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the army of the cumberland-第48章

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ight and cross at Dalton's Ford or Alexander's Bridge; and unite in the attack wherever he could find an opposing force。 Hill; to cover the left flank of the rebel army from an advance by our forces in the cove; to ascertain by pressing his cavalry to the front if we were reinforcing our corps at Lee and Gordon's Mills; and if so to attack on the flank。  This plan contemplated the destruction of the left of our army; the seizing of the La Fayette road; and; if possible; occupying and holding the roads in Chattanooga Valley; cutting off all access from Chattanooga。  These movements were not executed as rapidly as was contemplated by Bragg; owing to the resistance made by our cavalry and Wilder's mounted infantry; and the difficulties arising from bad and narrow roads。  Johnson was repeatedly urged to commence the movement on the right; but he delayed his advance until late in the afternoon; when Hood arrived and effected the crossing。  Walker moved up to Alexander's Bridge; at which point Wilder hotly contested his crossing; and finally broke up the bridge。  Walker moved down the creek to Byron's Ford; where he crossed and joined Hood on the right during the night。 On Walker's crossing; Wilder was compelled to fall back。

The concentration of our army continued on the 13th; Thomas held his position of the 12th; with Negley's; Baird's; and Brannan's divisions remaining in camp; waiting the arrival of McCook; who had been ordered to close up to the left。  Reynolds's division was concentrated on the road from Cooper's or Frick's Gap to Catlett's Gap; and the next day moved forward and took position at Pond Spring; with his two infantry brigades; and was joined here by Wilder。  Reynolds sent Turchin to make a reconnoissance with the Ninety…second Illinois mounted infantry; to the mouth of Catlett's Gap; driving the rebel cavalry pickets from Chickamauga Creek to the gap; where he found the enemy posted with strong reserves。 Brannan on the same day reconnoitered the position of the enemy toward Dug Gap; sending a brigade to Chickamauga Creek; east of Lee's Mills; one mile to the right and south of Reynolds; at Pond Spring。  Turchin made another reconnoissance on the 16th toward Catlett's Gap; and found the enemy strongly posted there with infantry and artillery。  The next day Thomas moved his entire corps and closed upon Crittenden's right along Chickamauga Creek; and was joined at night by McCook on his right。  The four divisions of Thomas's command on the afternoon of the 18h moved to the left to Crawfish Springs。  Here Rosecrans; anticipating the movement of Bragg to secure the road to Chattanooga; and recognizing the importance of holding it; ordered Thomas with his corps to march on the cross…road leading by the Widow Glenn's to the Chattanooga and La Fayette road; and take position on that road near Kelly's farm; connecting with Crittenden's corps on his right at Gordon's Mills。  During the entire night of the 18th the troops of Thomas's corps were moving to the left; and at daylight on the 19th the head of the column reached Kelly's farm; Baird's division in the advance; taking position at the forks of the road; facing toward Reed's and Alexander's Bridges over the Chickamauga。  Wilder had been driven across the State road to the heights east of Widow Glenn's house the evening before; by the advance in force of the enemy over these bridges; and Baird's right rested close to Wilder's brigade。  Baird's division was closely followed by Brannan; who was placed in position on the left of Baird; on the two roads leading to the bridges。

Orders were received by McCook at midnight on the 13th; directing two divisions of his corps to move to Thomas's support; and that he send his train back under guard of his remaining division。  McCook moved his command; by way of Valley Head; up the mountain at Alpine on the night of the 13th; and down on the 14th into Lookout Valley; except one brigade from each division forming his train guard under command of Lytle; encamped at Little River in the mountains。 Sheridan's marched down Lookout Valley to Johnson's Crook; while Johnson's and Davis's divisions were sent from Valley head on the direct road to Stevens's Gap。  General Lytle was ordered to make a reconnoissance with two brigades toward Dougherty's Gap at the head of McLemore's Cove; and on the night of the 18th General Lytle joining the corps with two of his brigades; McCook's command was closed up on the Fourteenth Corps; except Post's brigade of Davis's division; ordered by General Rosecrans to hold Stevens's Gap at all hazards。

Crittenden on the 13th; under orders from headquarters; posted Wood's division in a strong position at Lee and Gordon's Mills; under orders to resist any advance of the enemy to last; and in case of extremity; if Granger was not in position to support; then to fall back to some point where he could guard the road to Chattanooga and the one around the point of Lookout Mountain; and hold both roads; as long as he had a man under him。  The next day Crittenden moved the two remaining divisions of his corps to a position on the southern spur of Missionary Ridge; his right communicating with Thomas; where he was to remain; covering the road in Chattanooga Valley。  Finding no movement of the enemy on his front; on the 15th Crittenden was ordered to return with his command and take position near Crawfish Spring; with Van Cleve on the left and Palmer on the right。  During the day Minty with the cavalry made an extended reconnoissance on the front; finding the enemy in force at all points。 Wood; holding position on Chickamauga Creek; at Lee and Gordon's Mills; on the morning of the 18th reported the enemy advancing with strong line of skirmishers on his left and asked for supports。  Van Cleve was placed on Wood's left and Palmer then took Van Cleve's position on Wood's right。  Wilder in the afternoon reported Minty's cavalry driven back after being re…enforced with two of his regiments; that the enemy was flanking him and that he would fall back on Wood。  Palmer later in the day was placed on the left of Van Cleve's new position on the line of Chickamauga Creek; his last brigade reaching its position at four o'clock on the morning of the 19th; Wood holding his position on the creek at Lee and Gordon's Mills; which at this point runs between steep rocky bluffs in an eastwardly course; with the road to Chattanooga via Rossville crossing it at right angles; Van Cleve on his left and Palmer on the left of Van Cleve; the general course of the line being northeasterly along the Chickamauga and Rossville road。

Chapter XII。

The Battle of Chickamauga。

Colonel Dan。 McCook; of Granger's reserve corps; who had been posted on the road leading to Reed's Bridge; on the evening of the 18th; made a reconnoissance to Chickamauga Creek as far as Reed's Bridge; which he burned。  On the 19th; meeting Thomas; he reported that an isolated brigade of the enemy was on the west side of the creek; and as the bridge was destroyed a prompt movement in that direction might succeed in capturing the entire force。  Thomas ordered Brannan to post a brigade on the road to Alexander's Bridge as support to Baird; and with his other 
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