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due covers the expenses at  Madrid; of which I defray one…half; the books being deposited at my  lodgings。  I shall shortly send in my account for the last four  months。  Pray present my kind remembrances to Mrs。 B。 and believe  me to remain; Revd。 and dear Sir;

Ever truly yours;

G。 B。

P。S。 … Best regards also to Messrs。 Brandram and Jowett。

I have this moment received a letter from Seville; which was  awaiting my arrival at the post office。  The British consul states  that the Bibles in embargo there are at the disposal of the  Society; this is the work of my friend Mr。 Southern at Madrid; for  had he not exerted his powerful interest in the matter they were  lost; and could not even have been exported。  To whom shall I send  them?  To Gibraltar; or to England?

LETTER: 29th September; 1839

To the Rev。 A。 Brandram (Private) (ENDORSED: recd。 Octr。 14; 1839) SEVILLE; PLAZUELA DE LA PILA SECA No。 7; 29TH SEPR。 1839。

REVD。 AND DEAR SIR; … I beg leave to return you my best thanks for  your kind communication of the 27th Aug。 which I found awaiting me  on my return from Tangiers; and for which I was already to a  certain degree prepared by my dear friend Mr。 Browne's letter  directed to the care of Mr。 Brackenbury at Cadiz。  I shall act up  as soon as possible to the Committee's request; that I take  immediate measures for selling the remainder of our Bible stock in  Spain; or leaving it in safe custody。  I will now tell you in a few  words the steps which it appears to me most advisable to take in  the present emergency。

I shall mount my horses and depart for La Mancha; where I shall  take up my abode for a few weeks in a town with which you are  already acquainted and where I believe I have friends; and to which  place I shall order a chest of Testaments to be despatched from  Madrid; on the receipt of which I shall endeavour with the  assistance of Hayim Ben Attar to put as many copies as possible  into circulation。  I have always wished to do something in La  Mancha; which is in every respect the worst part of Spain。  I  distinctly see that it must be now or never。  God has granted me  success in many difficult enterprises:  perhaps it will please Him  to favour me in this。

I shall then move upon Madrid; and arrange matters in that capital。   If I may be permitted here to offer my advice; I would strongly  recommend that four hundred copies of the New Testament be left  there in deposit; with those of Saint Luke in Gypsy and Basque  which remain unsold。  Of the former Gospel; indeed; there are not  many; nearly one hundred copies having been circulated amongst the  Rommanees of Andalusia during my present visit。  I then purpose to  make for France; passing through Saragossa; in which place; which  is large and populous; I hope to accomplish some good in the Lord's  cause。  This is the outline of my plan; which I shall attempt to  put into execution without delay; though if any one could propose a  wiser; and better adapted to the present circumstances; I shall at  once relinquish it。

I have just received a communication from Mr。 Brackenbury; in which  he has done me the honour to furnish me with a copy of a letter  which he has addressed to yourself and in which he has spoken of  me。  The principal consolation of a person in misfortune is the  being able to say; 'In whatever I have done; I have had the glory  of God at heart'; and certainly next to this consolation is the  knowledge that his deeds and actions meet the approbation of the  good; the wise; and the distinguished。  I wish not to recapitulate  what I have done; but I beg to be permitted to say that wherever I  have been I have endeavoured to elicit the kindly feelings of my  fellow…creatures; not for my own benefit but for the advancement of  the true doctrine。  I found Mr。 B。 during my last visit in a state  of considerable agitation。  He showed me a letter from Lord。 P  'Palmerston'; a circular as it appeared; in which the British  consuls and their assistants in Spain are strictly forbidden to  afford the slightest countenance to religious agents。  What was the  cause of this last blow?  Mr。 B。 says it was an ill…advised  application made to his Lordship to interfere with the Spanish  Government in behalf of a certain individual whose line of conduct  needs no comment。  There are people in Spain who remember the time  when those very consuls received from a British Ambassador at  Madrid instructions of an exactly contrary character; but when dead  flies fall into the ointment of the apothecary; they cause it to  send forth an unpleasant savour。

I am very glad that I went to Tangiers; for many reasons。  In the  first place; I was permitted to circulate many copies of God's Word  both amongst the Jews and the Christians; by the latter of whom it  was particularly wanted; their ignorance of the most vital points  of religion being truly horrible。  In the second place; I acquired  a vast stock of information concerning Africa and the state of its  interior。  One of my principal associates was a black slave; whose  country was only three days' journey from Timbuctoo; which place he  had frequently visited。  The Soosi men also told me many of the  secrets of the land of wonders from which they come; and the rabbis  from Fez and Morocco were no less communicative。  Moreover I  consider it a great advantage to have obtained the friendship of  Mr。 Hay; who is a true British gentleman。  I found him at first  reserved and distant; and I thought averse to countenance the  object of my mission。  In a few days; however; his manner changed  surprisingly; and at my departure he begged me to communicate to  the Bible Society that at all times and seasons he should be happy  to receive its commands; and to render all the assistance in Fez  and Morocco which his official situation would permit him; should  the views of the Society at any future time be directed to those  regions。

Permit me; my dear Sir; to correct in your letter something which  savours of inaccuracy。  You hint at the issues of the Scriptures in  Spain having been small。  Now during the last year I have issued  three thousand Testaments and five hundred Bibles; which is  certainly no small circulation of the Word of God in such a  country。  But pray inform me why the circulation has not been ten  times greater?  Surely you are aware that among the many  peculiarities of my situation was this distressing one; namely;  that I was scarcely ever able to supply the people with the books  that they were in want of。  They clamoured for Bibles; and I had  nothing but Testaments to offer them。  Had I been possessed of  twenty thousand Bibles in the spring of the present year; I could  have disposed of them all without leaving Madrid; and they would  have found their way through all Spain。  I beseech you always to  bear this fact in mind in your reports to the public; otherwise  that public will remain strangely in the dark respecting the spirit  of enquiry which is abroad in Spain。

You are quite right in supposing that I entertain a favourable  opinion of Mr。 Wood。  I know him to be a good husband and father;  and a man who fears the Lord:  he is likewise possessed of  considerable a
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