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is ever fulfilled or not; it is nevertheless plain that a
very different…looking class of people are springing up
at the south; and are now held in slavery; from those
originally brought to this country from Africa; and
if their increase do no other good; it will do
away the force of the argument; that God cursed
Ham; and therefore American slavery is right。 If the
lineal descendants of Ham are alone to be scriptur…
ally enslaved; it is certain that slavery at the south
must soon become unscriptural; for thousands are
ushered into the world; annually; who; like myself;
owe their existence to white fathers; and those fa…
thers most frequently their own masters。
I have had two masters。 My first master's name
was Anthony。 I do not remember his first name。
He was generally called Captain Anthonya title
which; I presume; he acquired by sailing a craft on
the Chesapeake Bay。 He was not considered a rich
slaveholder。 He owned two or three farms; and about
thirty slaves。 His farms and slaves were under the
care of an overseer。 The overseer's name was
Plummer。 Mr。 Plummer was a miserable drunkard;
a profane swearer; and a savage monster。 He always
went armed with a cowskin and a heavy cudgel。 I
have known him to cut and slash the women's heads
so horribly; that even master would be enraged at
his cruelty; and would threaten to whip him if he
did not mind himself。 Master; however; was not a
humane slaveholder。 It required extraordinary bar…
barity on the part of an overseer to affect him。 He
was a cruel man; hardened by a long life of slave…
holding。 He would at times seem to take great pleas…
ure in whipping a slave。 I have often been awakened
at the dawn of day by the most heart…rending shrieks
of an own aunt of mine; whom he used to tie up
to a joist; and whip upon her naked back till she
was literally covered with blood。 No words; no tears;
no prayers; from his gory victim; seemed to move
his iron heart from its bloody purpose。 The louder
she screamed; the harder he whipped; and where
the blood ran fastest; there he whipped longest。 He
would whip her to make her scream; and whip her
to make her hush; and not until overcome by fatigue;
would he cease to swing the blood…clotted cowskin。
I remember the first time I ever witnessed this hor…
rible exhibition。 I was quite a child; but I well re…
member it。 I never shall forget it whilst I remember
any thing。 It was the first of a long series of such out…
rages; of which I was doomed to be a witness and a
participant。 It struck me with awful force。 It was
the blood…stained gate; the entrance to the hell of
slavery; through which I was about to pass。 It was
a most terrible spectacle。 I wish I could commit to
paper the feelings with which I beheld it。
This occurrence took place very soon after I went
to live with my old master; and under the following
circumstances。 Aunt Hester went out one night;
where or for what I do not know;and happened to
be absent when my master desired her presence。 He
had ordered her not to go out evenings; and warned
her that she must never let him catch her in com…
pany with a young man; who was paying attention
to her belonging to Colonel Lloyd。 The young man's
name was Ned Roberts; generally called Lloyd's
Ned。 Why master was so careful of her; may be
safely left to conjecture。 She was a woman of noble
form; and of graceful proportions; having very few
equals; and fewer superiors; in personal appearance;
among the colored or white women of our neighbor…
Aunt Hester had not only disobeyed his orders in
going out; but had been found in company with
Lloyd's Ned; which circumstance; I found; from
what he said while whipping her; was the chief of…
fence。 Had he been a man of pure morals himself;
he might have been thought interested in protecting
the innocence of my aunt; but those who knew him
will not suspect him of any such virtue。 Before
he commenced whipping Aunt Hester; he took her
into the kitchen; and stripped her from neck to waist;
leaving her neck; shoulders; and back; entirely
naked。 He then told her to cross her hands; calling
her at the same time a dd b…h。 After crossing
her hands; he tied them with a strong rope; and led
her to a stool under a large hook in the joist; put
in for the purpose。 He made her get upon the stool;
and tied her hands to the hook。 She now stood fair
for his infernal purpose。 Her arms were stretched
up at their full length; so that she stood upon the
ends of her toes。 He then said to her; 〃Now; you
dd b…h; I'll learn you how to disobey my
orders!〃 and after rolling up his sleeves; he com…
menced to lay on the heavy cowskin; and soon the
warm; red blood (amid heart…rending shrieks from
her; and horrid oaths from him) came dripping to
the floor。 I was so terrified and horror…stricken at the
sight; that I hid myself in a closet; and dared not
venture out till long after the bloody transaction was
over。 I expected it would be my turn next。 It was
all new to me。 I had never seen any thing like it
before。 I had always lived with my grandmother on
the outskirts of the plantation; where she was put to
raise the children of the younger women。 I had there…
fore been; until now; out of the way of the bloody
scenes that often occurred on the plantation。
My master's family consisted of two sons; Andrew
and Richard; one daughter; Lucretia; and her hus…
band; Captain Thomas Auld。 They lived in one
house; upon the home plantation of Colonel Edward
Lloyd。 My master was Colonel Lloyd's clerk and
superintendent。 He was what might be called the
overseer of the overseers。 I spent two years of child…
hood on this plantation in my old master's family。
It was here that I witnessed the bloody transaction
recorded in the first chapter; and as I received my
first impressions of slavery on this plantation;
I will give some description of it; and of slavery as
it there existed。 The plantation is about twelve miles
north of Easton; in Talbot county; and is situated
on the border of Miles River。 The principal products
raised upon it were tobacco; corn; and wheat。 These
were raised in great abundance; so that; with the
products of this and the other farms belonging to
him; he was able to keep in almost constant em…
ployment a large sloop; in carrying them to market
at Baltimore。 This sloop was named Sally Lloyd;
in honor of one of the colonel's daughters。 My mas…
ter's son…in…law; Captain Auld; was master of the
vessel; she was otherwise manned by the colonel's
own slaves。 Their names were Peter; Isaac; Rich; and
Jake。 These were esteemed very highly by the other
slaves; and looked upon as the privileged ones of the
plantation; for it was no small affair; in the eyes of
the slaves; to be allowed to see Baltimore。