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the phoenissae-第12章

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introduced that crafty Thessalian trick; having some knowledge thereof

from his intercourse with that country; disengaging himself from the

immediate contest; he drew back his left foot but kept his eye closely

on the pit of the other's stomach from a distance; then advancing

his right foot he plunged his weapon through his navel and fixed it in

his spine。 Down falls Polyneices; blood…bespattered; ribs and belly

contracting in his agony。 But that other; thinking his victory now

complete; threw down his sword and set to spoiling him; wholly

intent thereon; without a thought for himself。 And this indeed was his

ruin; for Polyneices; who had fallen first; was still faintly

breathing; and having in his grievous fall retained his sword; he made

last effort and drove it through the heart of Eteocles。 There they

lie; fallen side by side; biting the dust with their teeth; without

having decided the mastery。


    Ah; woe is thee! Oedipus; for thy sorrows! how I pity thee!

Heaven; it seems; has fulfilled those curses of thine。


    Now hear what further woes succeeded。 Just as her two sons had

fallen and lay dying; comes their wretched mother on the scene; her

daughter with her; in hot haste; and when she saw their mortal wounds;

〃Too late;〃 she moaned; 〃my sons; the help I bring〃; and throwing

herself on each in turn she wept and wailed; sorrowing o'er all her

toil in suckling them; and so too their sister; who was with her;

〃Supporters of your mother's age I dear brothers; leaving me

forlorn; unwed!〃 Then prince Eteocles with one deep dying gasp;

hearing his mother's cry; laid on her his moist hand; and though he

could not say a word; his tear…filled eyes were eloquent to prove

his love。 But Polyneices was still alive; and seeing his sister and

his aged mother he said; 〃Mother mine; our end is come; I pity thee

and my sister Antigone and my dead brother。 For I loved him though

he turned my foe; I loved him; yes! in spite of all。 Bury me; mother

mine; and thou; my sister dear; in my native soil; pacify the city's

wrath that may get at least that much of my own fatherland; although I

lost my home。 With thy hand; mother; close mine eyes (therewith he

himself places her fingers on the lids); and fare ye well; for already

the darkness wraps me round。〃

    So both at once breathed out their life of sorrow。 But when

their mother saw this sad mischance; in her o'ermastering grief she

snatched from a corpse its sword and wrought an awful deed; driving

the steel right through her throat; and there she lies; dead with

the dead she loved so well; her arms thrown round them both。

    Thereon the host sprang to their feet and fell to wrangling; we

maintaining that victory rested with my master; they with theirs;

and amid our leaders the contention raged; some holding that

Polyneices gave the first wound with his spear; others that; as both

were dead; victory rested with neither。 Meantime Antigone crept away

from the host; and those others rushed to their weapons; but by some

lucky forethought the folk of Cadmus had sat down under arms; and by a

sudden attack we surprised the Argive host before it was fully

equipped。 Not one withstood our onset; and they filled the plain

with fugitives; while blood was streaming from the countless dead

our spears had slain。 Soon as victory crowned our warfare; some

began to rear an image to Zeus for the foe's defeat; others were

stripping the Argive dead of their shields and sending their spoils

inside the battlements; and others with Antigone are bringing her dead

brothers hither for their friends to mourn。 So the result of this

struggle to our city hovers between the two extremes of good and

evil fortune。

                                            (The MESSENGER goes out。)

  CHORUS (chanting)

    No longer do the misfortunes of this house extend to hearsay only;

three corpses of the slain lie here at the palace for all to see;

who by one common death have passed to their life of gloom。

    (During the lament; ANTIGONE enters; followed by servants who hear


  ANTIGONE (chanting)

    No veil I draw o'er my tender cheek shaded with its clustering

curls; no shame I feel from maiden modesty at the hot blood mantling

'neath my eyes; the blush upon my face; as I hurry wildly on in

death's train; casting from my hair its tire and letting my delicate

robe of saffron hue fly loose; a tearful escort to the dead。 Ah me!

    Woe to thee; Polyneices! rightly named; I trow; woe to thee;

Thebes! no mere strife to end in strife was thine; but murder

completed by murder hath brought the house of Oedipus to ruin with

bloodshed dire and grim。 O my home; my home! what minstrel can I

summon from the dead to chant a fitting dirge o'er my tearful fate; as

I bear these three corpses of my kin; my mother and her sons;

welcome sight to the avenging fiend that destroyed the house of

Oedipus; root and branch; in the hour that his shrewdness solved the

Sphinx's riddling rhyme and slew that savage songstress。 Woe is me! my

father! what other Hellene or barbarian; what noble soul among the

bygone tribes of man's poor mortal race ever endured the anguish of

such visible afflictions?

    Ah! poor maid; how piteous is thy plaint! What bird from its

covert 'mid the leafy oak or soaring pine…tree's branch will come to

mourn with me; the maid left motherless; with cries of woe; lamenting;

ere it comes; the piteous lonely life; that henceforth must be

always mine with tears that ever stream? On which of these corpses

shall I throw my offerings first; plucking the hair from my head? on

the breast of the mother that suckled me; or beside the ghastly

death…wounds of my brothers' corpses? Woe to thee; Oedipus; my aged

sire with sightless orbs; leave thy roof; disclose the misery of thy

life; thou that draggest out a weary existence within the house;

having cast a mist of darkness o'er thine eyes。 Dost hear; thou

whose aged step now gropes its way across the court; now seeks

repose on wretched pallet couch?

    (OEDIPUS enters from the palace。 He chants the following lines

responsively with ANTIGONE。)


    Why; daughter; hast thou dragged me to the light; supporting my

blind footsteps from the gloom of my chamber; where I lie upon my

bed and make piteous moan; a hoary sufferer; invisible as a phantom of

the air; or as a spirit from the pit; or as a dream that flies?


    Father; there are tidings of sorrow for thee to bear; no more

thy sons behold the light; or thy wife who ever would toil to tend thy

blind footsteps as with a staff。 Alas for thee; my sire!


    Ah me; the sorrows I endure! I may well say that。 Tell me;

child; what fate o'ertook those three; and how they left the light。


    Not to reproach or mock thee say I this; but in all sadness;

'tis thy own avenging curse; with all its
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