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you; I daresay; through versatility of knowledge;'14' never say the
same thing twice over on the same subject?
'14' Or; 〃such is the breadth of your learning;〃 {polumathes}。 Cf。
Plat。 〃Hipp。 maj。〃
To be sure (he answered); my endeavour is to say something new on all
What (he asked) about things which you know; as for instance in a case
of spelling; if any one asks you; 〃How many letters in Socrates; and
what is their order?〃'15' I suppose you try to run off one string of
letters to…day and to…morrow another? or to a question of arithmetic;
〃Does twice five make ten?〃 your answer to…day will differ from that
of yesterday?
'15' Cf。 〃Econ。〃 viii。 14; Plat。 〃Alc。〃 i。 113 A。
Hipp。 No; on these topics; Socrates; I do as you do and repeat myself。
However; to revert to justice (and uprightness);'16' I flatter myself
I can at present furnish you with some remarks which neither you nor
any one else will be able to controvert。
'16' Or; 〃on the topic of the just I have something to say at present
which;〃 etc。
By Hera!'17' (he exclaimed); what a blessing to have discovered!'18'
Now we shall have no more divisions of opinion on points of right and
wrong; judges will vote unanimously; citizens will cease wrangling;
there will be no more litigation; no more party faction; states will
reconcile their differences; and wars are ended。 For my part I do not
know how I can tear myself away from you; until I have heard from your
own lips all about the grand discovery you have made。
'17' See above; I。 v。 5。
'18' Or; 〃what a panacea are you the inventor of〃; lit。 〃By Hera; you
have indeed discovered a mighty blessing; if juries are to cease
recording their verdicts 'aye' and 'no'; if citizens are to cease
their wranglings on points of justice; their litigations; and
their party strifes; if states are to cease differing on matters
of right and wrong and appealing to the arbitrament of war。〃
You shall hear all in good time (Hippias answered); but not until you
make a plain statement of your own belief。 What is justice? We have
had enough of your ridiculing all the rest of the world; questioning
and cross…examining first one and then the other; but never a bit will
you render an account to any one yourself or state a plain opinion
upon a single topic。'19'
'19' See Plat。 〃Gorg。〃 465 A。
What; Hippias (Socrates retorted); have you not observed that I am in
a chronic condition of proclaiming what I regard as just and upright?
Hipp。 And pray what is this theory'20' of yours on the subject? Let us
have it in words。
'20' {o logos}。
Soc。 If I fail to proclaim it in words; at any rate I do so in deed
and in fact。 Or do you not think that a fact is worth more as evidence
than a word?'21'
'21' Or; 〃is of greater evidential value;〃 〃ubi res adsunt; quid opus
est verbis?〃
Worth far more; I should say (Hippias answered); for many a man with
justice and right on his lips commits injustice and wrong; but no doer
of right ever was a misdoer or could possibly be。
Soc。 I ask then; have you ever heard or seen or otherwise perceived me
bearing false witness or lodging malicious information; or stirring up
strife among friends or political dissension in the city; or
committing any other unjust and wrongful act?
No; I cannot say that I have (he answered)。
Soc。 And do you not regard it as right and just to abstain from
'22' Or; 〃is not abstinence from wrongdoing synonymous with righteous
Hipp。 Now you are caught; Socrates; plainly trying to escape from a
plain statement。 When asked what you believe justice to be; you keep
telling us not what the just man does; but what he does not do。
Why; I thought for my part (answered Socrates) that the refusal to do
wrong and injustice was a sufficient warrent in itself of
righteousness and justice; but if you do not agree; see if this
pleases you better: I assert that what is 〃lawful〃 is 〃just and
Do you mean to assert (he asked) that lawful and just are synonymous
Soc。 I do。
I ask (Hippias added); for I do not perceive what you mean by lawful;
nor what you mean by just。'23'
'23' Lit。 〃what sort of lawful or what sort of just is spoken of。〃
Soc。 You understand what is meant by laws of a city or state?
Yes (he answered)。
Soc。 What do you take them to be?
Hipp。 The several enactments drawn up by the citizens or members of a
state in agreement as to what things should be done or left undone。
Then I presume (Socrates continued) that a member of a state who
regulates his life in accordance with these enactments will be law…
abiding; while the transgressor of the same will be law…less?
Certainly (he answered)。
Soc。 And I presume the law…loving citizen will do what is just and
right; while the lawless man will do what is unjust and wrong?
Hipp。 Certainly。
Soc。 And I presume that he who does what is just is just; and he who
does what is unjust is unjust?
Hipp。 Of course。
Soc。 It would appear; then; that the law…loving man is just; and the
lawless unjust?
Then Hippias: Well; but laws; Socrates; how should any one regard as a
serious matter either the laws themselves; or obedience to them; which
laws the very people who made them are perpetually rejecting and
Which is also true of war (Socrates replied); cities are perpetually
undertaking war and then making peace again。
Most true (he answered)。
Soc。 If so; what is the difference between depreciating obedience to
law because laws will be repealed; and depreciating good discipline in
war because peace will one day be made? But perhaps you object to
enthusiasm displayed in defence of one's home and fatherland in war?
No; indeed I do not! I heartily approve of it (he answered)。
Soc。 Then have you laid to heart the lesson taught by Lycurgus to the
Lacedaemonians;'24' and do you understand that if he succeeded in
giving Sparta a distinction above other states; it was only by
instilling into her; beyond all else; a spirit of obedience to the
laws? And among magistrates and rulers in the different states; you
would scarcely refuse the palm of superiority to those who best
contribute to make their fellow…citizens obedient to the laws? And you
would admit that any particular state in which obedience to the laws
is the paramount distinction of the citizens flourishes most in peace
time; and in time of war is irresistible? But; indeed; of all the
blessings which a state may enjoy; none stands higher than the
blessing of unanimity。 〃Concord among citizens〃that is the constant
theme of exhortation emphasised by the councils of elders'25' and by
the choice spirits of the community;'26' at all times and everywhere
through the length and breadth of all Hellas it is an established law
that the citizens be bound together by an oath of concord;'27'
everywhere they do actually swear this oath; not of course as implying
that citizens shall all vote for the same choruses; or give their
plaudits to the same flute…players; or choose the same poets; or limit
themselves to the same pleasures; but simply that they shall pay