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personal memoirs-1-第54章

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the men had constructed from refuse lumber and canvas。  Suiting his

selections to the occasion; he never failed to excite intense

interest in the breasts of all present; and when circumstances

finally separated him from us; all felt that a debt of gratitude was

due him that could never be paid。  The pleasure he gave; and the

confident feeling that was now arising from expected reinforcements;

was darkened; however; by one sad incident。  Three men of my division

had deserted their colors at the beginning of the siege and made

their way north。  They were soon arrested; and were brought back to

stand trial for the worst offense that can be committed by a soldier;

convicted of the crime; and ordered to be shot。  To make the example

effective I paraded the whole division for the execution; and on the

13th of November; in the presence of their former comrades; the

culprits were sent; in accordance with the terms of their sentence;

to render their account to the Almighty。  It was the saddest

spectacle I ever witnessed; but there could be no evasion; no

mitigation of the full letter of the law; its timely enforcement was

but justice to the brave spirits who had yet to fight the rebellion

to the end。

General Grant arrived at Chattanooga on October 23; and began at once

to carry out the plans that had been formed for opening the shorter

or river road to Bridgeport。  This object was successfully

accomplished by the moving of Hooker's command to Rankin's and

Brown's ferries in concert with a force from the Army of the

Cumberland which was directed on the same points; so by the 27th of

October direct communication with our depots was established。  The

four weeks which followed this cheering result were busy with the

work of refitting and preparing for offensive operations as soon as

General Sherman should reach us with his troops from West Tennessee。

During this period of activity the enemy committed the serious fault

of detaching Longstreet's corpssending it to aid in the siege of

Knoxville in East Tennesseean error which has no justification

whatever; unless it be based on the presumption that it was

absolutely necessary that Longstreet should ultimately rejoin Lee's

army in Virginia by way of Knoxville and Lynchburg; with a chance of

picking up Burnside en route。  Thus depleted; Bragg still held

Missionary Ridge in strong force; but that part of his line which

extended across the intervening valley to the northerly point of。

Lookout Mountain was much attenuated。

By the 18th of November General Grant had issued instructions

covering his intended operations。  They contemplated that Sherman's

column; which was arriving by the north bank of the Tennessee; should

cross the river on a pontoon bridge just below the mouth of

Chickamauga Creek and carry the northern extremity of Missionary

Ridge as far as the railroad tunnel; that the Army of the Cumberland…

…the centreshould co…operate with Sherman; and that Hooker with a

mixed command should continue to hold Lookout Valley and operate on

our extreme right as circumstances might warrant。  Sherman crossed on

the 24th to perform his alloted part of the programme; but in the

meantime Grant becoming impressed with the idea that Bragg was

endeavoring to get away; ordered Thomas to make a strong

demonstration in his front; to determine the truth or falsity of the

information that had been received。  This task fell to the Fourth

Corps; and at 12 o'clock on the 23d I was notified that Wood's

division would make a reconnoissance to an elevated point in its

front called Orchard Knob; and that I was to support it with my

division and prevent Wood's right flank from being turned by an

advance of the enemy on Moore's road or from the direction of

Rossville。  For this duty I marched my division out of the works

about 2 p。m。; and took up a position on Bushy Knob。  Shortly after we

reached this point Wood's division passed my left flank on its

reconnoissance; and my command; moving in support of it; drove in the

enemy's picket…line。  Wood's took possession of Orchard Knob easily;

and mine was halted on a low ridge to the right of the Knob; where I

was directed by General Thomas to cover my front by a strong line of

rifle…pits; and to put in position two batteries of the Fourth

regular artillery that had joined me from the Eleventh Corps。  After

dark Wood began to feel uneasy about his right flank; for a gap

existed between it and my left; so I moved in closer to him; taking

up a line where I remained inactive till the 25th; but suffering some

inconvenience from the enemy's shells。

On the 24th General Sherman made an attack for the purpose of

carrying the north end of Missionary Ridge。  His success was not

complete; although at the time it was reported throughout the army to

be so。  It had the effect of disconcerting Bragg; however; and caused

him to strengthen his right by withdrawing troops from his left;

which circumstance led Hooker to advance on the northerly face of

Lookout Mountain。  At first; with good glasses; we could plainly see

Hooker's troops driving the Confederates up the face of the mountain。

All were soon lost to view in the dense timber; but emerged again on

the open ground; across which the Confederates retreated at a lively

pace; followed by the pursuing line; which was led by a color…bearer;

who; far in advance; was bravely waving on his comrades。  The

gallantry of this man elicited much enthusiasm among us all; but as

he was a considerable distance ahead of his comrades I expected to

see his rashness punished at any moment by death or capture。  He

finally got quite near the retreating Confederates; when suddenly

they made a dash at him; but he was fully alive to such a move; and

ran back; apparently uninjured; to his friends。  About this time a

small squad of men reached the top of Lookout and planted the Stars

and Stripes on its very crest。  Just then a cloud settled down on the

mountain; and a heavy bank of fog obscured its whole face。

After the view was lost the sharp rattle of musketry continued some

time; but practically the fight had been already won by Hooker's men;

the enemy only holding on with a rear…guard to assure his retreat

across Chattanooga Valley to Missionary Ridge。  Later we heard very

heavy cannonading; and fearing that Hooker was in trouble I sent a

staff…officer to find out whether he needed assistance; which I

thought could be given by a demonstration toward Rossville。  The

officer soon returned with the report that Hooker was all right; that

the cannonading was only a part of a little rear…guard fight; two

sections of artillery making all the noise; the reverberations from

point to point in the adjacent mountains echoing and reechoing till

it seemed that at least fifty guns were engaged。

On the morning of the 25th of November Bragg's entire army was

holding only the line of Missionary Ridge; and our troops; being now

practically connect
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