?〃 he inquired with fine candor。 〃What do

you want to throw it into him like that; for? You may not think

so; but he's pretty bad offif you ask me。〃

Big Medicine's pale eyes turned commiseratingly toward Happy

Jack。 〃I know he is; I ain't no fool。 I was jest tryin' to cheer

'im up a little。 He was beginnin' to look like he was gittin'

scared about it; I reckon maybe I made a break; sayin' what I did

about it; so I jest wanted to take the cuss off。 Honest to


〃If you know anything at all about such things; you must know

what fever means in such a case。 And; recollect; it's going to be

quite a while before a doctor can get here。〃

〃Oh; I'll be careful。 Maybe I did throw it purty strong; I won't;

no more。〃 Big Medicine s meekness was not the least amazing

incident of the day。 He was a big…hearted soul under his bellow

and bluff; and his sympathy for Happy Jack struck deep。 He went

back walking on his toes; and he stood so that his sturdy body

shaded Happy Jack's face from the sun; and he did not open his

mouth for another word until Irish and Jack Bates came rattling

up with the spring wagon hurriedly transformed with mattress;

pillows and blankets into an ambulance。

They had been thoughtful to a degree。 They brought with them a

jug of water and a tin cup; and they gave Happy Jack a long;

cooling drink of it and bathed his face before they lifted him

into the wagon。 And of all the hands that ministered to his

needs; the hands of Big Medicine were the eagerest and gentlest;

and his voice was the most vibrant with sympathy; which was

saying a good deal。

CHAPTER XVI。 The End of the Dots

Slim may not have been more curious than his fellows; but he was

perhaps more single…hearted in his loyalty to the outfit。 To him

the shooting of Happy Jack; once he felt assured that the wound

was not necessarily fatal; became of secondary importance。 It was

all in behalf of the Flying U; and if the bullet which laid Happy

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