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the narrative of the life-第18章

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with many others; came upon us with sticks and

other missiles; drove us off; and forbade us to meet

again。  Thus ended our little Sabbath school in the

pious town of St。 Michael's。


  I have said my master found religious sanction

for his cruelty。  As an example; I will state one of

many facts going to prove the charge。  I have seen

him tie up a lame young woman; and whip her with

a heavy cowskin upon her naked shoulders; causing

the warm red blood to drip; and; in justification

of the bloody deed; he would quote this passage of

Scripture〃He that knoweth his master's will; and

doeth it not; shall be beaten with many stripes。〃


  Master would keep this lacerated young woman

tied up in this horrid situation four or five hours at

a time。  I have known him to tie her up early in the

morning; and whip her before breakfast; leave her;

go to his store; return at dinner; and whip her again;

cutting her in the places already made raw with his

cruel lash。  The secret of master's cruelty toward

〃Henny〃 is found in the fact of her being almost

helpless。  When quite a child; she fell into the fire;

and burned herself horribly。  Her hands were so

burnt that she never got the use of them。  She could

do very little but bear heavy burdens。  She was to

master a bill of expense; and as he was a mean man;

she was a constant offence to him。  He seemed

desirous of getting the poor girl out of existence。

He gave her away once to his sister; but; being a

poor gift; she was not disposed to keep her。  Finally;

my benevolent master; to use his own words; 〃set

her adrift to take care of herself。〃  Here was a re…

cently…converted man; holding on upon the mother;

and at the same time turning out her helpless child;

to starve and die!  Master Thomas was one of the

many pious slaveholders who hold slaves for the

very charitable purpose of taking care of them。


  My master and myself had quite a number of

differences。  He found me unsuitable to his purpose。

My city life; he said; had had a very pernicious effect

upon me。  It had almost ruined me for every good

purpose; and fitted me for every thing which was

bad。  One of my greatest faults was that of letting

his horse run away; and go down to his father…in…

law's farm; which was about five miles from St。

Michael's。  I would then have to go after it。  My

reason for this kind of carelessness; or carefulness;

was; that I could always get something to eat when

I went there。  Master William Hamilton; my master's

father…in…law; always gave his slaves enough to eat。

I never left there hungry; no matter how great the

need of my speedy return。  Master Thomas at length

said he would stand it no longer。  I had lived with

him nine months; during which time he had given

me a number of severe whippings; all to no good

purpose。  He resolved to put me out; as he said; to

be broken; and; for this purpose; he let me for one

year to a man named Edward Covey。  Mr。 Covey

was a poor man; a farm…renter。  He rented the place

upon which he lived; as also the hands with which

he tilled it。  Mr。 Covey had acquired a very high

reputation for breaking young slaves; and this repu…

tation was of immense value to him。  It enabled him

to get his farm tilled with much less expense to

himself than he could have had it done without

such a reputation。  Some slaveholders thought it not

much loss to allow Mr。 Covey to have their slaves

one year; for the sake of the training to which they

were subjected; without any other compensation。

He could hire young help with great ease; in con…

sequence of this reputation。  Added to the natural

good qualities of Mr。 Covey; he was a professor of

religiona pious soula member and a class…leader in

the Methodist church。  All of this added weight to

his reputation as a 〃nigger…breaker。〃  I was aware of

all the facts; having been made acquainted with

them by a young man who had lived there。  I never…

theless made the change gladly; for I was sure of

getting enough to eat; which is not the smallest

consideration to a hungry man。





                     CHAPTER X



  I had left Master Thomas's house; and went to live

with Mr。 Covey; on the 1st of January; 1833。  I was

now; for the first time in my life; a field hand。  In

my new employment; I found myself even more

awkward than a country boy appeared to be in a

large city。  I had been at my new home but one

week before Mr。 Covey gave me a very severe whip…

ping; cutting my back; causing the blood to run;

and raising ridges on my flesh as large as my little finger。

The details of this affair are as follows: Mr。 Covey

sent me; very early in the morning of one of our

coldest days in the month of January; to the woods;

to get a load of wood。  He gave me a team of un…

broken oxen。  He told me which was the in…hand ox;

and which the off…hand one。  He then tied the end

of a large rope around the horns of the in…hand ox;

and gave me the other end of it; and told me; if

the oxen started to run; that I must hold on upon

the rope。  I had never driven oxen before; and of

course I was very awkward。  I; however; succeeded in

getting to the edge of the woods with little diffi…

culty; but I had got a very few rods into the woods;

when the oxen took fright; and started full tilt; carry…

ing the cart against trees; and over stumps; in the

most frightful manner。  I expected every moment

that my brains would be dashed out against the

trees。  After running thus for a considerable dis…

tance; they finally upset the cart; dashing it with

great force against a tree; and threw themselves into

a dense thicket。  How I escaped death; I do not

know。  There I was; entirely alone; in a thick wood;

in a place new to me。  My cart was upset and shat…

tered; my oxen were entangled among the young

trees; and there was none to help me。  After a long

spell of effort; I succeeded in getting my cart righted;

my oxen disentangled; and again yoked to the cart。

I now proceeded with my team to the place where

I had; the day before; been chopping wood; and

loaded my cart pretty heavily; thinking in this way

to tame my oxen。  I then proceeded on my way

home。  I had now consumed one half of the day。  I

got out of the woods safely; and now felt out of

danger。  I stopped my oxen to open the woods gate;

and just as I did so; before I could get hold of my

ox…rope; the oxen again started; rushed through the

gate; catching it between the wheel and the body of

the cart; tearing it to pieces; and coming within a

few inches of crushing me against the gate…post。  Thus

twice; in one short day; I escaped death by the

merest chance。  On my return; I told Mr。 Covey

what had happened; and how it happened。  He or…

dered me to return to the woods again immediately。

I did so; and he followed on after me。  Just as I got

into the woods; he came up and told me to stop my

cart; and that he would teach 
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