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  How could I sleep?  The hogs grunted; the mules screamed; and the  ALMOCREVES snored most horribly。  I heard the village clock strike  the hours until midnight; and from midnight till four in the  morning; when I sprang up and began to dress; and despatched my  servant to hasten the man with his mules; for I was heartily tired  of the place; and wished to leave it。

An old man; but remarkably bony and hale; accompanied by a bare… footed lad; brought the beasts。  He was the proprietor of them; and  intended to accompany us to Evora with the lad; who was his nephew。   When we started the moon was shining brightly; and the morning was  piercingly cold。  We soon entered a sandy; hollow way; emerging  from which we passed by a large edifice; standing on a high; bleak  sand…hill; on our left。  We were speedily overtaken by five or six  men on horseback; riding at a rapid pace; each with a long gun  slung at his saddle; the muzzle depending about two feet below the  horses belly。  I questioned the old man as to the cause of their  going thus armed; he answered that the roads were very bad (meaning  that they abounded with robbers); and that these people carried  arms for their defence。  They soon turned off to the right towards  Palmella。

We reached a sandy plain studded with stunted pine; the road was  little more than a footpath; and as we proceeded the trees  thickened and became a wood; which extended for two leagues with  clear spaces at intervals; in which herds of cattle and sheep were  feeding。  The sun was just beginning to show itself; but the  morning was misty and dreary; which together with the aspect of  desolation which the country exhibited had an unfavourable effect  on my spirits。  I got down and walked; entering into conversation  with the man。  He seemed to have but one theme of conversation;  'the robbers' and the atrocities they were in the habit of  practising in the very spots we were passing。  The tales he related  were truly horrible; and to avoid them I mounted again and rode on  considerably in front。

In about an hour and a half we emerged from the forest and entered  upon wild broken ground covered with MATO or brushwood。  The mules  stopped to drink at a shallow pool; and on looking to the right I  saw a ruined wall。  This; the guide informed me; was the remains of  the Vendal Velhas; or the old inn; formerly the haunt of the  celebrated robber Sabocha。  This Sabocha; it seems; had; about  sixteen years since; a band of forty ruffians at his command; who  infested these wilds; and supported themselves by plunder。  For a  considerable time Sabocha pursued his atrocious trade unsuspected;  and many an unfortunate traveller was murdered; in the dead of  night; at the solitary inn by the wood's side; which he kept;  indeed a more fit situation for plunder and murder I never saw。   The gang were in the habit of watering their horses at the pool;  and perhaps of washing therein their hands stained with the blood  of their victims。  The brother of Sabocha was the lieutenant of the  troop; a fellow of great strength and ferocity; particularly famous  for the skill he possessed in darting a long knife and transfixing  his opponents。  Sabocha's connection with the gang at last became  known; and he fled with the greatest part of his associates across  the Tagus; to the northern provinces。  He and his brother  eventually lost their lives on the road to Coimbra; in an  engagement with the military。  His house was razed by order of the  Government。

The ruins of this house are still frequently visited by banditti;  who eat and drink amongst the stones and look out for prey; as the  place commands a view of the road。  The old man assured me that  about two months previous; on returning from Aldea Gallega with his  mules from accompanying some travellers; he had been knocked down;  stript naked; and had all his money taken from him; by a fellow  who; he believed; came from this murderers' nest。  He said that he  was an exceedingly powerful young man with immense moustaches and  whiskers; and was armed with an ESPINGARDA or musket。  About ten  days subsequently he saw the robber at Vendas Novas; where we were  to pass the night。  The fellow on recognising him took him aside  and threatened; with horrid imprecations; that he should never be  permitted to return home if he attempted to discover him; he  therefore held his peace; as he said there was little to be gained  and everything to be lost by apprehending him; as he would have  been speedily set at liberty for want of evidence to criminate him;  and then he would not have failed to have his revenge; or would  have been anticipated therein by his comrades。

I dismounted and went up to the place; and saw the vestiges of a  fire and a broken bottle。  The sons of plunder had been there very  lately。  I left a New Testament and some tracts amongst the ruins;  and hastened away。

The sun had dispelled the mists and was beaming very hot; we rode  on for about an hour; when I heard the neighing of a horse in our  rear; and our guide said that there was a party of horsemen behind。   Our mules were good; and they did not overtake us for at least  twenty minutes。  The foremost rider was a gentleman in a  fashionable travelling dress; a little way behind were an officer;  two soldiers; and a servant in livery。  I heard the principal  horseman; on overtaking Anthonio; enquiring who I was; and whether  I was French or English。  He was told I was an English gentleman;  travelling。  He then asked whether I understood Portuguese; the man  said I understood it; but that he believed I spoke French and  Italian better。  The gentleman then spurred on his horse and  accosted me; not in Portuguese; or in French; or Italian; but in  the purest English that I have ever heard spoken by a foreigner。   It had indeed nothing of foreign accent or pronunciation in it; and  had I not known by the countenance of the speaker that he was no  Englishman (for there is a peculiarity in the English countenance  which; though it cannot be described; is sure to betray the  Englishman); I should have concluded that I was conversing with a  countryman。  He continued in company and discourse until we arrived  at Pegoens。

Pegoens consists of about two or three houses and an inn; there is  likewise a species of barrack; where half a dozen soldiers are  stationed。  In the whole of Portugal there is no place of worse  reputation; and the inn is nicknamed ESTALAGEM DE LADROENS; or the  hostelry of thieves; for it is there that the banditti of the  wilderness; which extends around it on every side for leagues; are  in the habit of coming and spending the fruits of their criminal  daring; there they dance and sing; feast on fricasseed rabbits and  olives; and drink the muddy but strong wine of the Alemtejo。  An  enormous fire; fed by the trunk of a cork…tree; was blazing in a  niche on the left hand on entering the spacious kitchen; by it;  seething; were several large jars; which emitted no disagreeable  odour; and reminded me that I had not yet broken my fast; although  it was now nearly one o'clock and I had ridden five leagues。  Some  wild…looking men; who; if they were not banditti; might easily 
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