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speaking; and were struck with amazement at the resemblance。
Reflecting; too; that he had a considerable estate; and was
descended of a noble family; and had friends of great influence; he
was fearful all this might bring him to be banished as a dangerous
person; and for this reason meddled not at all with state affairs; but
in military service showed himself of a brave and intrepid nature。 But
when Aristides was now dead; and Themistocles driven out; and Cimon
was for the most part kept abroad by the expeditions he made in
parts out of Greece; Pericles; seeing things in this posture; now
advanced and took his side; not with the rich and few; but with the
many and poor; contrary to his natural bent; which was far from
democratical; but; most likely fearing he might fall under suspicion
of aiming at arbitrary power; and seeing Cimon on the side of the
aristocracy; and much beloved by the better and more distinguished
people; he joined the party of the people; with a view at once both to
secure himself and procure means against Cimon。
He immediately entered; also; on quite a new course of life and
management of his time。 For he was never seen to walk in any street
but that which led to the market…place and council…hall; and he
avoided invitations of friends to supper; and all friendly visiting
and intercourse whatever; in all the time he had to do with the
public; which was not a little; he was never known to have gone to any
of his friends to a supper; except that once when his near kinsman
Euryptolemus married; he remained present till the ceremony of the
drink…offering; and then immediately rose from table and went his way。
For these friendly meetings are very quick to defeat any assumed
superiority; and in intimate familiarity an exterior of gravity is
hard to maintain。 Real excellence; indeed; is most recognized when
most openly looked into; and in really good men; nothing which meets
the eyes of external observers so truly deserves their admiration;
as their daily common life does that of their nearer friends。
Pericles; however; to avoid any feeling of commonness; or any
satiety on the part of the people; presented himself at intervals
only; not speaking to every business; nor at all times coming into the
assembly; but; as Critolaus says; reserving himself; like the
Salaminian galley; for great occasions; while matters of lesser
importance were despatched by friends or other speakers under his
direction。 And of this number we are told Ephialtes made one; who
broke the power of the council of Areopagus; giving the people;
according to Plato's expression; so copious and so strong a draught of
liberty; that growing wild and unruly; like an unmanageable horse; it;
as the comic poets say〃…
〃…got beyond all keeping in;
Champing at Euboea; and among the islands leaping in。〃
The style of speaking most consonant to his form of life and the
dignity of his views he found; so to say; in the tones of that
instrument with which Anaxagoras had furnished him; of his teaching he
continually availed himself; and deepened the colours of rhetoric with
the dye of natural science。 For having; in addition to his great
natural genius; attained; by the study of nature; to use the words
of the divine Plato; this height of intelligence; and this universal
consummating power; and drawing hence whatever might be of advantage
to him in the art of speaking; he showed himself far superior to all
others。 Upon which account; they say; he had his nickname given him;
though some are of opinion he was named the Olympian from the public
buildings with which he adorned the city; and others again; from his
great power in public affairs; whether of war or peace。 Nor is it
unlikely that the confluence of many attributes may have conferred
it on him。 However; the comedies represented at the time; which;
both in good earnest and in merriment; let fly many hard words at him;
plainly show that he got that appellation especially from his
speaking; they speak of his 〃thundering and lightning〃 when he
harangued the people; and of his wielding a dreadful thunderbolt in
his tongue。
A saying also of Thucydides; the son of Melesias; stands on
record; spoken by him by way of pleasantry upon Pericles's
dexterity。 Thucydides was one of the noble and distinguished citizens;
and had been his greatest opponent; and; when Archidamus; the King
of the Lacedaemonians; asked him whether he or Pericles were the
better wrestler; he made this answer: 〃When I;〃 said he; 〃have
thrown him and given him a fair fall; by persisting that he had no
fall; he gets the better of me; and makes the bystanders; in spite
of their own eyes; believe him。〃 The truth; however; is; that Pericles
himself was very careful what and how he was to speak; insomuch
that; whenever he went up to the hustings; he prayed the gods that
no one word might unawares slip from him unsuitable to the matter
and the occasion。
He has left nothing in writing behind him; except some decrees;
and there are but very few of his sayings recorded; one; for
example; is; that he said Aegina must; like a gathering in a man's
eye; be removed from Piraeus; and another; that he said he saw already
war moving on its way towards them out of Peloponnesus。 Again; when on
a time Sophocles; who was his fellow…commissioner in the
generalship; was going on board with him; and praised the beauty of
a youth they met with in the way to the ship; 〃Sophocles;〃 said he; 〃a
general ought not only to have clean hands but also clean eyes。〃 And
Stesimbrotus tells us that; in his encomium on those who fell in
battle at Samos; he said they were become immortal; as the gods
were。 〃For;〃 said he; 〃we do not see them themselves; but only by
the honours we pay them; and by the benefits they do us; attribute
to them immortality; and the like attributes belong also to those that
die in the service of their country。〃
Since Thucydides describes the rule of Pericles as an aristocratical
government; that went by the name of a democracy; but was; indeed; the
supremacy of a single great man; while many others say; on the
contrary; that by him the common people were first encouraged and
led on to such evils as appropriations of subject territory;
allowances for attending theatres; payments for performing public
duties; and by these bad habits were; under the influence of his
public measures; changed from a sober; thrifty people; that maintained
themselves by their own labours; to lovers of expense; intemperance;
and licence; let us examine the cause of this change by the actual
matters of fact。
At the first; as has been said; when he set himself against
Cimon's great authority; he did caress the people。 Finding himself
come short of his competitor in wealth and money; by which
advantages the other was enabled to take care of the poor; inviting
every day some one or other of the citizens that was in want to
supper; and bestowing clothes on the aged people; and breaking down
the hedges and enclosures of his grounds; that all that would might
freely gather what fruit they pleased; Pericles; thus outdone in
popular arts; by the