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He knows enough about the cow business to know we ye got to get
out on the range pretty quick; now。 And he's so mean that every
day or every half day he can feed his sheep on Flying U grass; he
calls that much to the good。 And he knows we won't go to opening
up any real gun…fights if we can get out of it; he counts on our
faunching around and kicking up a lot of dust; maybebut we
won't do anything like what he'd do; in our places。 He knows the
Old Man and Chip are gone; and he knows we've just naturally got
to sit back and swallow our tongues because we haven't any
authority。 Mamma! It comes pretty tough; when a low…down skunk
like that just banks on your doing the square thing。 He wouldn't
do it; but he knows we will; and so he takes advantage of white
men and gets the best of 'em。 And if we should happen to break
out and do something; he knows the herders would be the ones to
get it in the neck; and he'd wait till the dust settled; and bob
up with the sheriff〃 He waved his hand again with a hopeless
gesture。 〃It may not look that way on the face of it;〃 he added
gloomily; 〃but Dunk has got us right where he wants us。 From the
way they've been letting sheep on our land; time and time again;
I'd gamble he's just trying to make us so mad we'll break out。
He's got it in for the whole outfit; from the Old Man and the
Little Doctor down to Slim。 If any of us boys got into trouble;
the Old Man would spend his last cent to clear us; and Dunk knows
that just as well as he knows the way from the house to the
stable。 He'd see to it that it would just about take the Old
Man's last cent; too。 And he's using these Dot sheep like you'd
use a red flag on a bull; to make us so crazy mad we'll kill off
〃That's why;〃 he said to them all when he saw that they had
ridden up close that they might hear what he was saying; 〃I've
been hollering so loud for the meek…and…mild stunt。 When I
slapped him on the jaw; and he stood there and took it; I saw his
game。 He had a witness to swear I hit him and he didn't hit back。
And when I saw them Dots in our field again; I knew; just as well
as if Dunk had told me; that he was kinda hoping we'd kill a
herder or two so he could cinch us good and plenty。 I don't say;〃
he qualified with a rueful grin; 〃that Dunk went into the sheep
business just to get r…re…venge; as they say in shows。 But if he
can make money running sheepand he can; all right; because
there's more money in them right now than there is in cattleand
at the same time get a good whack at the Flying U; he's the lad
that will sure make a running jump at the chance。〃 He spat upon
the burnt end of his cigarette stub from force of the habit that
fear of range fires had built; and cast it petulantly from him;
as if he would like to have been able to throw Dunk and his sheep
problem as easily out of his path。
〃So I wish you boys would hang onto yourselves when you hear a
sheep blatting under your window;〃 he summed up his unburdening
whimsically。 〃As Bud said this morning; you can't hang a man for
telling a sheepherder you'll take off his shoes。 And they can't
send us over the road for moving that band of sheep onto new
range to…day。 Last night you all were kinda disorderly; maybe;
but you didn't hurt anybody; or destroy any property。 You see
what I mean。 Our only show is to stop with our toes on the right
side of the dead line。〃
〃If Andy; here; would jest git his think…wheels greased and going
good;〃 Big Medicine suggested loudly; 〃he ought to frame up
something that would put them Dots on the run permanent。 I d'no;
by cripes; why it is a feller can always think uh lies and joshes
by the dozens; and put 'em over O。 K。 when there ain't nothing to
be made out of it except hard feelin's; and then when a deal like
this here sheep deal comes up; he's got about as many idees; by
cripes; as that there line…back calf over there。 Honest to
grandma; Andy makes me feel kinda faint。 Only time he did have a
chanc't; he let them〃 It occurred to Big Medicine at that point
that perhaps his remarks might be construed by the object of them
as being offensively personal。 He turned his head and grinned
good…naturedly in Andy's direction; and refrained from finishing
what he was going to say。 〃I sure do like them wind… flowers
scattered all over the ground;〃 he observed with such deliberate
and ostentatious irrelevance that the Happy Family laughed; even
to Andy Green; who had at first been inclined toward anger。
〃Everything;〃 declared Andy in the tone of a paid instructor;
〃has its proper time and place; boys; I've told you that before。
For instance; I wouldn't try to kill a skunk by talking it to
death; and I wouldn't be hopeful of putting the run on this Dunk
person by telling him ghost stories。 As to ideasI'm plumb full
of them。 But they're all about grub; just right at present。〃
That started Slim and Happy Jack to complaining because no one
had had sense enough to go back after some lunch before taking
that long trail south; the longer because it was a slow one; with
sheep to set the pace。 And by the time they had presented their
arguments against the Happy Family's having enough brains to last
them overnight; and the Happy Family had indignantly pointed out
just where the mental deficiency was most noticeable; they were
upon that last; broad stretch of 〃bench〃 land beyond which lay
Flying U coulee and Patsy and dinner; a belated dinner; to be
sure; but for that the more welcome。
And when they reached the point where they could look away to the
very rim of the coulee; they saw sheepsheep to the skyline;
feeding scattered and at ease; making the prairie look; in the
distance; as if it were covered with a thin growth of gray
sage…brush。 Four herders moved slowly upon the outskirts; and the
dogs were little; scurrying; black dots which stopped
occasionally to wait thankfully until the master…minds again
urged them to endeavor。
The Happy Family drew up and stared in silence。
〃Do I see sheep?〃 Pink inquired plaintively at last。 〃Tell me;
〃It's that bunch you fellows tackled last night;〃 said Weary
miserably。 〃I ought to have had sense enough to leave somebody on
the ranch to look out for this。〃
〃They've got their nerve;〃 stated Irish; 〃after the deal they got
last night。 I'd have bet good money that you couldn't drag them
herders across Flying U coulee with a log chain。〃
〃Say; by golly; do we have to drive this here bunch anywheres
before we git anything to eat?〃 Slim wanted to know
Weary considered briefly。 〃No; I guess we'll pass 'em up for the
present。 An hour or so won't make much difference in the long
run; and our horses are about all in; right now〃
〃So'm I; by cripes!〃 Big Medicine attested; grinning mirthlessly。
〃This here sheep business is plumb wearin' on a man。 'Specially;〃
he added with a fretful note; 〃when you've got to handle 'em
gentle。 T