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the little dream-第2章

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     suddenly; her lips。 Then as she draws away。

LAMOND。  I am sorry; little soul。

SEELCHEN。  That's all right!

LAMOND。  'Taking the candle'  Dream well!  Goodnight!

SEELCHEN。  'Softly'  Good…night!

FELSMAN。  'Coming in from the air; and eyeing them'  It is coldit

will be fine。

     LAMOND still looking back goes up the stairs; and FELSMAN waits

     for him to pass。

SEELCHEN。  'From the window seat'  It was hard for him here。  I


     He goes up to her; stays a moment looking down then bends and

     kisses her hungrily。

SEELCHEN。 Art thou angry?

     He does not answer; but turning out the lamp; goes into an inner


     SEELCHEN sits gazing through the window at the peaks bathed in

     full moonlight。  Then; drawing the blankets about her; she

     snuggles doom on the window seat。

SEELCHEN。 'In a sleepy voice' They kissed meboth。 'She sleeps'

                    The scene falls quite dark


     The scene is slowly illumined as by dawn。  SEELCHEN is still

     lying on the window seat。  She sits up; freeing her face and

     hands from the blankets; changing the swathings of deep sleep

     for the filmy coverings of a dream。  The wall of the hut has

     vanished; there is nothing between her and the three mountains

     veiled in mist; save a through of darkness。  There; as the peaks

     of the mountains brighten; they are seen to have great faces。

SEELCHEN。  Oh!  They have faces!

     The face of THE WINE HORN is the profile of a beardless youth。

     The face of THE COW HORN is that of a mountain shepherd。

     solemn; and broom; with fierce black eyes; and a black beard。

     Between them THE GREAT HORN; whose hair is of snow; has a high。

     beardless visage; as of carved bronze; like a male sphinx;

     serene; without cruelty。  Far down below the faces of the peaks。

     above the trough of darkness; are peeping out the four little

     heads of the flowers of EDELWEISS; and GENTIAN; MOUNTAIN

     DANDELION; and ALPENROSE; on their heads are crowns made of

     their several flowers; all powdered with dewdrops; and when THE

     FLOWERS lift their child…faces little tinkling bells ring。

All around the peaks there is nothing but blue sky。

EDELWEISS。  'In a tiny voice'  Would you?   Would you?   Would you?

Ah! ha!

GENTIAN;  M。 DANDELION;  ALPENROSE  'With their bells ranging

enviously'  Oo…oo…oo!

          From behind the Cow HORN are heard the voices of COWBELLS

          and MOUNTAIN AIR:

     〃Clinkel…clink!  Clinkel…clink!〃

     〃Mountain air!  Mountain air!〃

          From behind THE WINE HORN rise the rival voices Of VIEW OF


     〃I am Italy!  Italy!〃

     〃See mesteam in the distance!〃

     〃O remember the things in books!〃

          And all call out together; very softly; with THE FLOWERS

          ringing their bells。  Then far away like an echo comes a


     〃Mountain air!  Mountain air!〃

          And suddenly the Peak of THE COW HORN speaks in a voice as

          of one unaccustomed。

THE COW HORN。  Amongst kine and my black…brown sheep I Live; I am

silence; and monotony; I am the solemn hills。  I am fierceness; and

the mountain wind; clean pasture; and wild rest。  Look in my eyes。

love me alone!

SEELCHEN。  'Breathless'  The Cow Horn!  He is speaking for Felsman

and the mountains。  It is the half of my heart!

          THE FLOWERS laugh happily。

THE COW HORN。  I stalk the eternal hillsI drink the mountain snows。

My eyes are the colour of burned wine; in them lives melancholy。  The

lowing of the kine; the wind; the sound of falling rocks; the running

of the torrents; no other talk know I。  Thoughts simple; and blood

hot; strength hugethe cloak of gravity。

SEELCHEN。 Yes。 yes!  I want him。 He is strong!

          The voices of COWBELLS and MOUNTAIN AIR cry out together:

     〃Clinkel…clink!  Clinkel…clink!〃

     〃Mountain air!  Mountain air!〃

THE COW HORN。  Little soul!  Hold to me!  Love me!  Live with me

under the stars!

SEELCHEN。  'Below her breath'  I am afraid。

          And suddenly the Peak of THE WINE HORN speaks in a youth's


THE WINE HORN。  I am the will o' the wisp that dances thro' the

streets; I am the cooing dove of Towns; from the plane trees and the

chestnuts' shade。 From day to day all changes; where I burn my

incense to my thousand little gods。  In white palaces I dwell; and

passionate dark alleys。  The life of men in crowds is mineof

lamplight in the streets at dawn。  'Softly'  I have a thousand loves。

and never one too long; for I am nimbler than your heifers playing in

the sunshine。

          THE FLOWERS; ringing in alarm; cry:

     〃We know them!〃

THE WINE HORN。  I hear the rustlings of the birth and death of

pleasure; and the rattling of swift wheels。  I hear the hungry oaths

of men; and love kisses in the airless night。  Without me; little

soul; you starve and die;

SEELCHEN。  He is speaking for the gentle Sir; and the big world of

the Town。  It pulls my heart。

THE WINE HORN。  My thoughts surpass in number the flowers in your

meadows; they fly more swiftly than your eagles on the wind。 I drink

the wine of aspiration; and the drug of disillusion。  Thus am I never


          The voices of VIEW OF ITALY; FLUME OF STEAM; and THINGS IN

          BOOKS are heard calling out together:

     〃I am Italy; Italy!〃

     〃See mesteam in the distance!〃

     〃O remember; remember!〃

THE WINE HORN。  Love me; little soul!  I paint life fifty colours。

I make a thousand pretty things!  I twine about your heart!

SEELCHEN。  He is honey!

          THE FLOWERS ring their bells jealously and cry:

     〃Bitter! Bitter!〃

THE COW HORN。  Stay with me; Seelchen!  I wake thee with the crystal


          The voices of COWBELLS and MOUNTAIN AIR tiny out far away:

     〃Clinkel…clink!  Clinkel…clink!〃

     〃Mountain air!  Mountain air!〃

          And THE FLOWERS laugh happily。

THE WINE HORN。  Come with me; Seelchen!  My fan; Variety; shall wake


          The voices of VIEW OF ITALY; FLUME OF STEAM and THINGS IN

          BOOKS chant softly:

     〃I am Italy!  Italy!〃

     〃See mesteam in the distance!〃

     〃O remember; remember!〃

          And THE FLOWERS moan。

SEELCHEN。  'In grief'  My heart!  It is torn!

THE WINE HORN。  With me; little soul; you shall race in the streets。

and peep at all secrets。  We will hold hands; and fly like the


M。 DANDELION。  My puff…balls fly faster!

THE WINE HORN。  I will show you the sea。

GENTIAN。  My blue is deeper!

THE WINE HORN。 I will shower on you blushes。

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