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into the woods; he came up and told me to stop my
cart; and that he would teach me how to trifle away
my time; and break gates。 He then went to a large
gum…tree; and with his axe cut three large switches;
and; after trimming them up neatly with his pocket…
knife; he ordered me to take off my clothes。 I made
him no answer; but stood with my clothes on。 He
repeated his order。 I still made him no answer; nor
did I move to strip myself。 Upon this he rushed
at me with the fierceness of a tiger; tore off my
clothes; and lashed me till he had worn out his
switches; cutting me so savagely as to leave the marks
visible for a long time after。 This whipping was the
first of a number just like it; and for similar of…
I lived with Mr。 Covey one year。 During the first
six months; of that year; scarce a week passed with…
out his whipping me。 I was seldom free from a sore
back。 My awkwardness was almost always his ex…
cuse for whipping me。 We were worked fully up
to the point of endurance。 Long before day we were
up; our horses fed; and by the first approach of day
we were off to the field with our hoes and plough…
ing teams。 Mr。 Covey gave us enough to eat; but
scarce time to eat it。 We were often less than five
minutes taking our meals。 We were often in the field
from the first approach of day till its last lingering
ray had left us; and at saving…fodder time; midnight
often caught us in the field binding blades。
Covey would be out with us。 The way he used to
stand it; was this。 He would spend the most of his
afternoons in bed。 He would then come out fresh
in the evening; ready to urge us on with his words;
example; and frequently with the whip。 Mr。 Covey
was one of the few slaveholders who could and did
work with his hands。 He was a hard…working man。
He knew by himself just what a man or a boy could
do。 There was no deceiving him。 His work went on
in his absence almost as well as in his presence; and
he had the faculty of making us feel that he was
ever present with us。 This he did by surprising us。
He seldom approached the spot where we were at
work openly; if he could do it secretly。 He always
aimed at taking us by surprise。 Such was his cunning;
that we used to call him; among ourselves; 〃the
snake。〃 When we were at work in the cornfield; he
would sometimes crawl on his hands and knees to
avoid detection; and all at once he would rise
nearly in our midst; and scream out; 〃Ha; ha!
Come; come! Dash on; dash on!〃 This being his
mode of attack; it was never safe to stop a single
minute。 His comings were like a thief in the night。
He appeared to us as being ever at hand。 He was
under every tree; behind every stump; in every bush;
and at every window; on the plantation。 He would
sometimes mount his horse; as if bound to St。 Mi…
chael's; a distance of seven miles; and in half an
hour afterwards you would see him coiled up in
the corner of the wood…fence; watching every motion
of the slaves。 He would; for this purpose; leave his
horse tied up in the woods。 Again; he would some…
times walk up to us; and give us orders as though
he was upon the point of starting on a long journey;
turn his back upon us; and make as though he was
going to the house to get ready; and; before he would
get half way thither; he would turn short and crawl
into a fence…corner; or behind some tree; and there
watch us till the going down of the sun。
Mr。 Covey's FORTE consisted in his power to de…
ceive。 His life was devoted to planning and perpe…
trating the grossest deceptions。 Every thing he pos…
sessed in the shape of learning or religion; he made
conform to his disposition to deceive。 He seemed
to think himself equal to deceiving the Almighty。
He would make a short prayer in the morning; and
a long prayer at night; and; strange as it may seem;
few men would at times appear more devotional
than he。 The exercises of his family devotions were
always commenced with singing; and; as he was a
very poor singer himself; the duty of raising the
hymn generally came upon me。 He would read his
hymn; and nod at me to commence。 I would at
times do so; at others; I would not。 My non…com…
pliance would almost always produce much confu…
sion。 To show himself independent of me; he would
start and stagger through with his hymn in the most
discordant manner。 In this state of mind; he prayed
with more than ordinary spirit。 Poor man! such was
his disposition; and success at deceiving; I do verily
believe that he sometimes deceived himself into the
solemn belief; that he was a sincere worshipper of
the most high God; and this; too; at a time when
he may be said to have been guilty of compelling
his woman slave to commit the sin of adultery。 The
facts in the case are these: Mr。 Covey was a poor
man; he was just commencing in life; he was only
able to buy one slave; and; shocking as is the fact;
he bought her; as he said; for A BREEDER。 This woman
was named Caroline。 Mr。 Covey bought her from
Mr。 Thomas Lowe; about six miles from St。 Mi…
chael's。 She was a large; able…bodied woman; about
twenty years old。 She had already given birth to one
child; which proved her to be just what he wanted。
After buying her; he hired a married man of Mr。
Samuel Harrison; to live with him one year; and him
he used to fasten up with her every night! The re…
sult was; that; at the end of the year; the miserable
woman gave birth to twins。 At this result Mr。 Covey
seemed to be highly pleased; both with the man and
the wretched woman。 Such was his joy; and that of
his wife; that nothing they could do for Caroline
during her confinement was too good; or too hard;
to be done。 The children were regarded as being
quite an addition to his wealth。
If at any one time of my life more than another;
I was made to drink the bitterest dregs of slavery;
that time was during the first six months of my stay
with Mr。 Covey。 We were worked in all weathers。
It was never too hot or too cold; it could never rain;
blow; hail; or snow; too hard for us to work in the
field。 Work; work; work; was scarcely more the order
of the day than of the night。 The longest days were
too short for him; and the shortest nights too long
for him。 I was somewhat unmanageable when I first
went there; but a few months of this discipline
tamed me。 Mr。 Covey succeeded in breaking me。 I
was broken in body; soul; and spirit。 My natural
elasticity was crushed; my intellect languished; the
disposition to read departed; the cheerful spark that
lingered about my eye died; the dark night of slavery
closed in upon me; and behold a man transformed
into a brute!
Sunday was my only leisure time。 I spent this in
a sort of beast…like stupor; between sleep and wake;
under some large tree。 At times I would rise up; a
flash of energetic freedom would dart through my
soul; acc