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happening to say something of the presence of spirits (of whom; I

said; I was often dimly aware); Mr。 Putnam entered into an

argument with me on spiritual matters。  As I was speaking; the

whole system rose up before me like a vague destiny looming from

the Abyss。  I never before so clearly felt the Spirit of God in

me and around rue。  The whole room seemed to me full of God。  The

air seemed to waver to and fro with the presence of Something I

knew not what。  I spoke with the calmness and clearness of a

prophet。  I cannot tell you what this revelation was。  I have not

yet studied it enough。  But I shall perfect it one day; and then

you shall hear it and acknowledge its grandeur。〃'27'

'27' Letters of Lowell; i。 75。

 Here is a longer and more developed experience from a

manuscript communication by a clergymanI take it from

Starbuck's manuscript collection:

〃I remember the night; and almost the very spot on the hill…top;

where my soul opened out; as it were; into the Infinite; and

there was a rushing together of the two worlds; the inner and the

outer。  It was deep calling unto deepthe deep that my own

struggle had opened up within being answered by the unfathomable

deep without; reaching beyond the stars。  I stood alone with Him

who had made me; and all the beauty of the world; and love; and

sorrow; and even temptation。  I did not seek Him; but felt the

perfect unison of my spirit with His。  The ordinary sense of

things around me faded。  For the moment nothing but an ineffable

joy and exultation remained。  It is impossible fully to describe

the experience。  It was like the effect of some great orchestra

when all the separate notes have melted into one swelling harmony

that leaves the listener conscious of nothing save that his soul

is being wafted upwards; and almost bursting with its own

emotion。  The perfect stillness of the night was thrilled by a

more solemn silence。  The darkness held a presence that was all

the more felt because it was not seen。  I could not any more have

doubted that HE was there than that I was。  Indeed; I felt myself

to be; if possible; the less real of the two。

〃My highest faith in God and truest idea of him were then born in

me。  I have stood upon the Mount of Vision since; and felt the

Eternal round about me。  But never since has there come quite the

same stirring of the heart。  Then; if ever; I believe; I stood

face to face with God; and was born anew of his spirit。 There

was; as I recall it; no sudden change of thought or of belief;

except that my early crude conception; had; as it were burst into

flower。  There was no destruction of the old; but a rapid;

wonderful unfolding。  Since that time no discussion that I have

heard of the proofs of God's existence has been able to shake my

faith。  Having once felt the presence of God's spirit; I have

never lost it again for long。  My most assuring evidence of his

existence is deeply rooted in that hour of vision in the memory

of that supreme experience; and in the conviction; gained from

reading and reflection; that something the same has come to all

who have found God。  I am aware that it may justly be called

mystical。  I am not enough acquainted with philosophy to defend

it from that or any other charge。  I feel that in writing of it I

have overlaid it with words rather than put it clearly to your

thought。  But; such as it is; I have described it as carefully as

I now am able to do。〃

Here is another document; even more definite in character; which;

the writer being a Swiss; I translate from the French


'28' I borrow it; with Professor Flournoy's permission; from his

rich collection of psychological documents。

〃I was in perfect health:  we were on our sixth day of tramping;

and in good training。  We had come the day before from Sixt to

Trient by Buet。  I felt neither fatigue; hunger; nor thirst; and

my state of mind was equally healthy。  I had had at Forlaz good

news from home; I was subject to no anxiety; either near or

remote; for we had a good guide; and there was not a shadow of

uncertainty about the road we should follow。  I can best describe

the condition in which I was by calling it a state of

equilibrium。  When all at once I experienced a feeling of being

raised above myself; I felt the presence of GodI tell of the

thing just as I was conscious of itas if his goodness and his

power were penetrating me altogether。  The throb of emotion was

so violent that I could barely tell the boys to pass on and not

wait for me。  I then sat down on a stone; unable to stand any

longer; and my eyes overflowed with tears。  I thanked God that in

the course of my life he had taught me to know him; that he

sustained my life and took pity both on the insignificant

creature and on the sinner that I was。  I begged him ardently

that my life might be consecrated to the doing of his will。  I

felt his reply; which was that I should do his will from day to

day in humility and poverty; leaving him; the Almighty God; to be

judge of whether I should some time be called to bear witness

more conspicuously。  Then; slowly; the ecstasy left my heart;

that is; I felt that God had withdrawn the communion which he had

granted; and I was able to walk on; but very slowly; so strongly

was I still possessed by the interior emotion。 Besides; I had

wept uninterruptedly for several minutes; my eyes were swollen;

and I did not wish my companions to see me。  The state of ecstasy

may have lasted four or five minutes; although it seemed at the

time to last much longer。  My comrades waited for me ten minutes

at the cross of Barine; but I took about twenty…five or thirty

minutes to join them; for as well as I can remember; they said

that I had kept them back for about half an hour。  The impression

had been so profound that in climbing slowly the slope I asked

myself if it were possible that Moses on Sinai could have had a

more intimate communication with God。  I think it well to add

that in this ecstasy of mine God had neither form; color; odor;

nor taste; moreover; that the feeling of his presence was

accompanied with no determinate localization。 It was rather as if

my personality had been transformed by the presence of a

SPIRITUAL SPIRIT。  But the more I seek words to express this

intimate intercourse; the more I feel the impossibility of

describing the thing by any of our usual images。  At bottom the

expression most apt to render what I felt is this:  God was

present; tho
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