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〃Why do you not cease persecuting me; Nikolas?〃 came
the voice of the woman from beyond the thin panel。
〃I have never harmed you。〃
〃Come; come; Olga;〃 urged the man; in propitiary tones;
〃I but ask a half dozen words with you。 I shall not harm you;
nor shall I enter your cabin; but I cannot shout my message
through the door。〃
Tarzan heard the catch click as it was released from the
inside。 He stepped out from his hiding…place far enough to
see what transpired when the door was opened; for he could
not but recall the sinister words he had heard a few moments
before upon the deck; 〃And if she screams you may choke her。〃
Rokoff was standing directly in front of the door。 Paulvitch
had flattened himself against the paneled wall of the corridor
beyond。 The door opened。 Rokoff half entered the room; and
stood with his back against the door; speaking in a low whisper
to the woman; whom Tarzan could not see。 Then Tarzan heard the
woman's voice; level; but loud enough to distinguish her words。
〃No; Nikolas;〃 she was saying; 〃it is useless。 Threaten as you
will; I shall never accede to your demands。 Leave the room;
please; you have no right here。 You promised not to enter。〃
〃Very well; Olga; I shall not enter; but before I am done
with you; you shall wish a thousand times that you had
done at once the favor I have asked。 In the end I shall win
anyway; so you might as well save trouble and time for me;
and disgrace for yourself and your〃
〃Never; Nikolas!〃 interrupted the woman; and then Tarzan
saw Rokoff turn and nod to Paulvitch; who sprang quickly
toward the doorway of the cabin; rushing in past Rokoff; who
held the door open for him。 Then the latter stepped quickly out。
The door closed。 Tarzan heard the click of the lock as
Paulvitch turned it from the inside。 Rokoff remained standing
before the door; with head bent; as though to catch the words
of the two within。 A nasty smile curled his bearded lip。
Tarzan could hear the woman's voice commanding the fellow to
leave her cabin。 〃I shall send for my husband;〃 she cried。
〃He will show you no mercy。〃
Paulvitch's sneering laugh came through the polished panels。
〃The purser will fetch your husband; madame;〃 said the man。
〃In fact; that officer has already been notified that you
are entertaining a man other than your husband behind the
locked door of your cabin。〃
〃Bah!〃 cried the woman。 〃My husband will know!〃
〃Most assuredly your husband will know; but the purser
will not; nor will the newspaper men who shall in some
mysterious way hear of it on our landing。 But they will
think it a fine story; and so will all your friends when they
read of it at breakfast onlet me see; this is Tuesdayyes;
when they read of it at breakfast next Friday morning。
Nor will it detract from the interest they will all feel when
they learn that the man whom madame entertained is a Russian
servanther brother's valet; to be quite exact。〃
〃Alexis Paulvitch;〃 came the woman's voice; cold and fearless;
〃you are a coward; and when I whisper a certain name
in your ear you will think better of your demands upon me
and your threats against me; and then you will leave my
cabin quickly; nor do I think that ever again will you; at
least; annoy me;〃 and there came a moment's silence in
which Tarzan could imagine the woman leaning toward the
scoundrel and whispering the thing she had hinted at into
his ear。 Only a moment of silence; and then a startled oath
from the manthe scuffling of feeta woman's scream
and silence。
But scarcely had the cry ceased before the ape…man had
leaped from his hiding…place。 Rokoff started to run; but
Tarzan grasped him by the collar and dragged him back。
Neither spoke; for both felt instinctively that murder was
being done in that room; and Tarzan was confident that Rokoff
had had no intention that his confederate should go that
farhe felt that the man's aims were deeper than thatdeeper
and even more sinister than brutal; cold…blooded murder。
Without hesitating to question those within; the ape…man
threw his giant shoulder against the frail panel; and in a
shower of splintered wood he entered the cabin; dragging
Rokoff after him。 Before him; on a couch; the woman lay;
and on top of her was Paulvitch; his fingers gripping the
fair throat; while his victim's hands beat futilely at his face;
tearing desperately at the cruel fingers that were forcing the
life from her。
The noise of his entrance brought Paulvitch to his feet;
where he stood glowering menacingly at Tarzan。 The girl
rose falteringly to a sitting posture upon the couch。
One hand was at her throat; and her breath came in little gasps。
Although disheveled and very pale; Tarzan recognized her
as the young woman whom he had caught staring at him on
deck earlier in the day。
〃What is the meaning of this?〃 said Tarzan; turning to Rokoff;
whom he intuitively singled out as the instigator of the outrage。
The man remained silent; scowling。 〃Touch the button; please;〃
continued the ape…man; 〃we will have one of the ship's
officers herethis affair has gone quite far enough。〃
〃No; no;〃 cried the girl; coming suddenly to her feet。
〃Please do not do that。 I am sure that there was no real
intention to harm me。 I angered this person; and he lost
control of himself; that is all。 I would not care to have the
matter go further; please; monsieur;〃 and there was such a
note of pleading in her voice that Tarzan could not press
the matter; though his better judgment warned him that
there was something afoot here of which the proper
authorities should be made cognizant。
〃You wish me to do nothing; then; in the matter?〃 he asked。
〃Nothing; please;〃 she replied。
〃You are content that these two scoundrels should continue
persecuting you?〃
She did not seem to know what answer to make; and
looked very troubled and unhappy。 Tarzan saw a malicious
grin of triumph curl Rokoff's lip。 The girl evidently was in
fear of these twoshe dared not express her real desires
before them。
〃Then;〃 said Tarzan; 〃I shall act on my own responsibility。
To you;〃 he continued; turning to Rokoff; 〃and this includes
your accomplice; I may say that from now on to the end of
the voyage I shall take it upon myself to keep an eye on
you; and should there chance to come to my notice any
act of either one of you that might even remotely annoy this
young woman you shall be called to account for it directly
to me; nor shall the calling or the accounting be pleasant
experiences for either of you。
〃Now get out of here;〃 and he grabbed Rokoff and
Paulvitch each by the scruff of the neck and thrust them
forcibly through the doorway; giving each an added impetus
down the corridor with the toe of his boot。 Then he turned
back to the stateroom and the girl。 She was looking at him
in wide…eyed astonishment。
〃And you; madame;