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swan song-第1章

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Swan Song

by Anton Checkov




Chronological List of Works
The Swan Song



THE last years of the nineteenth century were for Russia tinged
with doubt and gloom。 The high…tide of vitality that had risen
during the Turkish war ebbed in the early eighties; leaving
behind it a dead level of apathy which lasted until life was
again quickened by the high interests of the Revolution。 During
these grey years the lonely country and stagnant provincial towns
of Russia buried a peasantry which was enslaved by want and toil;
and an educated upper class which was enslaved by idleness and
tedium。 Most of the 〃Intellectuals;〃 with no outlet for their
energies; were content to forget their ennui in vodka and
card…playing; only the more idealistic gasped for air in the
stifling atmosphere; crying out in despair against life as they
saw it; and looking forward with a pathetic hope to happiness for
humanity in 〃two or three hundred years。〃 It is the inevitable
tragedy of their existence; and the pitiful humour of their
surroundings; that are portrayed with such insight and sympathy
by Anton Tchekoff who is; perhaps; of modern writers; the dearest
to the Russian people。

Anton Tchekoff was born in the old Black Sea port of Taganrog on
January 17; 1860。 His grandfather had been a serf; his father
married a merchant's daughter and settled in Taganrog; where;
during Anton's boyhood; he carried on a small and unsuccessful
trade in provisions。 The young Tchekoff was soon impressed into
the services of the large; poverty…stricken family; and he spoke
regretfully in after years of his hard…worked childhood。 But he
was obedient and good…natured; and worked cheerfully in his
father's shop; closely observing the idlers that assembled there;
and gathering the drollest stories; which he would afterward
whisper in class to his laughing schoolfellows。 Many were the
punishments which he incurred by this habit; which was

His grandfather had now become manager of an estate near
Taganrog; in the wild steppe country of the Don Cossacks; and
here the boy spent his summers; fishing in the river; and roving
about the countryside as brown as a gipsy; sowing the seeds of
that love for nature which he retained all his life。 His evenings
he liked best to spend in the kitchen of the master's house among
the work people and peasants who gathered there; taking part in
their games; and setting them all laughing by his witty and
telling observations。

When Tchekoff was about fourteen; his father moved the family to
Moscow; leaving Anton in Taganrog; and now; relieved of work in
the shop; his progress at school became remarkable。 At seventeen
he wrote a long tragedy; which was afterward destroyed; and he
already showed flashes of the wit that was soon to blaze into

He graduated from the high school at Taganrog with every honour;
entered the University of Moscow as a student of medicine; and
threw himself headlong into a double life of student and author;
in the attempt to help his struggling family。

His first story appeared in a Moscow paper in 1880; and after
some difficulty he secured a position connected with several of
the smaller periodicals; for which; during his student years; he
poured forth a succession of short stories and sketches of
Russian life with incredible rapidity。 He wrote; he tells us;
during every spare minute; in crowded rooms where there was 〃no
light and less air;〃 and never spent more than a day on any one
story。 He also wrote at this time a very stirring
blood…and…thunder play which was suppressed by the censor; and
the fate of which is not known。

His audience demanded laughter above all things; and; with his
deep sense of the ridiculous; Tchekoff asked nothing better。 His
stories; though often based on themes profoundly tragic; are
penetrated by the light and subtle satire that has won him his
reputation as a great humourist。 But though there was always a
smile on his lips; it was a tender one; and his sympathy with
suffering often brought his laughter near to tears。

This delicate and original genius was at first subjected to harsh
criticism; which Tchekoff felt keenly; and Trigorin's description
in 〃The Sea…Gull〃 of the trials of a young author is a cry from
Tchekoff's own soul。 A passionate enemy of all lies and
oppression; he already foreshadows in these early writings the
protest against conventions and rules; which he afterward put
into Treplieff's reply to Sorin in 〃The Sea…Gull〃: 〃Let us have
new forms; or else nothing at all。〃

In 1884 he took his degree as doctor of medicine; and decided to
practise; although his writing had by now taken on a professional
character。 He always gave his calling a high place; and the
doctors in his works are drawn with affection and understanding。
If any one spoke slightingly of doctors in his presence; he would
exclaim: 〃Stop! You don't know what country doctors do for the

Tchekoff fully realised later the influence which his profession
had exercised on his literary work; and sometimes regretted the
too vivid insight it gave him; but; on the other hand; he was
able to write: 〃Only a doctor can know what value my knowledge of
science has been to me;〃 and 〃It seems to me that as a doctor I
have described the sicknesses of the soul correctly。〃 For
instance; Trigorin's analysis in 〃The Sea…Gull〃 of the state of
mind of an author has well been called 〃artistic diagnosis。〃

The young doctor…writer is described at this time as modest and
grave; with flashes of brilliant gaiety。 A son of the people;
there was in his face an expression that recalled the
simple…hearted village lad; his eyes were blue; his glance full
of intelligence and kindness; and his manners unaffected and
simple。 He was an untiring worker; and between his patients and
his desk he led a life of ceaseless activity。 His restless mind
was dominated by a passion of energy and he thought continually
and vividly。 Often; while jesting and talking; he would seem
suddenly to plunge into himself; and his look would grow fixed
and deep; as if he were contemplating something important and
strange。 Then he would ask some unexpected question; which showed
how far his mind had roamed。

Success was now rapidly overtaking the young author; his first
collection of stories appeared in 1887; another one in the same
year had immediate success; and both went through many editions;
but; at the same time; the shadows that darkened his later works
began to creep over his light…hearted humour。

His impressionable mind began to take on the grey tinge of his
time; but much of his sadness may also be attributed to his
ever…increasing ill health。

Weary and with an obstinate cough; he went south in 1888; took a
little cottage on the banks of a little river 〃abounding in fish
and crabs;〃 and surrendered himself to his touching love for
nature; happy in his passion for fishing; in the quiet of the
country; and in the music and gaiety of the p
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