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nada the lily-第90章

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of the Nkomabakosi regiment; and fought in many battles; doing mighty

deeds; and stood by Umbulazi; son of Panda; in the great fray on the

Tugela; when Cetywayo slew his brother Umbulazi。

After that also he plotted against Cetywayo; whom he hated; and had it

not been for a certain white man; a hunter named Macumazahn;

Umslopogaas would have been killed。 But the white man saved him by his

wit。 Yes; and at times he came to visit me; for he still loved me as

of old; but now he has fled north; and I shall hear his voice no more。

Nay; I do not know all the tale; there was a woman in it。 Women were

ever the bane of Umslopogaas; my fostering。 I forget the story of that

woman; for I remember only these things that happened long ago; before

I grew very old。

Look on this right hand of mine; my father! I cannot see it now; and

yet I; Mopo; son of Makedama; seem to see it as once I saw; red with

the blood of two kings。 Look on

Suddenly the old man ceased; his head fell forward upon his withered

breast。 When the White Man to whom he told this story lifted it and

looked at him; he was dead!

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