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O father; to thy loved ones come in aid。
With tears I call on thee。
Listen and rise to light!
Be thou with us; be thou against the foe!
Swiftly this cry arises…even so
Pray we; the loyal band; as we have prayed!
Let their might meet with mine; and their right with my right。
O ye Gods; it is yours to decree。
Ye call unto the dead; I quake to hear。
Fate is ordained of old; and shall fulfil your prayer。
Alas; the inborn curse that haunts our home;
Of Ate's bloodstained scourge the tuneless sound!
Alas; the deep insufferable doom;
The stanchless wound!
It shall be stanched; the task is ours;…
Not by a stranger's; but by kindred hand;
Shall be chased forth the blood…fiend of our land。
Be this our spoken spell; to call Earth's nether powers!
Lords of a dark eternity;
To you has come the children's cry;
Send up from hell; fulfil your aid
To them who prayed。
(The chant is concluded。)
O father; murdered in unkingly wise;
Fulfil my prayer; grant me thine halls to sway。
To me; too; grant this boon…dark death to deal
Unto Aegisthus; and to 'scape my doom。
So shall the rightful feasts that mortals pay
Be set for thee; else; not for thee shall rise
The scented reek of altars fed with flesh;
But thou shalt lie dishonoured: hear thou me!
I too; from my full heritage restored;
Will pour the lustral streams; what time I pass
Forth as a bride from these paternal halls;
And honour first; beyond all graves; thy tomb。
Earth; send my sire to fend me in the fight!
Give fair…faced fortune; O Persephone!
Bethink thee; father; in the laver slain…
Bethink thee of the net they handselled for thee!
Bonds not of brass ensnared thee; father mine。
Yea; the ill craft of an enfolding robe。
By this our bitter speech arise; O sire!
Raise thou thine head at love's last; dearest call!
Yea; speed forth Right to aid thy kinsmen's cause;
Grip for grip; let them grasp the foe; if thou
Willest in triumph to forget thy fall。
Hear me; O father; once again hear me。
Lo! at thy tomb; two fledglings of thy brood…
A man…child and a maid; hold them in ruth;
Nor wipe them out; the last of Pelops' line。
For while they live; thou livest from the dead;
Children are memory's voices; and preserve
The dead from wholly dying: as a net
Is ever by the buoyant corks upheld;
Which save the flax…mesh; in the depth submerged。
Listen; this wail of ours doth rise for thee;
And as thou heedest it thyself art saved。
In sooth; a blameless prayer ye spake at length…
The tomb's requital for its dirge denied:
Now; for the rest; as thou art fixed to do;
Take fortune by the hand and work thy will。
The doom is set; and yet I fain would ask…
Not swerving from the course of my resolve;…
Wherefore she sent these offerings; and why
She softens all too late her cureless deed?
An idle boon it was; to send them here
Unto the dead who recks not of such gifts。
I cannot guess her thought; but well I ween
Such gifts are skilless to atone such crime。
Be blood once spilled; an idle strife he strives
Who seeks with other wealth or wine outpoured
To atone the deed。 So stands the word; nor fails。
Yet would I know her thought; speak; if thou knowest。
I know it; son; for at her side I stood。
'Twas the night…wandering terror of a dream
That flung her shivering from her couch; and bade her…
Her; the accursed of God…these offerings send。
Heard ye the dream; to tell it forth aright?
Yea; from herself; her womb a serpent bare。
What then the sum and issue of the tale?
Even as a swaddled child; she lull'd the thing。
What suckling craved the creature; born full…fanged?
Yet in her dreams she proffered it the breast。
How? did the hateful thing not bite her teat?
Yea; and sucked forth a blood…gout in the milk。
Not vain this dream…it bodes a man's revenge。
Then out of sleep she started with a cry;
And thro' the palace for their mistress' aid
Full many lamps; that erst lay blind with night;
Flared into light; then; even as mourners use;
She sends these offerings; in hope to win
A cure to cleave and sunder sin from doom。
Earth and my father's grave; to you I call…
Give this her dream fulfilment; and thro' me。
I read it in each part coincident
With what shall be; for mark; that serpent sprang
From the same womb as I; in swaddling bands
By the same hands was swathed; lipped the same breast;
And sucking forth the same sweet mother's…milk
Infused a clot of blood; and in alarm
She cried upon her wound the cry of pain。
The rede is clear: the thing of dread she nursed;
The death of blood she dies; and I; 'tis I;
In semblance of a serpent; that must slay her。
Thou art my seer; and thus I read the dream。
So do; yet ere thou doest; speak to us;
Bidding some act; some; by not acting; aid。
Brief my command: I bid my sister pass
In silence to the house; and all I bid
This my design with wariness conceal;
That they who did by craft a chieftain slay
May by like craft and in like noose be talen;
Dying the death which Loxias foretold…
Apollo; king and prophet undisproved。
I with this warrior Pylades will come
In likeness of a stranger; full equipt
As travellers come; and at the palace gates
Will stand; as stranger yet in friendship's bond
Unto this house allied; and each of us
Will speak the tongue that round Parnassus sounds;
Feigning such speech as Phocian voices use。
And what if none of those that tend the gates
Shall welcome us with gladness; since the house
With ills divine is baunted? If this hap;
We at the gate will bide; till; passing by;
Some townsman make conjecture and proclaim;
How? is Aegisthus here; and knowingly
Keeps suppliants aloof; by bolt and bar?
Then shall I win my way; and if I cross
The threshold of the gate; the palace' guard;
And find him throned where once my father sat…
Or if he come anon; and face to face