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01-what is man-第21章

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moral constitution。

O。M。  It is a COLORLESS force seated in the man's moral constitution。

Let us call it an instincta blind; unreasoning instinct; which cannot

and does not distinguish between good morals and bad ones; and cares

nothing for results to the man provided its own contentment be secured;

and it will ALWAYS secure that。

Y。M。  It seeks money; and it probably considers that that is

an advantage for the man?

O。M。  It is not always seeking money; it is not always

seeking power; nor office; nor any other MATERIAL advantage。  In

ALL cases it seeks a SPIRITUAL contentment; let the MEANS be what

they may。  Its desires are determined by the man's temperament

and it is lord over that。  Temperament; Conscience;

Susceptibility; Spiritual Appetite; are; in fact; the same thing。

Have you ever heard of a person who cared nothing for money?

Y。M。  Yes。  A scholar who would not leave his garret and his

books to take a place in a business house at a large salary。

O。M。  He had to satisfy his masterthat is to say; his temperament;

his Spiritual Appetiteand it preferred books to money。  Are there

other cases?

Y。M。  Yes; the hermit。

O。M。  It is a good instance。  The hermit endures solitude;

hunger; cold; and manifold perils; to content his autocrat; who

prefers these things; and prayer and contemplation; to money or

to any show or luxury that money can buy。  Are there others?

Y。M。  Yes。  The artist; the poet; the scientist。

O。M。  Their autocrat prefers the deep pleasures of these

occupations; either well paid or ill paid; to any others in the

market; at any price。  You REALIZE that the Master Passionthe

contentment of the spiritconcerns itself with many things

besides so…called material advantage; material prosperity; cash;

and all that?

Y。M。  I think I must concede it。

O。M。  I believe you must。  There are perhaps as many

Temperaments that would refuse the burdens and vexations and

distinctions of public office as there are that hunger after

them。  The one set of Temperaments seek the contentment of the

spirit; and that alone; and this is exactly the case with the

other set。  Neither set seeks anything BUT the contentment of the

spirit。  If the one is sordid; both are sordid; and equally so;

since the end in view is precisely the same in both cases。  And

in both cases Temperament decides the preferenceand Temperament

is BORN; not made。


O。M。  You have been taking a holiday?

Y。M。  Yes; a mountain tramp covering a week。  Are you ready to talk?

O。M。  Quite ready。  What shall we begin with?

Y。M。  Well; lying abed resting up; two days and nights; I

have thought over all these talks; and passed them carefully in

review。  With this result:  that 。 。 。 that 。 。 。 are you

intending to publish your notions about Man some day?

O。M。  Now and then; in these past twenty years; the Master

inside of me has half…intended to order me to set them to paper

and publish them。  Do I have to tell you why the order has

remained unissued; or can you explain so simply a thing without

my help?

Y。M。  By your doctrine; it is simplicity itself:  outside

influences moved your interior Master to give the order; stronger

outside influences deterred him。  Without the outside influences;

neither of these impulses could ever have been born; since a

person's brain is incapable or originating an idea within itself。

O。M。  Correct。  Go on。

Y。M。  The matter of publishing or withholding is still in your

Master's hands。  If some day an outside influence shall determine

him to publish; he will give the order; and it will be obeyed。

O。M。  That is correct。  Well?

Y。M。  Upon reflection I have arrived at the conviction

that the publication of your doctrines would be harmful。

Do you pardon me?

O。M。  Pardon YOU?  You have done nothing。  You are an

instrumenta speaking…trumpet。  Speaking…trumpets are not

responsible for what is said through them。  Outside influences

in the form of lifelong teachings; trainings; notions;

prejudices; and other second…hand importationshave persuaded

the Master within you that the publication of these doctrines

would be harmful。  Very well; this is quite natural; and was to

be expected; in fact; was inevitable。  Go on; for the sake of

ease and convenience; stick to habit:  speak in the first person;

and tell me what your Master thinks about it。

Y。M。  Well; to begin:  it is a desolating doctrine; it is

not inspiring; enthusing; uplifting。  It takes the glory out of

man; it takes the pride out of him; it takes the heroism out of

him; it denies him all personal credit; all applause; it not only

degrades him to a machine; but allows him no control over the

machine; makes a mere coffee…mill of him; and neither permits him

to supply the coffee nor turn the crank; his sole and piteously

humble function being to grind coarse or fine; according to his

make; outside impulses doing the rest。

O。M。  It is correctly stated。  Tell mewhat do men admire

most in each other?

Y。M。  Intellect; courage; majesty of build; beauty of

countenance; charity; benevolence; magnanimity; kindliness;

heroism; andand

O。M。  I would not go any further。  These are ELEMENTALS。

Virtue; fortitude; holiness; truthfulness; loyalty; high ideals

these; and all the related qualities that are named in the

dictionary; are MADE OF THE ELEMENTALS; by blendings;

combinations; and shadings of the elementals; just as one makes

green by blending blue and yellow; and makes several shades and

tints of red by modifying the elemental red。  There are several

elemental colors; they are all in the rainbow; out of them we

manufacture and name fifty shades of them。  You have named the

elementals of the human rainbow; and also one BLENDheroism;

which is made out of courage and magnanimity。  Very well; then;

which of these elements does the possessor of it manufacture for

himself?  Is it intellect?

Y。M。  No。

O。M。  Why?

Y。M。  He is born with it。

O。M。  Is it courage?

Y。M。  No。  He is born with it。

O。M。  Is it majesty of build; beauty of countenance?

Y。M。  No。  They are birthrights。

O。M。  Take those othersthe elemental moral qualities

charity; benevolence; magnanimity; kindliness; fruitful seeds;

out of which spring; through cultivation by outside influences;

all the manifold blends and combinations of virtues named in the

dictionaries:  does man manufacture any of those seeds; or are

they all born in him?

Y。M。  Born in him。

O。M。  Who manufactures them; then?

Y。M。  God。

O。M。  Where does the credit of it belong?

Y。M。  To God。

O。M。  And the glory of which you spoke; and the applause?

Y。M。  To God。

O。M。  Then it is YOU who degrade man。  You make him claim

glory; praise; flattery; for every valuable thing he possesses

BORROWED finery; the whole of it; no rag of it earn
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