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the value of an honest friend! Think of a horse or a yoke of oxen;
they have their worth; but who shall gauge the worth of a worthy
friend? Kindlier and more constant than the faithfullest of slaves
this is that possession best named all…serviceable。'4' Consider what
the post is that he assigns himself! to meet and supplement what is
lacking to the welfare of his friends; to promote their private and
their public interests; is his concern。 Is there need of kindly action
in any quarter? he will throw in the full weight of his support。 Does
some terror confound? he is at hand to help and defend by expenditure
of money and of energy;'5' by appeals to reason or resort to force。
His the privilege alike to gladden the prosperous in the hour of
success and to sustain their footing who have well…nigh slipped。 All
that the hands of a man may minister; all that the eyes of each are
swift to see; the ears to hear; and the feet to compass; he with his
helpful arts will not fall short of。 Nay; not seldom that which a man
has failed to accomplish for himself; has missed seeing or hearing or
attaining; a friend acting in behalf of friend will achieve
vicariously。 And yet; albeit to try and tend a tree for the sake of
its fruit is not uncommon; this copious mine of wealththis friend
attracts only a lazy and listless attention on the part of more than
half the world。
'4' 〃A vessel fit for all work indeed is this friend。〃 Cf。 Ar。 〃Ach。〃
936; {pagkhreston aggos estai}; like the 〃leather bottel。〃
'5' Or; 〃by dint of his diplomacy。〃
I remember listening to another argument of his; the effect of which
would be to promote self…examination。 The listener must needs be
brought to ask himself; 〃Of what worth am I to my friends?〃 It
happened thus。 One of those who were with him was neglectful; as he
noted; of a friend who was at the pinch of poverty (Antisthenes)。'1'
Accordingly; in the presence of the negligent person and of several
others; he proceeded to question the sufferer。
'1' Antisthenes; 〃cynicorum et stoicorum parens。〃 Cic。 〃de Or。〃 iii。
17; 〃ad Att。〃 xii。 38。 See below; III。 iii。 17; 〃Symp。〃 passim;
Diog。 Laert。 II。 v。; VI。 i。
Soc。 What say you; Antisthenes?have friends their values like
domestic slaves? One of these latter may be worth perhaps two
minae;'2' another only half a mina; a third five; and a fourth as much
as ten; while they do say that Nicias;'3' the son of Niceratus; paid a
whole talent for a superintendent of his silver mines。 And so I
propound the question to myself as follows: 〃Have friends; like
slaves; their market values?〃
'2' A mina = L4 circ。
'3' For Nicias see Thuc。 vii。 77 foll。; 〃Revenues;〃 iv。 14; Plut。
〃Nic。〃 IV。 v。; Lys。 〃de bon。 Aristoph。〃 648。
Not a doubt of it (replied Antisthenes)。 At any rate; I know that I
would rather have such a one as my friend than be paid two minae; and
there is such another whose worth I would not estimate at half a mina;
and a third with whom I would not part for ten; and then again a
fourth whose friendship would be cheap if it cost me all the wealth
and pains in the world to purchase it。
Well then (continued Socrates); if that be so; would it not be well if
every one were to examine himself: 〃What after all may I chance to be
worth to my friends?〃 Should he not try to become as dear as possible;
so that his friends will not care to give him up? How often do I hear
the complaint: 〃My friend So…and…so has given me up〃; or 〃Such an one;
whom I looked upon as a friend; has sacrificed me for a mina。〃 And
every time I hear these remarks; the question arises in my mind: If
the vendor of a worthless slave is ready to part with him to a
purchaser for what he will fetchis there not at least a strong
temptation to part with a base friend when you have a chance of making
something on the exchange? Good slaves; as far as I can see; are not
so knocked down to the hammer; no; nor good friends so lightly parted
Again; in reference to the test to be applied; if we would gauge the
qualifications of a friend worth the winning; the following remarks of
Socrates could not fail; I think; to prove instructive。'1'
'1' Or; 〃Again; as to establishing a test of character; since a friend
worth having must be of a particular type; I cannot but think that
the following remarks would prove instructive。〃
Tell me (said Socrates; addressing Critobulus); supposing we stood in
need of a good friend; how should we set about his discovery? We must;
in the first place; I suppose; seek out one who is master of his
appetites; not under the dominion; that is; of his belly; not addicted
to the wine…cup or to lechery or sleep or idleness; since no one
enslaved to such tyrants could hope to do his duty either by himself
or by his friends; could he?
Certainly not (Critobulus answered)。
Soc。 Do you agree; then; that we must hold aloof from every one so
Cri。 Most assuredly。
Well then (proceeded Socrates); what shall we say of the spendthrift
who has lost his independence and is for ever begging of his
neighbours; if he gets anything out of them he cannot repay; but if he
fails to get anything; he hates you for not givingdo you not think
that this man too would prove but a disagreeable friend?
Cri。 Certainly。
Soc。 Then we must keep away from him too?
Cri。 That we must。
Soc。 Well! and what of the man whose strength lies in monetary
transactions?'2' His one craving is to amass money; and for that
reason he is an adept at driving a hard bargain'3'glad enough to
take in; but loath to pay out。
'2' Or; 〃the money…lender? He has a passion for big money…bags。〃
'3' Or; 〃hard in all his dealings。〃
Cri。 In my opinion he will prove even a worse fellow than the last。
Soc。 Well! and what of that other whose passion for money…making is so
absorbing that he has no leisure for anything else; save how he may
add to his gains?
Cri。 Hold aloof from him; say I; since there is no good to be got out
of him or his society。
Soc。 Well! what of the quarrelsome and factious person'4' whose main
object is to saddle his friends with a host of enemies?
'4' 〃The partisan。〃
Cri。 For God's sake let us avoid him also。
Soc。 But now we will imagine a man exempt indeed from all the above
defectsa man who has no objection to receive kindnesses; but it
never enters into his head to do a kindness in return。
Cri。 There will be no good in him either。 But; Socrates; what kind of
man shall we endeavour to make our friend? what is he like?
Soc。 I should say he must be just the converse of the above: he has
control over the pleasures of the body; he is kindly disposed;'5'
upright in all his dealings;'6' very zealous is he not to be outdone
in kindness by his benefactors; if only his friends may derive some
profit from his acquaintance。
'5' Reading {eunous}; or if {euorkos}; transl。 〃a man of his word。〃
'6' Or; 〃easy to deal with。〃
Cri。 But how are we to test these qualities; Socrates; before
Soc。 How do we test the merits of a sculptor?not by inferences drawn
from the talk of the artist merely。 No; we look to what he has already