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the choephori-第10章

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        Another loometh near。


    Hark ye and learn…for what the end shall be

    For me I know not: breaking from the curb

    My spirit whirls me off; a conquered prey;

    Borne as a charioteer by steeds distraught

    Far from the course; and madness in my breast

    Burneth to chant its song; and leap; and rave…

    Hark ye and learn; friends; ere my reason goes!

    I say that rightfully I slew my mother;

    A thing God…scorned; that foully slew my sire。

    And chiefest wizard of the spell that bound me

    Unto this deed I name the Pythian seer

    Apollo; who foretold that if I slew;

    The guilt of murder done should pass from me;

    But if I spared; the fate that should be mine

    I dare not blazon forth…the bow of speech

    Can reach not to the mark; that doom to tell。

    And now behold me; how with branch and crown

    I pass; a suppliant made meet to go

    Unto Earth's midmost shrine; the holy ground

    Of Loxias; and that renowned light

    Of ever…burning fire; to 'scape the doom

    Of kindred murder: to no other shrine

    (So Loxias bade) may I for refuge turn。

    Bear witness; Argives; in the after time;

    How came on me this dread fatality。

    Living; I pass a banished wanderer hence;

    To leave in death the memory of this cry。


    Nay; but the deed is well; link not thy lips

    To speech ill…starred; nor vent ill…boding words…

    Who hast to Argos her full freedom given;

    Lopping two serpents' heads with timely blow。


    Look; look; alas!

    Handmaidens; see…what Gorgon shapes throng up

    Dusky their robes and all their hair enwound…

    Snakes coiled with snakes…off; off;…I must away!


    Most loyal of all sons unto thy sire;

    What visions thus distract thee? Hold; abide;

    Great was thy victory; and shalt thou fear?


    These are no dreams; void shapes of haunting ill;

    But clear to sight another's hell…hounds come!


    Nay; the fresh bloodshed still imbrues thine hands;

    And thence distraction sinks into thy soul。


    O king Apollo…see; they swarm and throng…

    Black blood of hatred dripping from their eyes!


    One remedy thou hast; go; touch the shrine

    Of Loxias; and rid thee of these woes。


    Ye can behold them not; but I behold them。

    Up and away! I dare abide no more。

                                      (He rushes out。)


    Farewell then as thou mayst;…the god thy friend

    Guard thee and aid with chances favouring。

    CHORUS (chanting)

      Behold; the storm of woe divine

      That raves and beats on Atreus' line

        Its great third blast hath blown。

      First was Thyestes' loathly woe

      The rueful feast of long ago;

        On children's flesh; unknown。

      And next the kingly chief's despite;

      When he who led the Greeks to fight

        Was in the bath hewn down。

      And now the offspring of the race

      Stands in the third; the saviour's place;

        To save…or to consume?

      O whither; ere it be fulfilled;

      Ere its fierce blast be hushed and stilled;

        Shall blow the wind of doom?

                    THE END

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