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the flying u ranch-第23章

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They 〃savvied;〃 and they told him so; each after his own

individual manner。

〃I guess we ought to be able to put the run on a couple of

sheepherders; without wasting any powder;〃 Pink said loftily;

remembering his meeting with them a few days before。

〃One thing surewe'll make a good job of it this time;〃 promised

Irish; and spurred after Weary; who was leading the way around

the band。

The herders watched them openly and with the manner of men who

are expecting the worst to happen。 Unlike the four whose camp had

been laid low the night before; these two were unarmed; as they

had been from the first; which; in Weary's opinion; was a bit of

guile upon the part of Dunk。 If trouble cametrouble which it

would take a jury to settlethe fact that the sheepmen were

unarmed would tell heavily in their favor; for; while the petty

meanness of range…stealing and nagging trespass may be harder to

bear than the flourishing of a gun before one's face; it all

sounds harmless enough in the telling。

Weary headed straight for the nearest herder; told him to put his

dogs to work rounding up the sheep; which were scattered over an

area half a mile across while they fed; and; when the herder; who

was the bug…killer; made no move to obey; Weary deliberately

pulled his gun and pointed at his head。

〃You move;〃 he directed with grim intent; 〃and don't take too

much time about it; either。〃

The bug…killer; an unkempt; ungainly figure; standing with his

back to the morning sun; scowled up at Weary stolidly。

〃Yuh dassent shoot;〃 he stated sourly; and did not move。

For answer; Weary pulled back the hammer; also he smiled as

malignantly as it was in his nature to do; and hoped in his heart

that he looked sufficiently terrifying to convince the man。 So

they faced each other in a silent clash of wills。

Big Medicine had not been saying much on the way over; which was

unusual。 Now he rode forward until he was abreast of Weary; and

he grinned down at the bug…killer in a way to distract his

attention from the gun。

〃Nobody don't have to shoot; by cripes!〃 he bawled。 〃We hain't

goin' to kill yuh。 We'll make yuh wisht; by cripes; we had;

though; b'fore we git through。 Git to work; boys; 'n' gether up

some dry grass an' sticks。 Over there in them rose…bushes you

oughta find enough bresh。 We'll give him a taste uh what we was

talkin' about comm' over; by cripes! I guess he'll be willin' to

drive sheep; all right; when we git through with him。

Haw…haw…haw…w…w!〃 He leaned forward in the saddle and ogled the

bug…killer with horrid significance。

〃Git busy with that bresh!〃 he yelled authoritatively; when a

glance showed him that the Happy Family was hesitating and eyeing

him uncertainly。 〃Git a fire goin' quick's yuh kinI'll do the

rest。 Down in Coconino county we used to have a way uh fixin'


〃Aw; gwan! We don't want no torture business!〃 remonstrated Happy

Jack uneasily; edging away。

〃Yuh don't; hey?〃 Big Medicine turned in the saddle wrathfully

and glared。 When he had succeeded in catching Andy Green's eye he

winked; and that young man's face kindled understandingly。 〃Well;

now; you hain't runnin' this here show。 Honest to grandma; I've

saw the time when a little foot…warmin' done a sheepherder a

whole lot uh good; and; it looks to me; by cripes; as if this

here feller needed a dose to gentle him down。 You git the fire

started。 That's all I want you t' do; Happy。 Some uh you boys

help me rope himlike him and that other jasper over there done

to Andy。 C'me on; Andyit ain't goin' to take long!〃

〃You bet your sweet life I'll come on!〃 exclaimed Andy;

dismounting eagerly。 〃Let me take your rope; Weary。 Too bad we

haven't got a branding iron〃

〃Aw; we don't need no irons。〃 Big Medicine was also on the ground

by then; and untying his rope。 〃Lemme git his shoes off once; and

I'll show yuh。〃

The bug…killer lifted his stick; snarling like a mongrel dog when

a stranger tries to drive it out of the house; hurled the stick

hysterically; as Big Medicine; rope in hand; advanced implacably;

and; with a squawk of horror; turned suddenly and ran。 After him;

bellowing terribly; lunged Big Medicine; straight through the

band like a snowplow; leaving behind them a wide; open trail。

〃Say; we kinda overplayed that bet; by gracious;〃 Andy commented

to Weary; while he watched the chase。 〃That gazabo's scared

silly; let's try the other one。 That torture talk works fine。〃

In his enthusiasm Andy remounted and was about to lead the way to

the other herder when Big Medicine returned puffing; the

bug…killer squirming in his grasp。 〃Tell him what yuh want him to

do; Weary;〃 he panted; with some difficulty holding his limp

victim upright by a greasy coat…collar。 〃And if he don't fall

over himself doin' it; whyby cripeswe'll take off his shoes!〃

Whereupon the bug…killer gave another howl and professed himself

eager to drive the sheepwell; what he said was that he would

drive them to that place which ladies dislike to hear mentioned;

if the Happy Family wanted him to。

〃That's all right; then。 Start 'em south; and don't quit till

somebody tells you to。〃 Weary carefully let down the hammer of

his six…shooter and shoved it thankfully into his scabbard。

〃Now; you don't want to pile it on quite so thick; next time;〃

Irish admonished Big Medicine; when they turned away from

watching the bug…killer set his dogs to work by gestures and a

shouted word or two。 〃You like to have sent this one plumb


〃I betche Bud gets us all pinched for that;〃 grumbled Happy Jack。

〃Torturing folks is purty darned serious business。 You might as

well shoot 'em up decent and be done with it。〃

〃Haw…haw…haw…w…w!〃 Big Medicine ogled the group mirthfully。

〃Nobody can't swear I done a thing; or said a thing。 All I said

definite was that I'd take off his shoes。 Any jury in the

country'd know that would be hull lot worse fer us than it would

fer him; by cripes。 Haw…haw…haw…w…w!〃

〃Say; that's right; yuh didn't say nothin'; ner do nothin'。 By

golly; that was purty slick work; all right!〃 Slim forgot his

sore leg until he clapped his hand enthusiastically down upon the

place as comprehension of Bud's finesse dawned upon him。 He

yelped; and the Happy Family laughed unfeelingly。

〃You want to be careful and don't try to see through any jokes;

Slim; till that leg uh yours gets well;〃 Irish bantered; and they

laughed the louder。

All this was mere byplay; a momentary swinging of their mood to

pleasantry; because they were a temperamentally cheerful lot; and

laughter came to them easily; as it always does to youth and

perfect mental and physical health。 Their brief hilarity over

Slim's misfortune did not swerve them from their purpose; nor

soften the mood of them toward their adversaries。 They were

unsmiling and unfriendly when they reached the man from Wyoming;

and; if they ever beh
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