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don quixote(堂·吉珂德)-第165章

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  〃All that your worship has said so far;〃 said Sancho; 〃I have
understood quite well; but still I would be glad if your worship would
dissolve a doubt for me; which has just this minute come into my
  〃Solve; thou meanest; Sancho;〃 said Don Quixote; 〃say on; in God's
name; and I will answer as well as I can。〃
  〃Tell me; senor;〃 Sancho went on to say; 〃those Julys or Augusts;
and all those venturous knights that you say are now dead… where are
they now?〃
  〃The heathens;〃 replied Don Quixote; 〃are; no doubt; in hell; the
Christians; if they were good Christians; are either in purgatory or
in heaven。〃
  〃Very good;〃 said Sancho; 〃but now I want to know… the tombs where
the bodies of those great lords are; have they silver lamps before
them; or are the walls of their chapels ornamented with crutches;
winding…sheets; tresses of hair; legs and eyes in wax? Or what are
they ornamented with?〃
  To which Don Quixote made answer: 〃The tombs of the heathens were
generally sumptuous temples; the ashes of Julius Caesar's body were
placed on the top of a stone pyramid of vast size; which they now call
in Rome Saint Peter's needle。 The emperor Hadrian had for a tomb a
castle as large as a good…sized village; which they called the Moles
Adriani; and is now the castle of St。 Angelo in Rome。 The queen
Artemisia buried her husband Mausolus in a tomb which was reckoned one
of the seven wonders of the world; but none of these tombs; or of
the many others of the heathens; were ornamented with winding…sheets
or any of those other offerings and tokens that show that they who are
buried there are saints。〃
  〃That's the point I'm coming to;〃 said Sancho; 〃and now tell me;
which is the greater work; to bring a dead man to life or to kill a
  〃The answer is easy;〃 replied Don Quixote; 〃it is a greater work
to bring to life a dead man。〃
  〃Now I have got you;〃 said Sancho; 〃in that case the fame of them
who bring the dead to life; who give sight to the blind; cure
cripples; restore health to the sick; and before whose tombs there are
lamps burning; and whose chapels are filled with devout folk on
their knees adoring their relics be a better fame in this life and
in the other than that which all the heathen emperors and
knights…errant that have ever been in the world have left or may leave
behind them?〃
  〃That I grant; too;〃 said Don Quixote。
  〃Then this fame; these favours; these privileges; or whatever you
call it;〃 said Sancho; 〃belong to the bodies and relics of the
saints who; with the approbation and permission of our holy mother
Church; have lamps; tapers; winding…sheets; crutches; pictures; eyes
and legs; by means of which they increase devotion and add to their
own Christian reputation。 Kings carry the bodies or relics of saints
on their shoulders; and kiss bits of their bones; and enrich and adorn
their oratories and favourite altars with them。〃
  〃What wouldst thou have me infer from all thou hast said; Sancho?〃
asked Don Quixote。
  〃My meaning is;〃 said Sancho; 〃let us set about becoming saints; and
we shall obtain more quickly the fair fame we are striving after;
for you know; senor; yesterday or the day before yesterday (for it
is so lately one may say so) they canonised and beatified two little
barefoot friars; and it is now reckoned the greatest good luck to kiss
or touch the iron chains with which they girt and tortured their
bodies; and they are held in greater veneration; so it is said; than
the sword of Roland in the armoury of our lord the King; whom God
preserve。 So that; senor; it is better to be an humble little friar of
no matter what order; than a valiant knight…errant; with God a
couple of dozen of penance lashings are of more avail than two
thousand lance…thrusts; be they given to giants; or monsters; or
  〃All that is true;〃 returned Don Quixote; 〃but we cannot all be
friars; and many are the ways by which God takes his own to heaven;
chivalry is a religion; there are sainted knights in glory。〃
  〃Yes;〃 said Sancho; 〃but I have heard say that there are more friars
in heaven than knights…errant。〃
  〃That;〃 said Don Quixote; 〃is because those in religious orders
are more numerous than knights。〃
  〃The errants are many;〃 said Sancho。
  〃Many;〃 replied Don Quixote; 〃but few they who deserve the name of
  With these; and other discussions of the same sort; they passed that
night and the following day; without anything worth mention
happening to them; whereat Don Quixote was not a little dejected;
but at length the next day; at daybreak; they descried the great
city of El Toboso; at the sight of which Don Quixote's spirits rose
and Sancho's fell; for he did not know Dulcinea's house; nor in all
his life had he ever seen her; any more than his master; so that
they were both uneasy; the one to see her; the other at not having
seen her; and Sancho was at a loss to know what he was to do when
his master sent him to El Toboso。 In the end; Don Quixote made up
his mind to enter the city at nightfall; and they waited until the
time came among some oak trees that were near El Toboso; and when
the moment they had agreed upon arrived; they made their entrance into
the city; where something happened them that may fairly be called


  'TWAS at the very midnight hour… more or less… when Don Quixote
and Sancho quitted the wood and entered El Toboso。 The town was in
deep silence; for all the inhabitants were asleep; and stretched on
the broad of their backs; as the saying is。 The night was darkish;
though Sancho would have been glad had it been quite dark; so as to
find in the darkness an excuse for his blundering。 All over the
place nothing was to be heard except the barking of dogs; which
deafened the ears of Don Quixote and troubled the heart of Sancho。 Now
and then an ass brayed; pigs grunted; cats mewed; and the various
noises they made seemed louder in the silence of the night; all
which the enamoured knight took to be of evil omen; nevertheless he
said to Sancho; 〃Sancho; my son; lead on to the palace of Dulcinea; it
may be that we shall find her awake。〃
  〃Body of the sun! what palace am I to lead to;〃 said Sancho; 〃when
what I saw her highness in was only a very little house?〃
  〃Most likely she had then withdrawn into some small apartment of her
palace;〃 said Don Quixote; 〃to amuse herself with damsels; as great
ladies and princesses are accustomed to do。〃
  〃Senor;〃 said Sancho; 〃if your worship will have it in spite of me
that the house of my lady Dulcinea is a palace; is this an hour; think
you; to find the door open; and will it be right for us to go knocking
till they hear us and open the door; making a disturbance and
confusion all through the household? Are we going; do you fancy; to
the house of our wenches; like gallants who come and knock and go in
at any hour; however late it may be?〃
  〃Let us first of all find out the palace for certain;〃 replied Don
Quixote; 〃and then I will tell thee; Sancho; what we had best do;
but look; Sancho; for either I see badly; or that dark mass that one
sees from here should
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