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were little less than five thousand who were convicted and sold for
slaves; those who; enduring the test; remained in the government and
passed muster for true Athenians were found upon the poll to be
fourteen thousand and forty persons in number。
It looked strange; that a law; which had been carried so far against
so many people; should be cancelled again by the same man that made
it; yet the present calamity and distress which Pericles laboured
under in his family broke through all objections; and prevailed with
the Athenians to pity him; as one whose losses and misfortunes had
sufficiently punished his former arrogance and haughtiness。 His
sufferings deserved; they thought; their pity; and even indignation;
and his request was such as became a man to ask and men to grant; they
gave him permission to enrol his son in the register of his
fraternity; giving him his own name。 This son afterward; after
having defeated the Peloponnesians at Arginusae; was; with his
fellow…generals; put to death by the people。
About the time when his son was enrolled; it should seem the
plague seized Pericles; not with sharp and violent fits; as it did
others that had it; but with a dull and lingering distemper;
attended with various changes and alterations; leisurely; by little
and little; wasting the strength of his body; and undermining the
noble faculties of his soul。 So that Theophrastus; in his Morals; when
discussing whether men's characters change with their circumstances;
and their moral habits; disturbed by the ailings of their bodies;
start aside from the rules of virtue; has left it upon record; that
Pericles; when he was sick; showed one of his friends that came to
visit him an amulet or charm that the women had hung about his neck;
as much as to say; that he was very sick indeed when he would admit of
such a foolery as that was。
When he was now near his end; the best of the citizens and those
of his friends who were left alive; sitting about him; were speaking
of the greatness of his merit; and his power; and reckoning up his
famous actions and the number of his victories; for there were no less
than nine trophies; which; as their chief commander and conqueror of
their enemies; he had set up for the honour of the city。 They talked
thus together among themselves; as though he were unable to understand
or mind what they said; but had now lost his consciousness。 He had
listened; however; all the while; and attended to all; and; speaking
out among them; said that he wondered they should commend and take
notice of things which were as much owing to fortune as to anything
else; and had happened to many other commanders; and; at the same
time; should not speak or make mention of that which was the most
excellent and greatest thing of all。 〃For;〃 said he; 〃no Athenian;
through my means; ever wore mourning。〃
He was indeed a character deserving our high admiration not only for
his equitable and mild temper; which all along in the many affairs
of his life; and the great animosities which he incurred; he
constantly maintained; but also for the high spirit and feeling
which made him regard it; the noblest of all his honours that; in
the exercise of such immense power; he never had gratified his envy or
his passion; nor ever had treated any enemy as irreconcilably
opposed to him。 And to me it appears that this one thing gives that
otherwise childish and arrogant title a fitting and becoming
significance; so dispassionate a temper; a life so pure and
unblemished; in the height of power and place; might well be called
Olympian; in accordance with our conceptions of the divine beings;
to whom; as the natural authors of all good and of nothing evil; we
ascribe the rule and government of the world。 Not as the poets
represent; who; while confounding us with their ignorant fancies;
are themselves confuted by their own poems and fictions; and call
the place; indeed; where they say the gods make their abode; a
secure and quiet seat; free from all hazards and commotions;
untroubled with winds or with clouds; and equally through all time
illumined with a soft serenity and a pure light as though such were
a home most agreeable for a blessed and immortal nature; and yet; in
the meanwhile; affirm that the gods themselves are full of trouble and
enmity and anger and other passions; which no way become or belong
to even men that have any understanding。 But this will; perhaps seem a
subject fitter for some other consideration; and that ought to be
treated of in some other place。
The course of public affairs after his death produced a quick and
speedy sense of the loss of Pericles。 Those who; while he lived;
resented his great authority; as that which eclipsed themselves;
presently after his quitting the stage; making trial of other
orators and demagogues; readily acknowledged that there never had been
in nature such a disposition as his was; more moderate and
reasonable in the height of that state he took upon him; or more grave
and impressive in the mildness which he used。 And that invidious
arbitrary power; to which formerly they gave the name of monarchy
and tyranny; did then appear to have been the chief bulwark of
public safety; so great a corruption and such a flood of mischief
and vice followed which he; by keeping weak and low; had withheld from
notice; and had prevented from attaining incurable height through a
licentious impunity。