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uder than any within a sovereign's power to bestow; which no forfeiture could attaint; no act of parliament recall; for though he cease to be Duke or Earl; the head of the Clan Campbell will still remain Mac Calan More;and how at last the same Sir Colin fell at the String of Cowal; beneath the sword of that fierce lord; whose granddaughter was destined to bind the honours of his own heirless house round the coronet of his slain foeman's descendant;how Sir Neill at Bannockburn fought side by side with the Bruce whose sister he had married; how Colin; the first Earl; wooed and won the Lady Isabel; sprung from the race of Somerled; Lord of the Isles; thus adding the galleys of Lorn to the blazonry of Argyll; how the next Earl died at Flodden; and his successor fought not less disastrously at Pinkie;how Archibald; fifth Earl; whose wife was at supper with the Queen; her half…sister; when Rizzio was murdered; fell on the field of Langside; smitten not by the hand of the enemy; but by the finger of God; how Colin; Earl and boy…General at fifteen; was dragged away by force; with tears in his eyes; from the unhappy skirmish at Glenlivit; where his brave Highlanders were being swept down by the artillery of Huntley and Errol;destined to regild his spurs in future years on the soil of Spain。
Then I told him of the Great Rebellion; and how; amid the tumult of the next fifty years; the Grim Marquis Gillespie Grumach; as his squint caused him to be called Montrose's fatal foe; staked life and fortunes in the deadly game engaged in by the fierce spirits of that generation; and losing; paid the forfeit with his head; as calmly as became a brave and noble gentleman; leaving an example; which his sonalready twice rescued from the scaffold; once by a daughter of the ever…gallant house of Lindsay; again a prisoner; and a rebel; because four years too soon to be a patriotas nobly imitated; how; at last; the clouds of misfortune cleared away; and honours clustered where only merit had been before; the martyr's aureole; almost become hereditary; being replaced in the next generation by a ducal coronet; itself to be regilt in its turn with a less sinister lustre by him
〃The State's whole thunder born to wield; And shake alike the senate and the field;〃
who baffled Walpole in the cabinet; and conquered with Marlborough at Ramilies; Oudenarde; and Malplaquet; and; last;how at that present moment; even while we were speaking; the heir to all these noble reminiscences; the young chief of this princely line; had already won; at the age of twenty…nine; by the manly vigour of his intellect and his hereditary independence of character; the confidence of his fellow…countrymen; and a seat at the council board of his sovereign。
Having thus duly indoctrinated Sigurdr with the Sagas of the family; as soon as we had crossed the lake I took him up to the Castle; and acted cicerone to its pictures and heirlooms;the gleaming stands of muskets; whose fire wrought such fatal ruin at Culloden;the portrait of the beautiful Irish girl; twice a Duchess; whom the cunning artist has painted with a sunflower that turns FROM the sun to look at her;Gillespie Grumach himself; as grim and sinister…looking as in life。the trumpets to carry the voice from the hall door to Dunnaquaich;the fair beech avenues; planted by the old Marquis; now looking with their smooth grey boles; and overhanging branches; like the cloisters of an abbey the vale of Esechasan; to which; on the evening before his execution; the Earl wrote such touching verses; the quaint old kitchen…garden; the ruins of the ancient Castle; where worthy Major Dalgetty is said to have passed such uncom… fortable moments;the Celtic cross from lone Iona:all and everything I showed off with as much pride and pleasure; I think; as if they had been my own possessions; and the more so as the Icelander himself evidently sympathised with such Scald…like gossip。
Having thoroughly overrun the woods and lawns of Inverary; we had a game of chess; and went to bed pretty well tired。
The next morning; before breakfast; I went off in a boat to Ardkinglass to see my little cousins; and then returning about twelve; we got a post…chaise; and crossing the boastful Loch Awe in a ferry…boat; reached Oban at nightfall。 Here I had the satisfaction of finding the schooner already arrived; and of being joined by the Doctor; just returned from his fruitless expedition to Holyhead。
Stornaway; Island of Lewis; Hebrides; June 9; 1856。
We reached these Islands of the West the day before yesterday; after a fine run from Oban。
I had intended taking Staffa and Iona on my way; but it came on so thick with heavy weather from the south…west; that to have landed on either island would have been out of the question。 So we bore up under Mull at one in the morning; tore through the Sound at daylight; rounded Ardnamurchan under a double…reefed mainsail at two P。M。; and shot into the Sound of Skye the same evening; leaving the hills of Moidart (one of whose 〃seven naen〃 was an ancestor of your own); and the jaws of the hospitable Loch Hourn; reddening in the stormy sunset。
At Kylakin we were obliged to bring up for the night; but getting under weigh again at daylight; we took a fair wind with us along the east coast of Skye; passed Raasa and Rona; and so across the Minch to Stornaway。
Stornaway is a little fishing…town with a beautiful harbour; from out of which was sailing; as we entered; a fleet of herring…boats; their brown sails gleaming like gold against the dark angry water as they fluttered out to sea; unmindful of the leaden clouds banked up along the west; and all the symptoms of an approaching gale。 The next morning it was upon us; but brought up as we were under the lea of a high rock; the tempest tore harmlessly over our heads; and left us at liberty to make the final preparations for departure。
Fitz; whose talents for discerning where the vegetables; fowls; and pretty ladies of a place were to be found; I had already had occasion to admire; went ashore to forage; while I remained on board to superintend the fixing of our sacred figure…headexecuted in bronze by Marochetti and brought along with me by rail; still warm from the furnace。
For the performance of this solemnity I luckily possessed a functionary equal to the occasion; in the shape of the second cook。 Originally a guardsman; he had beaten his sword into a chisel; and become carpenter; subsequently conceiving a passion for the sea; he turned his attention to the mysteries of the kitchen; and now sails with me in the alternate exercise of his two last professions。 This individual; thus happily combining the chivalry inherent in the profession of arms with the skill of the craftsman and the refinement of the artistto whose person; moreover; a paper cap; white vestments; and the sacrificial knife at his girdle; gave something of a sacerdotal characterI did not consider unfit to raise the ship's guardian image to its appointed place; and after two hours' reverential handiwork; I