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'9' Cf。 Plat。 〃Lys。〃 211 E。
'10' Cf。 〃Symp。〃 iv。 27。
As I listened to this talk I could not but reflect that he; the
master; was a person to be envied; and that we; his hearers; were
being led by him to beauty and nobility of soul。
Again on some occasion the same Antiphon asked Socrates how he
expected to make politicians of others when; even if he had the
knowledge; he did not engage in politics himself。
Socrates replied: I will put to you a question; Antiphon: Which were
the more statesmanlike proceeding; to practise politics myself single…
handed; or to devote myself to making as many others as possible fit
to engage in that pursuit?
Let us here turn and consider whether by deterring his associates from
quackery and false seeming he did not directly stimulate them to the
pursuit of virtue。'1' He used often to say there was no better road to
renown than the one by which a man became good at that wherein he
desired to be reputed good。'2' The truth of the concept he enforced as
follows: 〃Let us reflect on what a man would be driven to do who
wanted to be thought a good flute player; without really being so。 He
would be forced to imitate the good flute player in the externals of
his art; would he not? and first or all; seeing that these artists
always have a splendid equipment;'3' and travel about with a long
train of attendants; he must have the same; in the next place; they
can command the plaudits of a multitude; he therefore must pack a
conclave of clackers。 But one thing is clear: nothing must induce him
to give a performance; or he will be exposed at once; and find himself
a laughing…stock not only as a sorry sort of flute player; but as a
wretched imposter。 And now he has a host of expenses to meet; and not
one advantage to be reaped; and worse than all his evil reputation。
What is left him but to lead a life stale and unprofitable; the scorn
and mockery of men? Let us try another case。 Suppose a man wished to
be thought a good general or a good pilot; though he were really
nothing of the sort; let us picture to our minds how it will fare with
him。 Of two misfortunes one: either with a strong desire to be thought
proficient in these matters; he will fail to get others to agree with
him; which will be bad enough; or he will succeed; with worse result;
since it stands to reason that anyone appointed to work a vessel or
lead an army without the requisite knowledge will speedily ruin a
number of people whom he least desires to hurt; and will make but a
sorry exit from the stage himself。〃 Thus first by one instance and
then another would he demonstrate the unprofitableness of trying to
appear rich; or courageous; or strong; without really being the thing
pretended。 〃You are sure sooner or later to have commands laid upon
you beyond your power to execute; and failing just where you are
credited with capacity; the world will give you no commiseration。〃 〃I
call that man a cheat; and a great cheat too;〃 he would say; 〃who gets
money or goods out of some one by persuasion; and defrauds him; but of
all imposters he surely is the biggest who can delude people into
thinking that he is fit to lead the state; when all the while he is a
worthless creature。〃'4'
'1' {apotrepon proutrepen}。 See K。 Joel; op。 cit。 p。 450 foll。
'2' Cf。 〃Cyrop。〃 I。 vi。 22。
'3' Or; 〃furniture of the finest;〃 like Arion's in Herod。 i。 24。
Schneid。 cf。 Demosth。 565。 6。
'4' Here follows the sentence '{emoi men oun edokei kai tou
alazoneuesthai apotrepein tous sunontas toiade dialegomenos}';
which; for the sake of convenience; I have attached to the first
sentence of Bk。 II。 ch。 i。 '{edokei de moi 。 。 。 ponou。}' I
believe that the commentators are right in bracketing both one and
the other as editorial interpolations。
Now; if the effect of such discourses was; as I imagine; to deter his
hearers from the paths of quackery and false…seeming;'1' so I am sure
that language like the following was calculated to stimulate his
followers to practise self…control and endurance: self…control in the
matters of eating; drinking; sleeping; and the cravings of lust;
endurance of cold and heat and toil and pain。 He had noticed the undue
licence which one of his acquaintances allowed himself in all such
matters。'2' Accordingly he thus addressed him:
'1' This sentence in the Greek concludes Bk。 I。 There is something
wrong or very awkward in the text here。
'2' Cf。 Grote; 〃Plato;〃 III。 xxxviii。 p。 530。
Tell me; Aristippus (Socrates said); supposing you had two children
entrusted to you to educate; one of them must be brought up with an
aptitude for government; and the other without the faintest propensity
to rulehow would you educate them? What do you say? Shall we begin
our inquiry from the beginning; as it were; with the bare elements of
food and nutriment?
Ar。 Yes; food to begin with; by all means; being a first principle;'3'
without which there is no man living but would perish。
'3' Aristippus plays upon the word {arkhe}。
Soc。 Well; then; we may expect; may we not; that a desire to grasp
food at certain seasons will exhibit itself in both the children?
Ar。 It is to be expected。
Soc。 Which; then; of the two must be trained; of his own free will;'4'
to prosecute a pressing business rather than gratify the belly?
'4' {proairesis}。
Ar。 No doubt the one who is being trained to govern; if we would not
have affairs of state neglected during'5' his government。
'5' Lit。 〃along of。〃
Soc。 And the same pupil must be furnished with a power of holding out
against thirst also when the craving to quench it comes upon him?
Ar。 Certainly he must。
Soc。 And on which of the two shall we confer such self…control in
regard to sleep as shall enable him to rest late and rise early; or
keep vigil; if the need arise?
Ar。 To the same one of the two must be given that endurance also。
Soc。 Well; and a continence in regard to matters sexual so great that
nothing of the sort shall prevent him from doing his duty? Which of
them claims that?
Ar。 The same one of the pair again。
Soc。 Well; and on which of the two shall be bestowed; as a further
gift; the voluntary resolution to face toils rather than turn and flee
from them?
Ar。 This; too; belongs of right to him who is being trained for
Soc。 Well; and to which of them will it better accord to be taught all
knowledge necessary towards the mastery of antagonists?
Ar。 To our future ruler certainly; for without these parts of learning
all his other capacities will be merely waste。
Soc。 '6'Will not a man so educated be less liable to be entrapped by
rival powers; and so escape a common fate of living creatures; some of
which (as we all know) are hooked through their own greediness; and
often even in spite of a native shyness; but through appetite for food
they are drawn towards the bait; and are caught; while others are
similarly ensnared by drink?
'6' 'SS。 4; 5; L。 Dind。 ed Lips。'
Ar。 Undoubtedly。
Soc。 And others again are victims of amorous heat; as quails; for
instance; or partridges; which; at the cry of the hen…b