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don quixote(堂·吉珂德)-第304章

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they found his housekeeper and niece; whom the news of his arrival had
already reached。 It had been brought to Teresa Panza; Sancho's wife;
as well; and she with her hair all loose and half naked; dragging
Sanchica her daughter by the hand; ran out to meet her husband; but
seeing him coming in by no means as good case as she thought a
governor ought to be; she said to him; 〃How is it you come this way;
husband? It seems to me you come tramping and footsore; and looking
more like a disorderly vagabond than a governor。〃
  〃Hold your tongue; Teresa;〃 said Sancho; 〃often 'where there are
pegs there are no flitches;' let's go into the house and there
you'll hear strange things。 I bring money; and that's the main
thing; got by my own industry without wronging anybody。〃
  〃You bring the money; my good husband;〃 said Teresa; 〃and no
matter whether it was got this way or that; for; however you may
have got it; you'll not have brought any new practice into the world。〃
  Sanchica embraced her father and asked him if he brought her
anything; for she had been looking out for him as for the showers of
May; and she taking hold of him by the girdle on one side; and his
wife by the hand; while the daughter led Dapple; they made for their
house; leaving Don Quixote in his; in the hands of his niece and
housekeeper; and in the company of the curate and the bachelor。
  Don Quixote at once; without any regard to time or season;
withdrew in private with the bachelor and the curate; and in a few
words told them of his defeat; and of the engagement he was under
not to quit his village for a year; which he meant to keep to the
letter without departing a hair's breadth from it; as became a
knight…errant bound by scrupulous good faith and the laws of
knight…errantry; and of how he thought of turning shepherd for that
year; and taking his diversion in the solitude of the fields; where he
could with perfect freedom give range to his thoughts of love while he
followed the virtuous pastoral calling; and he besought them; if
they had not a great deal to do and were not prevented by more
important business; to consent to be his companions; for he would
buy sheep enough to qualify them for shepherds; and the most important
point of the whole affair; he could tell them; was settled; for he had
given them names that would fit them to a T。 The curate asked what
they were。 Don Quixote replied that he himself was to be called the
shepherd Quixotize and the bachelor the shepherd Carrascon; and the
curate the shepherd Curambro; and Sancho Panza the shepherd Pancino。
  Both were astounded at Don Quixote's new craze; however; lest he
should once more make off out of the village from them in pursuit of
his chivalry; they trusting that in the course of the year he might be
cured; fell in with his new project; applauded his crazy idea as a
bright one; and offered to share the life with him。 〃And what's more;〃
said Samson Carrasco; 〃I am; as all the world knows; a very famous
poet; and I'll be always making verses; pastoral; or courtly; or as it
may come into my head; to pass away our time in those secluded regions
where we shall be roaming。 But what is most needful; sirs; is that
each of us should choose the name of the shepherdess he means to
glorify in his verses; and that we should not leave a tree; be it ever
so hard; without writing up and carving her name on it; as is the
habit and custom of love…smitten shepherds。〃
  〃That's the very thing;〃 said Don Quixote; 〃though I am relieved
from looking for the name of an imaginary shepherdess; for there's the
peerless Dulcinea del Toboso; the glory of these brooksides; the
ornament of these meadows; the mainstay of beauty; the cream of all
the graces; and; in a word; the being to whom all praise is
appropriate; be it ever so hyperbolical。〃
  〃Very true;〃 said the curate; 〃but we the others must look about for
accommodating shepherdesses that will answer our purpose one way or
  〃And;〃 added Samson Carrasco; 〃if they fail us; we can call them
by the names of the ones in print that the world is filled with;
Filidas; Amarilises; Dianas; Fleridas; Galateas; Belisardas; for as
they sell them in the market…places we may fairly buy them and make
them our own。 If my lady; or I should say my shepherdess; happens to
be called Ana; I'll sing her praises under the name of Anarda; and
if Francisca; I'll call her Francenia; and if Lucia; Lucinda; for it
all comes to the same thing; and Sancho Panza; if he joins this
fraternity; may glorify his wife Teresa Panza as Teresaina。〃
  Don Quixote laughed at the adaptation of the name; and the curate
bestowed vast praise upon the worthy and honourable resolution he
had made; and again offered to bear him company all the time that he
could spare from his imperative duties。 And so they took their leave
of him; recommending and beseeching him to take care of his health and
treat himself to a suitable diet。
  It so happened his niece and the housekeeper overheard all the three
of them said; and as soon as they were gone they both of them came
in to Don Quixote; and said the niece; 〃What's this; uncle? Now that
we were thinking you had come back to stay at home and lead a quiet
respectable life there; are you going to get into fresh entanglements;
and turn 'young shepherd; thou that comest here; young shepherd
going there?' Nay! indeed 'the straw is too hard now to make pipes
  〃And;〃 added the housekeeper; 〃will your worship be able to bear;
out in the fields; the heats of summer; and the chills of winter;
and the howling of the wolves? Not you; for that's a life and a
business for hardy men; bred and seasoned to such work almost from the
time they were in swaddling…clothes。 Why; to make choice of evils;
it's better to be a knight…errant than a shepherd! Look here; senor;
take my advice… and I'm not giving it to you full of bread and wine;
but fasting; and with fifty years upon my head… stay at home; look
after your affairs; go often to confession; be good to the poor; and
upon my soul be it if any evil comes to you。〃
  〃Hold your peace; my daughters;〃 said Don Quixote; 〃I know very well
what my duty is; help me to bed; for I don't feel very well; and
rest assured that; knight…errant now or wandering shepherd to be; I
shall never fail to have a care for your interests; as you will see in
the end。〃 And the good wenches (for that they undoubtedly were); the
housekeeper and niece; helped him to bed; where they gave him
something to eat and made him as comfortable as possible。




  AS NOTHING that is man's can last for ever; but all tends ever

downwards from its beginning to its end; and above all man's life; and

as Don Quixote's enjoyed no special dispensation from heaven to stay

its course; its end and close came when he least looked for it。 For…

whether it was of the dejection the thought of his defeat produced; or

of heaven's will that so ordered it… a fever settled upon him and kept

him in his bed for six days; during which he was often visited by

his friends the curate; th
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