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before adam-第21章

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later from hunger。

Itwas a desolate land of rocks and foaming streams

and clattering cataracts。  We climbed and descended

mighty canyons and gorges; and ever; from every view

point; there spread out before us; in all directions;

range upon range; the unceasing mountains。 We slept at

night in holes and crevices; and on one cold night we

perched on top a slender pinnacle of rock that was

almost like a tree。

And then; at last; one hot midday; dizzy with hunger;

we gained the divide。  From this high backbone of

earth; to the north; across the diminishing;

down…falling ranges; we caught a glimpse of a far lake。

The sun shone upon it; and about it were open; level

grass…lands; while to the eastward we saw the dark line

of a wide…stretching forest。

We were two days in gaining the lake; and we were weak

with hunger; but on its shore; sleeping snugly in a

thicket; we found a part…grown calf。  It gave us much

trouble; for we knew no other way to kill than with our

hands。  When we had gorged our fill; we carried the

remainder of the meat to the eastward forest and hid it

in a tree。  We never returned to that tree; for the

shore of the stream that drained Far Lake was packed

thick with salmon that had come up from the sea to


Westward from the lake stretched the grass…lands; and

here were multitudes of bison and wild cattle。  Also

were there many packs of wild dogs; and as there were

no trees it was not a safe place for us。  We followed

north along the stream for days。  Then; and for what

reason I do not know; we abruptly left the stream and

swung to the east; and then to the southeast; through a

great forest。  I shall not bore you with our journey。

I but indicate it to show how we finally arrived at the

Fire People's country。

We came out upon the river; but we did not know it for

our river。 We had been lost so long that we had come to

accept the condition of being lost as habitual。  As I

look back I see clearly how our lives and destinies are

shaped by the merest chance。  We did not know it was

our riverthere was no way of telling; and if we had

never crossed it we would most probably have never

returned to the horde; and I; the modern; the thousand

centuries yet to be born; would never have been born 。

And yet Lop…Ear and I wanted greatly to return。  We had

experienced homesickness on our journey; the yearning

for our own kind and land; and often had I had

recollections of the Swift One; the young female who

made soft sounds; whom it was good to be with; and who

lived by herself nobody knew where。  My recollections

of her were accompanied by sensations of hunger; and

these I felt when I was not hungry and when I had just


But to come back to the river。  Food was plentiful;

principally berries and succulent roots; and on the

river bank we played and lingered for days。  And then

the idea came to Lop…Ear。  It was a visible process;

the coming of the idea。  I saw it。  The expression in

his eyes became plaintive and querulous; and he was

greatly perturbed。  Then his eyes went muddy; as if he

had lost his grip on the inchoate thought。  This was

followed by the plaintive; querulous expression as the

idea persisted and he clutched it anew。  He looked at

me; and at the river and the far shore。  He tried to

speak; but had no sounds with which to express the

idea。  The result was a gibberish that made me laugh。

This angered him; and he grabbed me suddenly and threw

me on my back。 Of course we fought; and in the end I

chased him up a tree; where he secured a long branch

and poked me every time I tried to get at him。

And the idea had gone glimmering。  I did not know; and

he had forgotten。  But the next morning it awoke in him

again。  Perhaps it was the homing instinct in him

asserting itself that made the idea persist。  At any

rate it was there; and clearer than before。 He led me

down to the water; where a log had grounded in an eddy。

I thought he was minded to play; as we had played in

the mouth of the slough。  Nor did I change my mind as I

watched him tow up a second log from farther down the


It was not until we were on the logs; side by side and

holding them together; and had paddled out into the

current; that I learned his intention。  He paused to

point at the far shore; and resumed his paddling; at

the same time uttering loud and encouraging cries。  I

understood; and we paddled energetically。 The swift

current caught us; flung us toward the south shore; but

before we could make a landing flung us back toward the

north shore。

Here arose dissension。  Seeing the north shore so near;

I began to paddle for it。  Lop…Ear tried to paddle for

the south shore。  The logs swung around in circles; and

we got nowhere; and all the time the forest was

flashing past as we drifted down the stream。  We could

not fight。  We knew better than to let go the grips of

hands and feet that held the logs together。  But we

chattered and abused each other with our tongues until

the current flung us toward the south bank again。  That

was now the nearest goal; and together and amicably we

paddled for it。  We landed in an eddy; and climbed

directly into the trees to reconnoitre。


It was not until the night of our first day on the

south bank of the river that we discovered the Fire

People。  What must have been a band of wandering

hunters went into camp not far from the tree in which

Lop…Ear and I had elected to roost for the night。  The

voices of the Fire People at first alarmed us; but

later; when darkness had come; we were attracted by the

fire。  We crept cautiously and silently from tree to

tree till we got a good view of the scene。

In an open space among the trees; near to the river;

the fire was burning。  About it were half a dozen

Fire…Men。  Lop…Ear clutched me suddenly; and I could

feel him tremble。  I looked more closely; and saw the

wizened little old hunter who had shot Broken…Tooth out

of the tree years before。  When he got up and walked

about; throwing fresh wood upon the fire; I saw that he

limped with his crippled leg。  Whatever it was; it was

a permanent injury。  He seemed more dried up and

wizened than ever; and the hair on his face was quite


The other hunters were young men。  I noted; lying near

them on the ground; their bows and arrows; and I knew

the weapons for what they were。  The Fire…Men wore

animal skins around their waists and across their

shoulders。  Their arms and legs; however; were bare;

and they wore no footgear。  As I have said before; they

were not quite so hairy as we of the Folk。  They did

not have large heads; and between them and the Folk

there was very little difference in the degree of the

slant of the head back from the eyes。

They were less stooped than we; less springy in their

movements。 Their backbones and hips and knee…joints

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