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roundup and waiting for good grass。
〃I'll be darned if I'd be as calm as he is;〃 Cal Emmett muttered
while the door was being closed。 〃Good thing the Old Man ain't
here; now。 He'd go straight up in the air。 He wouldn't wait for
no breakfast。〃
〃I betche there'll be a killin' yet; before we're through with
them sheep;〃 gloomed Happy Jack。 〃When sheepherders starts in
once to be ornery; there ain't no way uh stoppin' 'em except by
killin' 'em off。 And that'll mean the pen for a lot of us
〃Well; by golly; it won't be me;〃 Slim declared loudly。 〃Yuh
wouldn't ketch me goin' t' jail for no doggone sheepherder。 They
oughta be a bounty on 'en by rights。〃
〃Seems queer they'd be right back here this morning; after being
hazed out yesterday afternoon;〃 said Andy Green thoughtfully。
〃Looks like they're plumb anxious to build a lot of trouble for
Patsy; thumping energetically the bottom of a tin pan; sent them
trooping to the mess…house。 There it was evident that the
breakfast had been unduly hurried; there were no biscuits in
sight; for one thing; though Patsy was lumbering about the stove
frying hot…cakes。 They were in too great a hurry to wait for
them; however。 They swallowed their coffee hurriedly; bolted a
few mouthfuls of meat and fried eggs; and let it go at that。
Weary looked at then with a faint smile。 〃I'm going to give a few
of you fellows a chance to herd sheep to…day;〃 he announced;
cooling his coffee so that it would not actually scald his
palate。 〃That's why I wanted you to get some grub into you。 Some
of you fellows will have to take the trail up on the hill; and
meet us outside the fence; so when we chase 'em through you can
make a good job of it this time。 I wonder〃
〃You don't need to call out the troops for that job; one man is
enough to put the fear uh the Lord into then herders;〃 Andy
remarked slightingly。 〃Once they're on the move〃
〃All right; my boy; we'll let you be the man;〃 Weary told him
promptly。 〃I was going to have a bunch of you take a packadero
outfit down toward Boiler Bottom and comb the breaks along there
for horsesand I sure do hate to spend the whole day chasing
sheepherders around over the country。 So we'll haze 'em through
the fence again; and; seeing you feel that way about it; I'll let
you go around and keep 'em going。 And; if you locate their camp;
kinda impress it on the tender; if you can round him up; that the
Flying U ain't pasturing sheep this spring。 No matter what kinda
talk he puts up; you put the run on 'em till you see 'em across
One…Man coulee。 Better have Patsy put you up a lunchunless
you're fond of mutton。〃
Andy twisted his mouth disgustedly。 〃Say; I'm going to quit
handing out any valuable advice to you; Weary;〃 he expostulated。
〃Haw…haw…haw…w…w!〃 laughed Big Medicine; and slapped Andy on the
shoulder so that his face almost came in contact with his plate。
〃Yuh will try to work some innercent man into sheepherdin'; will
yuh? Haw…haw…haw…w! You'll come in tonight blattin'if yuh don't
stay out on the range tryin' t' eat grass; by cripes! Andy had a
little lamb that follered him around〃
〃Better let Bud take that herdin' job; Weary;〃 Andy suggested。
〃It won't hurt himhe's blattin' already。〃
〃If you think you're liable to need somebody along;〃 Weary began;
soft…heartedly relenting; 〃why; I guess〃
〃If I can't handle two crazy sheepherders without any help; by
gracious; I'll get me a job holdin' yarn in an old ladies' hone;〃
Andy cut in hastily; and got up from the table。 〃Being a truthful
man; I can't say I'm stuck on the job; but I'm game for it。 And
I'll promise you there won't be no more sheep of that brand
lickin' our doorsteps。 What darned outfit is it; anyway? I never
bumped into any Dot sheep before; to my knowledge。〃
〃It's a new one on me;〃 Weary testified; heading the procession
down to the stable。 〃If they belonged anywhere in this part of
the country; though; they wouldn't be acting the way they are。
They'd be wise to the fact that it ain't healthy。〃
Even while he spoke his eyes were fixed with cold intensity upon
a fringe of gray across the coulee below the little pasture。 To
the nostrils of the outraged Happy Family was borne that
indescribable aroma which betrays the presence of sheep; that
aroma which sheepmen love and which cattlemen hate; and which a
favorable wind will carry a long way。
They slapped saddles on their horses in record time that morning;
and raced down the coulee ironically shouting commiserating
sentences to the unfortunate Andy; who rode slowly up to the
mess…house for the lunch which Patsy had waiting for him in a
flour sack; and afterward climbed the grade and loped along
outside the line fence to a point opposite the sheep and the
shouting horsemen; who forced them back by weight of numbers。
This morning the herders were not quite so passive。 The
bug…killer still scowled; but he spoke without the preliminary
sulky silence of the day before;
〃We're goin' across the coulee;〃 he growled。 〃Them's orders。 We
range south uh here。〃
〃No; you don't;〃 Weary dissented calmly。 〃Not by a long shot; you
don't。 You're going back where you come fromif you ask me。 And
you're going quick!〃
CHAPTER VI。 What Happened to Andy
With the sun shining comfortably upon his back; and with a
cigarette between his lips; Andy sat upon his horse and watched
in silent glee while the irate Happy Family scurried here and
there behind the band; swinging their ropes down upon the woolly
backs; and searching their vocabularies for new and terrible
epithets。 Andy smiled broadly as a colorful phrase now and then
boomed across the coulee in that clear; snappy atmosphere; which
carries sounds so far。 He did not expect to do much smiling upon
his own account; that day; and he was therefore grateful for the
opportunity to behold the spectacle before him。
There was Slim; for instance; unwillingly careening down hill
toward home; because; in his zeal to slap an old ewe smartly with
his rope; he drove her unexpectedly under his horse; and so
created a momentary panic that came near standing both horse and
rider upon their heads。 And there was Big Medicine whistling
until he was purple; while the herder; with a single gesture;
held the dog motionless; though a dozen sheep broke back from the
band and climbed a slope so steep that Big Medicine was compelled
to go after them afoot; and turn them with stones and profane
It was very funnywhen one could sit at ease upon the hilltop
and smoke a cigarette while others risked apoplexy and their
souls' salvation below。 By the time they panted up the last
rock…strewn slope of the bluff; and sent the vanguard of the
invaders under the fence; Andy's mood was complacent in the
extreme; and his smile offensively wide。
〃Oh; you needn't look so sorry for us;〃 drawled the Native Son;