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Soc。 Well; and what of another priceless gift; that of water; which
conspires with earth and the seasons to give both birth and increase
to all things useful to us; nay; which helps to nurture our very
selves; and commingling with all that feeds us; renders it more
digestible; more wholesome; and more pleasant to the taste; and mark
you in proportion to the abundance of our need the superabundance of
its supply。 What say you concerning such a boon?
Euth。 In this again I see a sign of providential care。
Soc。 And then the fact that the same heavenly power has provided us
with fire'11'our assistant against cold; our auxiliary in darkness;
our fellow…workman in every art and every instrument which for the
sake of its utility mortal man may invent or furnish himself withal。
What of this; since; to put it compendiously; there is nothing
serviceable to the life of man worth speaking of but owes its
fabrication to fire?'12'
'11' Lit。 〃and then the fact that they made provision for us of even
fire〃; the credit of this boon; according to Hesiod; being due to
'12' Or; 〃no life…aiding appliance worthy of the name。〃
Euth。 Yes; a transcendent instance of benevolent design。'13'
'13' Or; 〃Yes; that may be called an extreme instance of the divine
'philanthropy。'〃 Cf。 Cic。 〃de N。 D。〃 ii。 62。
Soc。 Again; consider the motions of the Sun;'14' how when he has
turned him about in winter'15' he again draws nigh to us; ripening
some fruits; and causing others whose time is past to dry up; how when
he has fulfilled his work he comes no closer; but turns away as if in
fear to scorch us to our hurt unduly; and again; when he has reached a
point where if he should prolong his reatreat we should plainly be
frozen to death with cold; note how he turns him about and resumes his
approach; traversing that region of the heavens where he may shed his
genial influence best upon us。
'14' A single MS。 inserts a passage {to de kai era 。 。 。
'15' i。e。 as we say; 〃after the winter solstice。〃
Yes; upon my word (he answered); these occurrences bear the impress of
being so ordered for the sake of man。
Soc。 And then; again; it being manifest that we could not endure
either scorching heat or freezing cold if they came suddenly upon us;
note how gradually the sun approaches; and how gradually recedes; so
that we fail to notice how we come at last to either extreme。'16'
'16' Or; 〃note the gradual approach and gradual recession of the sun…
god; so gradual that we reach either extreme in a manner
imperceptibly; and before we are aware of its severity。〃
For my part (he replied); the question forces itself upon my mind;
whether the gods have any other occupation save only to minister to
man; and I am only hindered from saying so; because the rest of
animals would seem to share these benefits along with man。
Soc。 Why; to be sure; and is it not plain that these animals
themselves are born and bred for the sake of man? At any rate; no
living creature save man derives so many of his enjoyments from sheep
and goats; horses and cattle and asses; and other animals。 He is more
dependent; I should suppose; on these than even on plants and
vegetables。 At any rate; equally with these latter they serve him as
means of subsistence or articles of commerce; indeed; a large portion
of the human family do not use the products of the soil as food at
all; but live on the milk and cheese and flesh of their flocks and
herds; whilst all men everywhere tame and domesticate the more useful
kinds of animals; and turn them to account as fellow…workers in war
and for other purposes。
Yes; I cannot but agree with what you say (he answered); when I see
that animals so much stronger than man become so subservient to his
hand that he can use them as he lists。
Soc。 And as we reflect on the infinite beauty and utility and the
variety of nature; what are we to say of the fact that man has been
endowed with sensibilities which correspond with this diversity;
whereby we take our fill of every blessing;'17' or; again; this
implanted faculty of reasoning; which enables us to draw inferences
concerning the things which we perceive; and by aid of memory to
understand how each set of things may be turned to our good; and to
devise countless contrivances with a view to enjoying the good and
repelling the evil; or lastly; when we consider the faculty bestowed
upon us of interpretative speech; by which we are enabled to instruct
one another; and to participate in all the blessings fore…named: to
form societies; to establish laws; and to enter upon a civilised
existence'18'what are we to think?
'17' Or; 〃Again; when we consider how many beautiful objects there are
serviceable to man; and yet how unlike they are to one another;
the fact that man has been endowed with senses adapted to each
class of things; and so has access to a world of happiness。〃
'18' Cf。 Aristot。 〃Pol。〃 III。 ix。 5。
Euth。 Yes; Socrates; decidely it would appear that the gods do
manifest a great regard; nay; a tender care; towards mankind。
Soc。 Well; and what do you make of the fact that where we are
powerless to take advantageous forethought for our future; at this
stage they themselves lend us their co…operation; imparting to the
inquirer through divination knowledge of events about to happen; and
instructing him by what means they may best be turned to good account?
Euth。 Ay; and you; Socrates; they would seem to treat in a more
friendly manner still than the rest of men; if; without waiting even
to be inquired of by you; they show you by signs beforehand what you
must; and what you must not do。'19'
'19' See above; I。 iv。 14; for a parallel to the train of thought on
the part of Aristodemus 〃the little;〃 and of Euthydemus; and for
Socrates' {daimonion}; see above; Grote; 〃Plato;〃 i。 400。
Soc。 Yes; and you will discover for youself the truth of what I say;
if; without waiting to behold the outward and visible forms'20' of the
gods themselves; you will be content to behold their works; and with
these before you; to worship and honour the Divine authors of
them。'21' I would have you reflect that the very gods themselves
suggest this teaching。'22' Not one of these but gives us freely of his
blessings; yet they do not step from behind their veil in order to
grant one single boon。'23' And pre…eminently He who orders and holds
together the universe;'24' in which are all things beautiful and
good;'25' who fashions and refashions it to never…ending use unworn;
keeping it free from sickness or decay;'26' so that swifter than
thought it ministers to his will unerringlythis God is seen to
perform the mightiest operations; but in the actual administration of
the same abides himself invisible to mortal ken。 Reflect further; this
Sun above our heads; so visible to allas we supposewill not suffer
man to regard him too narrowly; but should any essay to watch him with
a shameless stare he will snatch away their power of vision。 And if
the gods themselves are thus unseen; so too shall you find their
ministers to be hidden also; from the height of h