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the choephori-第3章

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    Pray thou; in gratitude for prayers fulfilled;

    Fair fall the rest of what I ask of heaven。


    Wherefore? what win I from the gods by prayer?


    This; that thine eyes behold thy heart's desire。


    On whom of mortals know'st thou that I call?


    I know thy yearning for Orestes deep。


    Say then; wherein event hath crowned my prayer?


    I; I am he; seek not one more akin。


    Some fraud; O stranger; weavest thou for me?


    Against myself I weave it; if I weave。


    Ah; thou hast mind to mock me in my woel


    'Tis at mine own I mock then; mocking thine。


    Speak I with thee then as Orestes' self?


    My very face thou see'st and know'st me not;

    And yet but now; when thou didst see the lock

    Shorn for my father's grave; and when thy quest

    Was eager on the footprints I had made;

    Even I; thy brother; shaped and sized as thou;

    Fluttered thy spirit; as at sight of me!

    Lay now this ringlet whence 'twas shorn; and judge;

    And look upon this robe; thine own hands' work;

    The shuttle…prints; the creature wrought thereon…

    Refrain thyself; nor prudence lose in joy;

    For well I wot; our kin are less than kind。


    O thou that art unto our father's home

    Love; grief and hope; for thee the tears ran down;

    For thee; the son; the saviour that should be;

    Trust thou thine arm and win thy father's halls!

    O aspect sweet of fourfold love to me;

    Whom upon thee the heart's constraint bids cal

    As on my father; and the claim of love

    From me unto my mother turns to thee;

    For she is very hate; to thee too turns

    What of my heart went out to her who died

    A ruthless death upon the altar…stone;

    And for myself I love thee…thee that wast

    A brother leal; sole stay of love to me。

    Now by thy side be strength and right; and Zeus

    Saviour almighty; stand to aid the twain!


    Zeus; Zeus! look down on our estate and us;

    The orphaned brood of him; our eagle…sire;

    Whom to his death a fearful serpent brought;

    Enwinding him in coils; and we; bereft

    And foodless; sink with famine; all too weak

    To bear unto the eyrie; as he bore;

    Such quarry as he slew。 Lo! I and she;

    Electra; stand before thee; fatherless;

    And each alike cast out and homeless made。


    And if thou leave to death the brood of him

    Whose altar blazed for thee; whose reverence

    Was thine; all thine;…whence; in the after years;

    Shall any hand like his adorn thy shrine

    With sacrifice of flesh? the eaglets slain;

    Thou wouldst not have a messenger to bear

    Thine omens; once so clear; to mortal men;

    So; if this kingly stock be withered all;

    None on high festivals will fend thy shrine。

    Stoop thou to raise us! strong the race shall grow;

    Though puny now it seem; and fallen low。


    O children; saviours of your father's home;

    Beware ye of your words; lest one should hear

    And bear them; for the tongue hath lust to tell;

    Unto our masters…whom God grant to me

    In pitchy reek of fun'ral flame to seel


    Nay; mighty is Apollo's oracle

    And shall not fail me; whom it bade to pass

    Thro' all this peril; clear the voice rang out

    With many warnings; sternly threatening

    To my hot heart the wintry chill of pain;

    Unless upon the slayers of my sire

    I pressed for vengeance: this the god's command…

    That I; in ire for home and wealth despoiled;

    Should with a craft like theirs the slayers slay:

    Else with my very life I should atone

    This deed undone; in many a ghastly wise。

    For he proclaimed unto the ears of men

    That offerings; poured to angry powers of death;

    Exude again; unless their will be done;

    As grim disease on those that poured them forth…

    As leprous ulcers mounting on the flesh

    And with fell fangs corroding what of old

    Wore natural form; and on the brow arise

    White poisoned hairs; the crown of this disease。

    He spake moreover of assailing fiends

    Empowered to quit on me my father's blood;

    Wreaking their wrath on me; what time in night

    Beneath shut lids the spirit's eye sees clear。

    The dart that flies in darkness; sped from hell

    By spirits of the murdered dead who call

    Unto their kin for vengeance; formless fear;

    The night…tide's visitant; and madness' curse

    Should drive and rack me; and my tortured frame

    Should be chased forth from man's community

    As with the brazen scorpions of the scourge。

    For me and such as me no lustral bowl

    Should stand; no spilth of wine be poured to God

    For me; and wrath unseen of my dead sire

    Should drive me from the shrine; no man should dare

    To take me to his hearth; nor dwell with me:

    Slow; friendless; cursed of all should be mine end;

    And pitiless horror wind me for the grave。

    This spake the god…this dare I disobey?

    Yea; though I dared; the deed must yet be done;

    For to that end diverse desires combine;…

    The god's behest; deep grief for him who died;

    And last; the grievous blank of wealth despoiled…

    All these weigh on me; urge that Argive men;

    Minions of valour; who with soul of fire

    Did make of fenced Troy a ruinous heap;

    Be not left slaves to two and each a woman!

    For he; the man; wears woman's heart; if not;

    Soon shall he know; confronted by a man。

    (ORESTES; ELECTRA; and the CHORUS gather round the tomb of

        Agamemnon。 The following lines are chanted responsively。)


             Mighty Fates; on you we call!

             Bid the will of Zeus ordain

             Power to those; to whom again

             Justice turns with hand and aid!

             Grievous was the prayer one made

             Grievous let the answer fall!

             Where the mighty doom is set;

             Justice claims aloud her debt。

             Who in blood hath dipped the steel;

             Deep in blood her meed shall feel

             List an immemorial word…

               Whosoe'er shall take the sword

               Shall perish by the sword。


    Father; unblest in death; O father mine!

          What breath of word or deed

    Can I waft on thee from this far confine

          Unto thy lowly bed;…

    Waft upon thee; in midst of darkness lying;

          Hope's counter…gleam of fire?

    Yet the loud dirge of praise brings grace undying

          Unto each parted sire。


        O child; the spirit of the dead;

        Altho' upon his flesh have fed

          The grim teeth of the flame;

        Is quelled not; after many days

        The sting of wrath his soul shall raise;
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