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the narrative of the life-第21章

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come。  I disregarded both his calls and his threats;

and made my way to the woods as fast as my feeble

state would allow; and thinking I might be over…

hauled by him if I kept the road; I walked through

the woods; keeping far enough from the road to

avoid detection; and near enough to prevent losing

my way。  I had not gone far before my little strength

again failed me。  I could go no farther。  I fell down;

and lay for a considerable time。  The blood was yet

oozing from the wound on my head。  For a time I

thought I should bleed to death; and think now that

I should have done so; but that the blood so matted

my hair as to stop the wound。  After lying there

about three quarters of an hour; I nerved myself

up again; and started on my way; through bogs and

briers; barefooted and bareheaded; tearing my feet

sometimes at nearly every step; and after a journey

of about seven miles; occupying some five hours to

perform it; I arrived at master's store。  I then pre…

sented an appearance enough to affect any but a

heart of iron。  From the crown of my head to my

feet; I was covered with blood。  My hair was all

clotted with dust and blood; my shirt was stiff with

blood。  I suppose I looked like a man who had es…

caped a den of wild beasts; and barely escaped them。

In this state I appeared before my master; humbly

entreating him to interpose his authority for my

protection。  I told him all the circumstances as well

as I could; and it seemed; as I spoke; at times to

affect him。  He would then walk the floor; and seek

to justify Covey by saying he expected I deserved

it。  He asked me what I wanted。  I told him; to let

me get a new home; that as sure as I lived with Mr。

Covey again; I should live with but to die with

him; that Covey would surely kill me; he was in a

fair way for it。  Master Thomas ridiculed the idea

that there was any danger of Mr。 Covey's killing

me; and said that he knew Mr。 Covey; that he was

a good man; and that he could not think of taking

me from him; that; should he do so; he would lose

the whole year's wages; that I belonged to Mr。 Covey

for one year; and that I must go back to him; come

what might; and that I must not trouble him with

any more stories; or that he would himself GET HOLD

OF ME。  After threatening me thus; he gave me a very

large dose of salts; telling me that I might remain

in St。 Michael's that night; (it being quite late;)

but that I must be off back to Mr。 Covey's early

in the morning; and that if I did not; he would

~get hold of me;~ which meant that he would whip

me。  I remained all night; and; according to his or…

ders; I started off to Covey's in the morning; (Sat…

urday morning;) wearied in body and broken in

spirit。  I got no supper that night; or breakfast that

morning。  I reached Covey's about nine o'clock; and

just as I was getting over the fence that divided

Mrs。 Kemp's fields from ours; out ran Covey with

his cowskin; to give me another whipping。  Before

he could reach me; I succeeded in getting to the

cornfield; and as the corn was very high; it afforded

me the means of hiding。  He seemed very angry; and

searched for me a long time。  My behavior was al…

together unaccountable。  He finally gave up the

chase; thinking; I suppose; that I must come home

for something to eat; he would give himself no fur…

ther trouble in looking for me。  I spent that day

mostly in the woods; having the alternative before

me;to go home and be whipped to death; or stay

in the woods and be starved to death。  That night;

I fell in with Sandy Jenkins; a slave with whom

I was somewhat acquainted。  Sandy had a free wife

who lived about four miles from Mr。 Covey's; and

it being Saturday; he was on his way to see her。  I

told him my circumstances; and he very kindly in…

vited me to go home with him。  I went home with

him; and talked this whole matter over; and got his

advice as to what course it was best for me to pursue。

I found Sandy an old adviser。  He told me; with

great solemnity; I must go back to Covey; but that

before I went; I must go with him into another

part of the woods; where there was a certain ~root;~

which; if I would take some of it with me; carrying

it ~always on my right side;~ would render it impos…

sible for Mr。 Covey; or any other white man; to

whip me。  He said he had carried it for years; and

since he had done so; he had never received a blow;

and never expected to while he carried it。  I at first

rejected the idea; that the simple carrying of a root

in my pocket would have any such effect as he had

said; and was not disposed to take it; but Sandy

impressed the necessity with much earnestness; tell…

ing me it could do no harm; if it did no good。  To

please him; I at length took the root; and; ac…

cording to his direction; carried it upon my right

side。  This was Sunday morning。  I immediately

started for home; and upon entering the yard gate;

out came Mr。 Covey on his way to meeting。  He

spoke to me very kindly; bade me drive the pigs

from a lot near by; and passed on towards the

church。  Now; this singular conduct of Mr。 Covey

really made me begin to think that there was some…

thing in the ROOT which Sandy had given me; and

had it been on any other day than Sunday; I could

have attributed the conduct to no other cause than

the influence of that root; and as it was; I was half

inclined to think the ~root~ to be something more

than I at first had taken it to be。  All went well till

Monday morning。  On this morning; the virtue of

the ROOT was fully tested。  Long before daylight; I

was called to go and rub; curry; and feed; the horses。

I obeyed; and was glad to obey。  But whilst thus

engaged; whilst in the act of throwing down some

blades from the loft; Mr。 Covey entered the stable

with a long rope; and just as I was half out of the

loft; he caught hold of my legs; and was about tying

me。  As soon as I found what he was up to; I gave

a sudden spring; and as I did so; he holding to my

legs; I was brought sprawling on the stable floor。

Mr。 Covey seemed now to think he had me; and

could do what he pleased; but at this moment

from whence came the spirit I don't knowI re…

solved to fight; and; suiting my action to the reso…

lution; I seized Covey hard by the throat; and as I

did so; I rose。  He held on to me; and I to him。  My

resistance was so entirely unexpected that Covey

seemed taken all aback。  He trembled like a leaf。

This gave me assurance; and I held him uneasy;

causing the blood to run where I touched him with

the ends of my fingers。  Mr。 Covey soon called out

to Hughes for help。  Hughes came; and; while Covey

held me; attempted to tie my right hand。  While he

was in the act of doing so; I watched my chance;

and gave him a heavy kick close under the ribs。

This kick fairly sickened Hughes; so that he left

me in the hands of Mr。 Covey。  This kick had the

effect of not only weakening Hughes; but Covey 
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