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god the known and god the unknown-第2章

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changing first is a matter of such small moment that the two may 

be left to fight it out between themselves; but; whichever view 

is taken; the fact will remain that whenever the relations 

between the organism and its surroundings have been changed; the 

organism must either succeed in putting the surroundings into 

harmony with itself; or itself into harmony with the 

surroundings; or must be made so uncomfortable as to be unable to 

remember itself as subjected to any such difficulties; and there

fore to die through inability to recognise 'sic' its own identity 


Under these circumstances; organism must act in one or other of 

these two ways: it must either change slowly and continuously 

with the surroundings; paying cash for everything; meeting the 

smallest change with a corresponding modification so far as is 

found convenient; or it must put off change as long as possible; 

and then make larger and more sweeping changes。

Both these courses are the same in principle; the difference 

being only one of scale; and the one being a miniature of the 

other; as a ripple is an Atlantic wave in little; both have their 

advantages and disadvantages; so that most organisms will take 

the one course for one set of things and the other for another。  

They will deal promptly with things which they can get at easily; 

and which lie more upon the surface; those; however; which are 

more troublesome to reach; and lie deeper; will be handled upon 

more cataclysmic principles; being allowed longer periods of 

repose followed by short periods of greater activity。

Animals breathe and circulate their blood by a little action many 

times a minute; but they feed; some of them; only two or three 

times a day; and breed for the most part not more than once a 

year; their breeding season being much their busiest time。  It is 

on the first principle that the modification of animal forms has 

proceeded mainly; but it may be questioned whether what is called 

a sport is not the organic expression of discontent which has 

been long felt; but which has not been attended to; nor been met 

step by step by as much small remedial modification as was found 

practicable: so that when a change does come it comes by way of 

revolution。  Or; again (only that it comes to much the same 

thing); a sport may be compared to one of those happy thoughts 

which sometimes come to us unbidden after we have been thinking 

for a long time what to do; or how to arrange our ideas; and have 

yet been unable to arrive at any conclusion。

So with politics; the smaller the matter the prompter; as a 

general rule; the settlement; on the other hand; the more 

sweeping the change that is felt to be necessary; the longer it 

will be deferred。

The advantages of dealing with the larger questions by more 

cataclysmic methods are obvious。  For; in the first place; all 

composite things must have a system; or arrangement of parts; so 

that some parts shall depend upon and be grouped round others; as 

in the articulation of a skeleton and the arrangement of muscles; 

nerves; tendons; etc。; which are attached to it。  To meddle with 

the skeleton is like taking up the street; or the flooring of 

one's house; it so upsets our arrangements that we put it off 

till whatever else is found wanted; or whatever else seems likely 

to be wanted for a long time hence; can be done at the same time。  

Another advantage is in the rest which is given to the attention 

during the long hollows; so to speak; of the waves between the 

periods of resettlement。  Passion and prejudice have time to calm 

down; and when attention is next directed to the same question; 

it is a refreshed and invigorated attention…an attention; 

moreover; which may be given with the help of new lights derived 

from other quarters that were not luminous when the question was 

last considered。  Thirdly; it is more easy and safer to make such 

alterations as  experience has proved to be necessary than to 

forecast what is going to be wanted。  Reformers are like 

paymasters; of whom there are only two bad kinds; those who pay 

too soon; and those who do not pay at all。

                           CHAPTER II

                          COMMON GROUND

I HAVE now; perhaps; sufficiently proved my sympathy with the 

reluctance felt by many to tolerate discussion upon such a 

subject as the existence and nature of God。  I trust that I may 

have made the reader feel that he need fear no sarcasm or levity 

in my treatment of the subject which I have chosen。  I will; 

therefore; proceed to sketch out a plan of what I hope to 

establish; and this in no doubtful or unnatural sense; but by 

attaching the same meanings to words as those which we usually 

attach to them; and with the same certainty; precision; and 

clearness as anything else is established which is commonly 

called known。

As to what God is; beyond the fact that he is the Spirit and the 

Life which creates; governs; and upholds all living things; I can 

say nothing。  I cannot pretend that I can show more than others 

have done in what Spirit and the Life consists; which governs 

living things and animates them。  I cannot show the connection 

between consciousness and the will; and the organ; much less can 

I tear away the veil from the face of God; so as to show wherein 

will and consciousness consist。  No philosopher; whether Christian 

or Rationalist; has attempted this without discomfiture; but I 

can; I hope; do two things: Firstly; I can demonstrate; perhaps 

more clearly than modern science is prepared to admit; that there 

does exist a single Being or Animator of all living things … a 

single Spirit; whom we cannot think of under any meaner name than 

God; and; secondly; I can show something more of the 

persona or bodily expression; mask; and mouthpiece of this 

vast Living Spirit than I know of as having been familiarly 

expressed elsewhere; or as being accessible to myself or others; 

though doubtless many works exist in which what I am going to say 

has been already said。

Aware that much of this is widely accepted under the name of 

Pantheism; I venture to think it differs from Pantheism with all 

the difference that exists between a coherent; intelligible 

conception and an incoherent unintelligible one。  I shall 

therefore proceed to examine the doctrine called Pantheism; and 

to show how incomprehensible and valueless it is。

I will then indicate the Living and Personal God about whose 

existence and about many of whose attributes there is no room for 

question; I will show that man has been so far made in the 

likeness of this Person or God; that He possesses all its 

essential characteristics; and that it is this God who has called 

man and all other living forms; whether animals or plants; into 

existence; so that our bodies are the temples of His spirit; that 

it is this which susta
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