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against Pericles himself。 The people receiving and admitting these
accusations and complaints; at length; by this means; they came to
enact a decree; at the motion of Dracontides; that Pericles should
bring in the accounts of the moneys he had expended; and lodge them
with the Prytanes; and that the judges; carrying their suffrage from
the altar in the Acropolis; should examine and determine the
business in the city。 This last clause Hagnon took out of the
decree; and moved that the causes should be tried before fifteen
hundred jurors; whether they should be styled prosecutions for
robbery; or bribery; or any kind of malversation。 Aspasia; Pericles
begged off; shedding; as Aeschines says; many tears at the trial;
and personally entreating the jurors。 But fearing how it might go with
Anaxagoras; he sent him out of the city。 And finding that in Phidias's
case he had miscarried with the people; being afraid of impeachment;
he kindled the war; which hitherto had lingered and smothered; and
blew it up into a flame; hoping; by that means; to disperse and
scatter these complaints and charges; and to allay their jealousy; the
city usually throwing herself upon him alone; and trusting to his sole
conduct; upon the urgency of great affairs and public dangers; by
reason of his authority and the sway he bore。
  These are given out to have been the reasons which induced
Pericles not to suffer the people of Athens to yield to the
proposals of the Lacedaemonians; but their truth is uncertain。
  The Lacedaemonians; for their part; feeling sure that if they
could once remove him; they might be at what terms they pleased with
the Athenians; sent them word that they should expel the 〃Pollution〃
with which Pericles on the mother's side was tainted; as Thucydides
tells us。 But the issue proved quite contrary to what those who sent
the message expected; instead of bringing Pericles under suspicion and
reproach; they raised him into yet greater credit and esteem with
the citizens; as a man whom their enemies most hated and feared。 In
the same way; also; before Archidamus; who was at the head of the
Peloponnesians; made his invasion into Attica; he told the Athenians
beforehand; that if Archidamus; while he laid waste the rest of the
country; should forbear and spare his estate; either on the ground
of friendship or right of hospitality that was betwixt them; or on
purpose to give his enemies an occasion of traducing him; that then he
did freely bestow upon the state all his land and the buildings upon
it for the public use。 The Lacedaemonians; therefore; and their
allies; with a great army; invaded the Athenian territories; under the
conduct of King Archidamus; and laying waste the country; marched on
as far as Acharnae; and there pitched their camp; presuming that the
Athenians would never endure that; but would come out and fight them
for their country's and their honour's sake。 But Pericles looked
upon it as dangerous to engage in battle; to the risk of the city
itself; against sixty thousand men…at…arms of Peloponnesians and
Boeotians; for so many they were in number that made the inroad at
first; and he endeavoured to appease those who were desirous to fight;
and were grieved and discontented to see how things went; and gave
them good words; saying; that 〃trees; when they are lopped and cut;
grow up again in a short time; but men; being once lost; cannot easily
be recovered。〃 He did not convene the people into an assembly; for
fear lest they should force him to act against his judgment; but; like
a skilful steersman or pilot of a ship; who; when a sudden squall
comes on; out at sea; makes all his arrangements; sees that all is
tight and fast; and then follows the dictates of his skill; and
minds the business of the ship; taking no notice of the tears and
entreaties of the sea…sick and fearful passengers; so he; having
shut up the city gates; and placed guards at all posts for security;
followed his own reason and judgment; little regarding those that
cried out against him and were angry at his management; although there
were a great many of his friends that urged him with requests; and
many of his enemies threatened and accused him for doing as he did;
and many made songs and lampoons upon him; which were sung about the
town to his disgrace; reproaching him with the cowardly exercise of
his office of general; and the tame abandonment of everything to the
enemy's hands。
  Cleon; also; already was among his assailants; making use of the
feeling against him as a step to the leadership of the people; as
appears in the anapaestic verses of Hermippus…

        〃Satyr…king; instead of swords;
         Will you always handle words?
         Very brave indeed we find them;
         But a Teles lurks behind them。

        〃Yet to gnash your teeth you're seen;
         When the little dagger keen;
         Whetted every day anew;
         Of sharp Cleon touches you。〃

  Pericles; however; was not at all moved by any attacks; but took all
patiently; and submitted in silence to the disgrace they threw upon
him and the ill…will they bore him; and; sending out a fleet of a
hundred galleys to Peloponnesus; he did not go along with it in
person; but stayed behind; that he might watch at home and keep the
city under his own control; till the Peloponnesians broke up their
camp and were gone。 Yet to soothe the common people; jaded and
distressed with the war; he relieved them with distributions of public
moneys; and ordained new divisions of subject land。 For having
turned out all the people of Aegina; he parted the island among the
Athenians according to lot。 Some comfort also; and ease in their
miseries; they might receive from what their enemies endured。 For
the fleet; sailing round the Peloponnese; ravaged a great deal of
the country; and pillaged and plundered the towns and smaller
cities; and by land he himself entered with an army the Megarian
country; and made havoc of it all。 Whence it is clear that the
Peloponnesians; though they did the Athenians much mischief by land;
yet suffering as much themselves from them by sea; would not have
protracted the war to such a length; but would quickly have given it
over; as Pericles at first foretold they would; had not some divine
power crossed human purposes。
  In the first place; the pestilential disease; or plague; seized upon
the city; and ate up all the flower and prime of their youth and
strength。 Upon occasion of which; the people; distempered and
afflicted in their souls; as well as in their bodies; were utterly
enraged like madmen against Pericles; and; like patients grown
delirious; sought to lay violent hands on their physician; or; as it
were; their father。 They had been possessed; by his enemies; with
the belief that the occasion of the plague was the crowding of the
country people together into the town forced as they were now; in
the heat of the summer…weather; to dwell many of them together even as
they could; in small tenements and stifling hovels; and to be tied
to a lazy course of life within doors; whereas before they lived in
a pure; open; and free air。 The cause and author of all this; 
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