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the narrative of the life-第30章

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from Baltimore。  During the week; I had entered

into an engagement with a number of young friends

to start from Baltimore to the camp ground early

Saturday evening; and being detained by my em…

ployer; I was unable to get down to Master Hugh's

without disappointing the company。  I knew that

Master Hugh was in no special need of the money

that night。  I therefore decided to go to camp meet…

ing; and upon my return pay him the three dollars。

I staid at the camp meeting one day longer than I

intended when I left。  But as soon as I returned; I

called upon him to pay him what he considered his

due。  I found him very angry; he could scarce restrain

his wrath。  He said he had a great mind to give me a

severe whipping。  He wished to know how I dared

go out of the city without asking his permission。  I

told him I hired my time and while I paid him the

price which he asked for it; I did not know that I

was bound to ask him when and where I should go。

This reply troubled him; and; after reflecting a few

moments; he turned to me; and said I should hire

my time no longer; that the next thing he should

know of; I would be running away。  Upon the same

plea; he told me to bring my tools and clothing

home forthwith。  I did so; but instead of seeking

work; as I had been accustomed to do previously to

hiring my time; I spent the whole week without

the performance of a single stroke of work。  I did this

in retaliation。  Saturday night; he called upon me

as usual for my week's wages。  I told him I had no

wages; I had done no work that week。  Here we

were upon the point of coming to blows。  He raved;

and swore his determination to get hold of me。  I did

not allow myself a single word; but was resolved; if

he laid the weight of his hand upon me; it should

be blow for blow。  He did not strike me; but told me

that he would find me in constant employment in

future。  I thought the matter over during the next day;

Sunday; and finally resolved upon the third day of

September; as the day upon which I would make a

second attempt to secure my freedom。  I now had

three weeks during which to prepare for my journey。

Early on Monday morning; before Master Hugh had

time to make any engagement for me; I went out

and got employment of Mr。 Butler; at his ship…yard

near the drawbridge; upon what is called the City

Block; thus making it unnecessary for him to seek

employment for me。  At the end of the week; I

brought him between eight and nine dollars。  He

seemed very well pleased; and asked why I did not

do the same the week before。  He little knew what

my plans were。  My object in working steadily was

to remove any suspicion he might entertain of my

intent to run away; and in this I succeeded admi…

rably。  I suppose he thought I was never better

satisfied with my condition than at the very time

during which I was planning my escape。  The second

week passed; and again I carried him my full wages;

and so well pleased was he; that he gave me twenty…

five cents; (quite a large sum for a slaveholder to

give a slave;) and bade me to make a good use of it。

I told him I would。


  Things went on without very smoothly indeed;

but within there was trouble。  It is impossible for

me to describe my feelings as the time of my con…

templated start drew near。  I had a number of warm…

hearted friends in Baltimore;friends that I loved

almost as I did my life;and the thought of being

separated from them forever was painful beyond

expression。  It is my opinion that thousands would

escape from slavery; who now remain; but for the

strong cords of affection that bind them to their

friends。  The thought of leaving my friends was de…

cidedly the most painful thought with which I had

to contend。  The love of them was my tender point;

and shook my decision more than all things else。

Besides the pain of separation; the dread and appre…

hension of a failure exceeded what I had experienced

at my first attempt。  The appalling defeat I then

sustained returned to torment me。  I felt assured

that; if I failed in this attempt; my case would be

a hopeless oneit would seal my fate as a slave for…

ever。  I could not hope to get off with any thing less

than the severest punishment; and being placed

beyond the means of escape。  It required no very

vivid imagination to depict the most frightful

scenes through which I should have to pass; in case

I failed。  The wretchedness of slavery; and the

blessedness of freedom; were perpetually before me。

It was life and death with me。  But I remained

firm; and; according to my resolution; on the third

day of September; 1838; I left my chains; and suc…

ceeded in reaching New York without the slightest

interruption of any kind。  How I did so;what means

I adopted;what direction I travelled; and by what

mode of conveyance;I must leave unexplained;

for the reasons before mentioned。


  I have been frequently asked how I felt when I

found myself in a free State。  I have never been able

to answer the question with any satisfaction to my…

self。  It was a moment of the highest excitement I

ever experienced。  I suppose I felt as one may imagine

the unarmed mariner to feel when he is rescued

by a friendly man…of…war from the pursuit of a pirate。

In writing to a dear friend; immediately after my

arrival at New York; I said I felt like one who had

escaped a den of hungry lions。  This state of mind;

however; very soon subsided; and I was again seized

with a feeling of great insecurity and loneliness。  I

was yet liable to be taken back; and subjected to

all the tortures of slavery。  This in itself was enough

to damp the ardor of my enthusiasm。  But the lone…

liness overcame me。  There I was in the midst of

thousands; and yet a perfect stranger; without home

and without friends; in the midst of thousands of my

own brethrenchildren of a common Father; and

yet I dared not to unfold to any one of them my

sad condition。  I was afraid to speak to any one for

fear of speaking to the wrong one; and thereby fall…

ing into the hands of money…loving kidnappers;

whose business it was to lie in wait for the panting

fugitive; as the ferocious beasts of the forest lie in

wait for their prey。  The motto which I adopted

when I started from slavery was this〃Trust no

man!〃  I saw in every white man an enemy; and in

almost every colored man cause for distrust。  It was

a most painful situation; and; to understand it; one

must needs experience it; or imagine himself in

similar circumstances。  Let him be a fugitive slave in

a strange landa land given up to be the hunting…

ground for slaveholderswhose inhabitants are legal…

ized kidnapperswhere he is every moment sub…

jected to the terrible liability of being seized upon

by his fellowmen; as the hideous crocodile seizes

upon his prey!I say; let him place himself in my

situationwithout home or friendswithout money

or creditwanting shelter; and no one to 
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