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the golden threshold-第5章

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   Mine eyes that are weary of bliss

As of light that is poignant and strong

   O silence my lips with a kiss;

My lips that are weary of song!

Shelter my soul; O my love!

   My soul is bent low with the pain

And the burden of love; like the grace

   Of a flower that is smitten with rain:

O shelter my soul from thy face!


Nay; no longer I may hold you;

   In my spirit's soft caresses;

Nor like lotus…leaves enfold you

   In the tangles of my tresses。

Fairy fancies; fly away

   To the white cloud…wildernesses;

         Fly away!

Nay; no longer ye may linger

   With your laughter…lighted faces;

Now I am a thought…worn singer

   In life's high and lonely places。

Fairy fancies; fly away;

   To bright wind…inwoven spaces;

         Fly away!



(Presented at the Ramzan Durbar)

Deign; Prince; my tribute to receive;

This lyric offering to your name;

Who round your jewelled scepter bind

The lilies of a poet's fame;

Beneath whose sway concordant dwell

The peoples whom your laws embrace;

In brotherhood of diverse creeds;

And harmony of diverse race:

The votaries of the Prophet's faith;

Of whom you are the crown and chief

And they; who bear on Vedic brows

Their mystic symbols of belief;

And they; who worshipping the sun;

Fled o'er the old Iranian sea;

And they; who bow to Him who trod

The midnight waves of Galilee。

Sweet; sumptuous fables of Baghdad

The splendours of your court recall;

The torches of a Thousand Nights

Blaze through a single festival;

And Saki…singers down the streets;

Pour for us; in a stream divine;

From goblets of your love…ghazals

The rapture of your Sufi wine。

Prince; where your radiant cities smile;

Grim hills their sombre vigils keep;

Your ancient forests hoard and hold

The legends of their centuried sleep;

Your birds of peace white…pinioned float

O'er ruined fort and storied plain;

Your faithful stewards sleepless guard

The harvests of your gold and grain。

God give you joy; God give you grace

To shield the truth and smite the wrong;

To honour Virtue; Valour; Worth。

To cherish faith and foster song。

So may the lustre of your days

Outshine the deeds Firdusi sung;

Your name within a nation's prayer;

Your music on a nation's tongue。


The serpents are asleep among the poppies;

The fireflies light the soundless panther's way

To tangled paths where shy gazelles are straying;

And parrot…plumes outshine the dying day。

O soft! the lotus…buds upon the stream

Are stirring like sweet maidens when they dream。

A caste…mark on the azure brows of Heaven;

The golden moon burns sacred; solemn; bright

The winds are dancing in the forest…temple;

And swooning at the holy feet of Night。

Hush! in the silence mystic voices sing

And make the gods their incense…offering。


Here; O my heart; let us burn the dear dreams that are dead;

Here in this wood let us fashion a funeral pyre

Of fallen white petals and leaves that are mellow and red;

Here let us burn them in noon's flaming torches of fire。

We are weary; my heart; we are weary; so long we have borne

The heavy loved burden of dreams that are dead; let us rest;

Let us scatter their ashes away; for a while let us mourn;

We will rest; O my heart; till the shadows are gray in the west。

But soon we must rise; O my heart; we must wander again

Into the war of the world and the strife of the throng;

Let us rise; O my heart; let us gather the dreams that remain;

We will conquer the sorrow of life with the  sorrow of song。



And so the past becomes a mountain…cell;

Where lone; apart; old hermit…memories dwell

In consecrated calm; forgotten yet

Of the keen heart that hastens to forget

Old longings in fulfilling new desires。

And now the Soul stands in a vague; intense

Expectancy and anguish of suspense;

On the dim chamber…threshold 。 。 。 lo! he sees

Like a strange; fated bride as yet unknown;

His timid future shrinking there alone;

Beneath her marriage…veil of mysteries。


Children; ye have not lived; to you it seems

Life is a lovely stalactite of dreams;

Or carnival of careless joys that leap

About your hearts like billows on the deep

In flames of amber and of amethyst。

Children; ye have not lived; ye but exist

Till some resistless hour shall rise and move

Your hearts to wake and hunger after love;

And thirst with passionate longing for the things

That burn your brows with blood…red sufferings。

Till ye have battled with great grief and fears;

And borne the conflict of dream…shattering years;

Wounded with fierce desire and worn with strife;

Children; ye have not lived: for this is life。


In noon…tide hours; O Love; secure and strong;

   I need thee not; mad dreams are mine to bind

   The world to my desire; and hold the wind

A voiceless captive to my conquering song。

   I need thee not; I am content with these:

   Keep silence in thy soul; beyond the seas!

But in the desolate hour of midnight; when

   An ecstasy of starry silence sleeps

   On the still mountains and the soundless deeps;

And my soul hungers for thy voice; O then;

   Love; like the magic of wild melodies;

   Let thy soul answer mine across the seas。


Unwilling priestess in thy cruel fane;

Long hast thou held me; pitiless god of Pain;

Bound to thy worship by reluctant vows;

My tired breast girt with suffering; and my brows

Anointed with perpetual weariness。

Long have I borne thy service; through the stress

Of rigorous years; sad days and slumberless nights;

Performing thine inexorable rites。

For thy dark altars; balm nor milk nor rice;

But mine own soul thou'st ta'en for sacrifice:

All the rich honey of my youth's desire;

And all the sweet oils from my crushed life drawn;

And all my flower…like dreams and gem…like  fire

Of hopes up…leaping like the light of dawn。

I have no more to give; all that was mine

Is laid; a wrested tribute; at thy shrine;

Let me depart; for my whole soul is wrung;

And all my cheerless orisons are sung;

Let me depart; with faint limbs let me creep

To some dim shade and sink me down to sleep。



(From the Persian)

When from my cheek I lift my veil;

The roses turn with envy pale;

     And from their pierced hearts; rich with pain;

Send forth their fragrance like a wail。

Or if perchance one perfumed tress

Be lowered to the wind's caress;

     The honeyed hyacinths complain;

And languish in a sweet distress。

And; when I pause; still groves among;

(Such loveliness is mine) a throng
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