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don quixote(堂·吉珂德)-第7章

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knights; moreover; everyone is the son of his works。〃
  〃That is true;〃 said Andres; 〃but this master of mine… of what works
is he the son; when he refuses me the wages of my sweat and labour?〃
  〃I do not refuse; brother Andres;〃 said the farmer; 〃be good
enough to come along with me; and I swear by all the orders of
knighthood there are in the world to pay you as I have agreed; real by
real; and perfumed。〃
  〃For the perfumery I excuse you;〃 said Don Quixote; 〃give it to
him in reals; and I shall be satisfied; and see that you do as you
have sworn; if not; by the same oath I swear to come back and hunt you
out and punish you; and I shall find you though you should lie
closer than a lizard。 And if you desire to know who it is lays this
command upon you; that you be more firmly bound to obey it; know
that I am the valorous Don Quixote of La Mancha; the undoer of
wrongs and injustices; and so; God be with you; and keep in mind
what you have promised and sworn under those penalties that have
been already declared to you。〃
  So saying; he gave Rocinante the spur and was soon out of reach。 The
farmer followed him with his eyes; and when he saw that he had cleared
the wood and was no longer in sight; he turned to his boy Andres;
and said; 〃Come here; my son; I want to pay you what I owe you; as
that undoer of wrongs has commanded me。〃
  〃My oath on it;〃 said Andres; 〃your worship will be well advised
to obey the command of that good knight… may he live a thousand years…
for; as he is a valiant and just judge; by Roque; if you do not pay
me; he will come back and do as he said。〃
  〃My oath on it; too;〃 said the farmer; 〃but as I have a strong
affection for you; I want to add to the debt in order to add to the
payment;〃 and seizing him by the arm; he tied him up again; and gave
him such a flogging that he left him for dead。
  〃Now; Master Andres;〃 said the farmer; 〃call on the undoer of
wrongs; you will find he won't undo that; though I am not sure that
I have quite done with you; for I have a good mind to flay you alive。〃
But at last he untied him; and gave him leave to go look for his judge
in order to put the sentence pronounced into execution。
  Andres went off rather down in the mouth; swearing he would go to
look for the valiant Don Quixote of La Mancha and tell him exactly
what had happened; and that all would have to be repaid him sevenfold;
but for all that; he went off weeping; while his master stood
  Thus did the valiant Don Quixote right that wrong; and; thoroughly
satisfied with what had taken place; as he considered he had made a
very happy and noble beginning with his knighthood; he took the road
towards his village in perfect self…content; saying in a low voice;
〃Well mayest thou this day call thyself fortunate above all on
earth; O Dulcinea del Toboso; fairest of the fair! since it has fallen
to thy lot to hold subject and submissive to thy full will and
pleasure a knight so renowned as is and will be Don Quixote of La
Mancha; who; as all the world knows; yesterday received the order of
knighthood; and hath to…day righted the greatest wrong and grievance
that ever injustice conceived and cruelty perpetrated: who hath to…day
plucked the rod from the hand of yonder ruthless oppressor so wantonly
lashing that tender child。〃
  He now came to a road branching in four directions; and
immediately he was reminded of those cross…roads where
knights…errant used to stop to consider which road they should take。
In imitation of them he halted for a while; and after having deeply
considered it; he gave Rocinante his head; submitting his own will
to that of his hack; who followed out his first intention; which was
to make straight for his own stable。 After he had gone about two miles
Don Quixote perceived a large party of people; who; as afterwards
appeared; were some Toledo traders; on their way to buy silk at
Murcia。 There were six of them coming along under their sunshades;
with four servants mounted; and three muleteers on foot。 Scarcely
had Don Quixote descried them when the fancy possessed him that this
must be some new adventure; and to help him to imitate as far as he
could those passages he had read of in his books; here seemed to
come one made on purpose; which he resolved to attempt。 So with a
lofty bearing and determination he fixed himself firmly in his
stirrups; got his lance ready; brought his buckler before his
breast; and planting himself in the middle of the road; stood
waiting the approach of these knights…errant; for such he now
considered and held them to be; and when they had come near enough
to see and hear; he exclaimed with a haughty gesture; 〃All the world
stand; unless all the world confess that in all the world there is
no maiden fairer than the Empress of La Mancha; the peerless
Dulcinea del Toboso。〃
  The traders halted at the sound of this language and the sight of
the strange figure that uttered it; and from both figure and
language at once guessed the craze of their owner; they wished;
however; to learn quietly what was the object of this confession
that was demanded of them; and one of them; who was rather fond of a
joke and was very sharp…witted; said to him; 〃Sir Knight; we do not
know who this good lady is that you speak of; show her to us; for;
if she be of such beauty as you suggest; with all our hearts and
without any pressure we will confess the truth that is on your part
required of us。〃
  〃If I were to show her to you;〃 replied Don Quixote; 〃what merit
would you have in confessing a truth so manifest? The essential
point is that without seeing her you must believe; confess; affirm;
swear; and defend it; else ye have to do with me in battle;
ill…conditioned; arrogant rabble that ye are; and come ye on; one by
one as the order of knighthood requires; or all together as is the
custom and vile usage of your breed; here do I bide and await you
relying on the justice of the cause I maintain。〃
  〃Sir Knight;〃 replied the trader; 〃I entreat your worship in the
name of this present company of princes; that; to save us from
charging our consciences with the confession of a thing we have
never seen or heard of; and one moreover so much to the prejudice of
the Empresses and Queens of the Alcarria and Estremadura; your worship
will be pleased to show us some portrait of this lady; though it be no
bigger than a grain of wheat; for by the thread one gets at the
ball; and in this way we shall be satisfied and easy; and you will
be content and pleased; nay; I believe we are already so far agreed
with you that even though her portrait should show her blind of one
eye; and distilling vermilion and sulphur from the other; we would
nevertheless; to gratify your worship; say all in her favour that
you desire。〃
  〃She distils nothing of the kind; vile rabble;〃 said Don Quixote;
burning with rage; 〃nothing of the kind; I say; only ambergris and
civet in cotton; nor is she one…eyed or humpbacked; but straighter
than a Guadarrama spindle: but ye must pay for the blasphemy ye have
uttered against beauty like that of my lady。〃
  And so saying; he charged with levelled lance against the one who
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